
Fade Chen spotted the location of the branch in the air, without any hesitation, his whole body turned into a meteorite, dragging a long flame tail, and rushed towards the ground of the branch.


There was a loud noise, and before the members of the branch could react, Fade Chen was wrapped in a layer of flames and landed on the ground of the branch.

The strong energy and flames from the impact of the landing swept away with a roar, engulfing a group of members.

Amidst the screams, more than a dozen branch members who were too close to the landing site fell to the ground, wailing endlessly.

Some broke their arms and legs directly from the impact of the air wave, some were ignited by the flames, and some were even more tragic, hit to the vitals by the energy, and died suddenly.

As soon as he landed, Fade Chen abolished more than ten people in the branch before he could make a move.

As a result, everyone on the scene and on the Internet gasped, with serious expressions.

"This, is this the strength of Master Chen? It's too fierce!"

"I didn't expect him to be so strong? Elder Fielding, I'm afraid he won't be able to stop him."

The noise grew louder, and the members seemed a little shaken.

At the critical moment, Fielding, with long robes and white hair, stood up and yelled, "Fight!"

In an instant, the members of the branch who had been a little shaken by Fade Chen just now had serious faces, gripped their weapons tightly, and stared at the landing point where the flames were still burning.

In the flames, a figure slowly stood up and walked out of the flames, like a demon god returning from the flames of hell.

After walking out, Fade Chen locked onto Fielding at a glance, and said coldly: "You are the person in charge here, and I will give you a choice, hand over Victor, and disclose the truth about the Duke Martial Arts Academy incident, so you don't have to die."

Fielding stepped out, looked at Fade Chen, and said, "The Illuminati will not be humiliated."

When Fade Chen heard this, his eyes turned cold, and he said in a cold voice, "Really? Then die!"

The moment he spoke, Fade Chen pulled out an afterimage and blasted out.

Almost at the same time as Fade Chen started, Fielding snarled and moved.


In an instant, hundreds of energy, like countless bullets, shot towards Fade Chen densely.

At the same time, Fielding held a trident in his hand, sparking three beams of light, roaring towards him.

At this moment, the situation in the entire branch changed color, the true energy flew, the vigor roared, and the strong vigor vibrated, even making the ground tremble slightly.

This is the battle of god-level warriors, the sky and the earth change color, and the earth shakes.

"Crack clap clap!"

A burst of dense sounds sounded, it was the attack of hundreds of branch members, and the sound of the protective shield of true energy falling on Fade Chen.

Although these members, when attacking, it can be said that each and every one of them almost used their strength to attack with all their strength.

But their offensive, to Fade Chen, was completely scratching the itch. They couldn't even break through Fade Chen's true energy shield, let alone hurt Fade Chen.

Fade Chen ignored the offensive of these ordinary members at all, and rushed all the way, waving a few bursts of anger casually.

"Whoa, bang!"

The sound whizzed past, and then, there were bursts of screams.

The ordinary members on both sides, without any resistance, were knocked out one by one and fell to the ground, unable to move.

Seeing this, Fielding's eyes trembled, and his eyes became more and more angry.

With a stern shout, Fielding's body surged with a blue energy like sea water, merged into the trident, and flew out.

"Sea God Trident!"

This is Fielding's unique trick. It is rumored that when he was young, he went fishing with his parents, but in a storm, the fishing boat was overturned, and the three members of Fielding's family fell into the sea.

Unfortunately, his parents were killed, but Fielding was lucky enough to pick up a trident in the sea, from which he sensed a special breath and survived.

Later, relying on the special aura in the trident, Fielding's strength continued to improve, and he finally joined the Illuminati and became an elder.

And the things about him back then gradually spread, and it was said that he had received the Seagod's inheritance in the sea, comprehended the Seagod's martial intent, and became a strong one.

The Seagod Trident inspired by this trident also became Fielding's ultimate move.

Over the past few decades, nearly a thousand enemies have died under his tactic.

Now, Fielding has just met Fade Chen, and his first move is a unique move.

It can be said that he attached great importance to Fade Chen, and to some extent, he gave Fade Chen face.


With three blue auras, the trident twisted and swept towards Fade Chen.

The closer the three breaths got, the more surging they became. Like three surging waves, they intertwined and rotated, engulfing Fade Chen and turning the world upside down.

"Roll, break!"

Seeing that Fade Chen was involved in his trick, the corners of Fielding's mouth raised slightly, showing a smug smile, and then he moved his hands again and again.

In an instant, among the three huge waves, countless blade-like vigor quickly spun along with the surge of the huge waves.

The entire giant wave seemed to be turned into a huge meat grinder, trying to crush and grind everything involved in it.


Fielding snarled, and a layer of azure blue aura, like sea water, poured out of his body, merged into the trident, and strengthened the aura of true essence again.

The trident aroused the energy, the huge waves rolled wildly, and the air blade whirled.

Chen Fei, who was involved, seemed to have no power to resist.

Countless netizens were dumbfounded when they saw this scene in front of the live broadcast.

"This, is this going to end?"

"Elder Fielding, you are going to win."

"Who boasted how powerful that kid was before, and this is the result?"

"I thought he was so strong, but that's all!"

"One branch elder of the Illuminati can handle him, hehe, he was rendered as if he was some kind of big devil before."


Chen Dongyu in the office building couldn't help but burst into joy at this moment, and even stood up and clapped his hands: "We won, we won. That kid is dead."

After finishing speaking, Chen Dongyu turned around with a smile all over his face, wanting to give Mifia a high-five to celebrate.

But to his embarrassment, Mifia didn't pay attention to him at all, and didn't move at all.

Moreover, President Omis on the sofa, with a gloomy expression at the moment, said: "It's not over yet!"

"President, that guy is completely suppressed by President Fielding. He will definitely lose, why is it not over yet, he—" Chen Dongyu said in confusion.

But before he finished speaking, there was a sudden change on the screen.

Chen Fei, who seemed to be swept by huge waves, had no power to resist at all.

Suddenly, a red fire lotus was lit and ignited in the huge waves.

The fire lotus burned bigger and brighter, and finally smashed the three huge waves with a bang, turning them into countless fine water droplets and spreading them around.

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