Thinking of this, Zhu Kuishan stretched out his right hand, gathered his breath, and resisted the energy.

With his left hand behind his back, he carved on the bark vigorously, leaving signals one by one.


Zhu Kuishan, who was distracted, was naturally not Luo Hongnan's opponent. He was hit in the front and flew out, smashing a lot of trees. A big mouthful of blood spewed out from his mouth. His complexion suddenly turned pale, and he fell to the ground, almost unable to move.

And Luo Hongnan, with a sinister smile on his lips, walked up to Zhu Kuishan step by step, and said, "You, it's time to go."

Zhu Kuishan looked at Luo Hongnan resolutely, and said, "Even if you kill me, the traitor will never escape punishment."

"Betrayer, punishment?"

Luo Hongnan chuckled, and shattered several trees with a few bangs, "You're counting on Fade Chen and the others, those signals are also reserved for them."

"But don't worry, I will destroy all of these.

I will help you handle all kinds of investigation materials in your Budou League office.

Even including the materials you hid in the adopted son's home that you don't recognize, I will handle it well. "

Hearing this, Zhu Kuishan's expression changed drastically.

When he started checking Qin Tianwu Hall and found something abnormal, he realized that this matter was not a trivial matter, and it was very likely to bring great danger.

So, he vigilantly divided the investigation materials into several copies and hid them in different places.

One of the most secret places is a young man I once helped, and later recognized him as a foster father.

This adoptive son is very secretive. Over the years, he has rarely seen Zhu Kuishan.

Few outsiders know that Zhu Kuishan has such a helper.

Therefore, Zhu Kuishan left a copy of almost all the most important information with his adopted son.

It is precisely because of this information that Zhu Kuishan is not too worried.

But now, Luo Hongnan actually dug out the information of his adopted son, which made Zhu Kuishan shocked and excited, "How do you know—" Luo Hongnan shook his head and smiled, "You still don't know how powerful we are ! Besides, you still don't know, what exactly does your adopted son want?"

"You mean, he—impossible—" Zhu Kuishan's face turned pale, and his expression sank.

Luo Hongnan laughed and said, "Nothing is impossible.

Your adopted son, in order to repay the kindness of the past, has been your Zhu Kuishan's assistant in secret for more than 30 years, doing shady things. "

"Do you really think that someone would be willing to be a mouse hiding in the dark forever?

They are also eager for light and upward. "

"It's just that you, the adoptive father who is the leader of the Martial Arts League, doesn't seem to know this!"

"And we provided him with upward channels and materials, so he joined us."

Luo Hongnan laughed.

Zhu Kuishan's face was full of astonishment, he gritted his teeth and said, "Impossible, you are lying to me, I won't believe it."

Luo Hongnan sneered and said, "It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, everything will be over when you die."

Immediately, Luo Hongnan gathered his breath, ready to give Zhu Kuishan the final blow.

Zhu Kuishan was full of despair and unwillingness, gritted his teeth and looked at Luo Hongnan, wanting to resist, but his heavy body couldn't move at all.

Seeing death is coming.

At this moment, a whistling sound quickly approached.

It seems that something is flying towards this direction.

Luo Hongnan couldn't help but looked up.

Then, his pupils constricted, and a look of astonishment appeared in his eyes.

In the air, a figure rushed towards this direction at an extremely fast speed, like a missile.

"what is that?"

Luo Hongnan just asked a question.

There was a loud "boom".

The figure in the air smashed into the forest abruptly, and landed with a bang less than 500 meters away from the two of them.

The huge impact directly set off a wave of dirt, stones and trees, setting off a shock wave.

"This—" Sensing the terrifying power of this momentum, Luo Hongnan's complexion changed drastically.

Immediately, his eyes turned hard, and without wasting any time, he raised his hand and attacked Zhu Kuishan, ready to finish him off.

But at the same time as he was moving, a black shadow rushed out of the pothole and bumped into Luo Hongnan at an extremely fast speed.

Luo Hongnan suddenly felt as if a meteorite hit him, and his whole body was directly knocked into the air, his internal organs seemed to explode, a big mouthful of blood spewed out from his mouth, and he fell to the ground.

But at this moment, that swift figure rushed towards Zhu Kuishan and began to diagnose his pulse.

"Xiao Chen, you, you are here!"

Zhu Kuishan was about to close his eyes and prepare to accept death, but he didn't expect to find Fade Chen coming at the last moment, and he was overjoyed, "You boy, why are you here?

Luo Hongnan——" "Old Zhu, don't worry, everything will be resolved with me. "

After the diagnosis, Fade Chen hurriedly injected the breath of real energy to relieve Zhu Kuishan's injury.

And in the soil here, Luo Hongnan saw Fade Chen with a shocked expression, full of horror.

He struggled to get up, to escape.

But the severe pain from his body made him unable to move at all.

After stabilizing Zhu Kuishan's injury, Fade Chen stepped in front of Luo Hongnan, condescending, with a cold expression, "It really is you!"

"You, damn it!"

No nonsense, Fade Chen had murderous intent in his eyes, and his right hand gathered strength.

Luo Hongnan was shocked when he saw this, and quickly shouted: "No, you can't kill me.

Fade Chen, I am a member of the military department, and I am an official figure. "

"I am willing to stand trial, I am willing to confess everything, I am willing to go to jail."

Luo Hongnan hurriedly said.

At this time, Zhu Kuishan hesitated when he heard the words, and said to Fade Chen: "Xiao Chen, he—" However, Fade Chen shook his head directly and said, "Old Zhu, don't think so much.

This kind of traitor should be killed directly.

As for the rest, I'll take care of it. "

"call out!"

While speaking, the vigor in Chen Fei's hands roared out.

Luo Hongnan was shocked and shouted for mercy, but in the end, his voice stopped abruptly and his breath dissipated.

The second in command of the military department, Luo Hongnan, was killed.

Fade Chen moved so fast that Zhang Qingyu and Zhang Yao, who were watching from the outside, didn't even react.

Zhang Yao looked shocked, "Fade Chen killed Luo Hongnan.

I thought he would catch him and interrogate him. "

Zhang Qingyu was silent for a few seconds, squinted his eyes and said, "It's better to kill him, so as not to confess us."

"Then father, do we have to do it next?

Then Fade Chen's strength seems to be—" Zhang Yao became worried.

Just now, Fade Chen flew in the air and killed Luo Hongnan with one move, which made her feel a little shocked.

After all, she had only heard about Fade Chen's brilliant achievements through the media.

But now, this scene actually happened in front of her, and the feeling and shock were completely different.

Therefore, at this moment, Zhang Yao's heart was shaken unconsciously.

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