Looking at the thunder and lightning rumbling in the sky, the man smiled slightly, turned his head slightly, and said to Xu Junshan.

"It seems that the fight over there is quite intense."

"Now, do you still stick to your original choice?"

Xu Junshan didn't look at the man, but looked straight ahead, and said firmly: "I insist, and I insist even more."

Hearing this, the man seemed a little disappointed, sighed, and said, "Junshan, you and I have worked together for many years, you should know me well, and I did this for the good of China."

"On this goal, you and I should be on the same page. The only difference is the method."

"Could it be that you really can't support me?"

Xu Junshan shook his head and said, "The powerful Huaxia in your mouth is not the same as the powerful Huaxia in my mouth."

"Besides, I don't agree with your way."

The voice of the words is not loud, but there is a firm meaning.

The man looked at Xu Junshan and said, "Junshan, you should have seen the situation in the past two years.

In China and even the entire earth, martial arts are gradually prospering.

In the future, the earth will definitely enter a brand new era of martial arts. "

"If we don't prepare well now, we Huaxia, in the new era in the future, are very likely to fall behind.

At that time, it may be more than one billion people who will suffer along with them. "

Xu Junshan said coldly: "I know that the prosperity of martial arts is unstoppable.

If China wants to be strong in the future, it will definitely embark on the path of martial arts. "

"However, the prosperity of martial arts all the way depends on one's own persistence and hard work, and on unremitting contact and battles.

Not the way it is now. "

When he said this, Xu Junshan gritted his teeth, with a hint of anger in his eyes.

The man obviously sensed Xu Junshan's emotions, but still sighed softly, looked up into the distance, and said, "For future prosperity, some sacrifices are inevitable."


Xu Junshan sneered, and said disdainfully, "It's inevitable to say what you said, just to use those unsuspecting warriors to do drug experiments in exchange for their support?"

The man did not deny it, but continued: "It is an honor to sacrifice for the future of China, and they are heroes of China."


hero? "

Xu Junshan sneered ironically, "Before glory, before becoming a hero, did you ask them if they would like to be a hero?"

"Or to put it another way, since it is glorious, since it is a hero.

Why don't you Zhao Jingguo become this hero, why don't you send your son to be honored? "

The man named Zhao Jingguo shook his head, looked at Xu Junshan, and said, "Junshan, you are too extreme.

People are different from each other, and each has a division of labor.

They are dedicated to the future of China, and I am also fighting for the future of China. "

"Perhaps, they are sacrificing now.

And I will also sacrifice in the future.

In the end, we will end up the same way, no difference. "

Xu Junshan frowned in disgust, and said: "The average age of those who sacrificed was only in their early twenties, and they were honorably sacrificed by you without knowing it.

And you, if you live well for decades, you will die of old age on the hospital bed in the future. "

"It's called the same goal by different routes, and it's called no difference?"

"In this case, why don't you, Zhao Jingguo, sacrifice now!"

Zhao Jingguo said: "Junshan, I know you are angry.

But these unreasonable angry words don't make any sense. "

"I have my job and they have their responsibilities, there is no substitute for the other."

"Besides, for the future of China, even if I really want to be this villain, bear the infamy, and leave a bad name for thousands of years, I am willing."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Jingguo also looked into the distance, the thunder roared continuously.

Xu Junshan frowned fiercely, paused, and said, "Even if you take a step back, I don't discuss whether your actions are right or wrong, but start from the results.

Are you really sure that following those people from Forbidden Island is the right choice? "

"They are ambitious and regard human life as worthless. Cooperating with them is nothing more than seeking skin from a tiger."

Zhao Jingguo shook his head and said, "Junshan, you still know too little about Forbidden Island."

"Their strength is far stronger than you imagined.

Moreover, recently, the seal of the Forbidden Island has been continuously weakened, and it has become easier and easier for the people of the Forbidden Island to enter and leave the world. "

"In this case, working with them can be said to be the best choice.

After all, the kung fu, martial arts, and unique skills handed down from Taboo Island far exceed our ordinary martial arts world. "

"By learning those, we Huaxia warriors can make rapid progress."

"In the future, with the rise of martial arts, we in Huaxia will also have the confidence to stand firm and not be afraid of challenges from other countries' warriors."

Xu Junshan frowned and said: "I admit that the people of Taboo Island are very strong, if there is a suitable way to cooperate, it is also a way.

But in the current situation, you are not cooperating, but surrendering to them. "

"And, as you said, the seal of Forbidden Island is getting weaker and weaker.

Once they really break the seal, enter the human world, and attack the Chinese people, how can we stop them? "

"At that time, can the so-called cooperation still be established?"

"Therefore, self-reliance and self-improvement are the most fundamental way to rise.

Martial arts are about to rise, so we have to work harder and work hard on our own, instead of being willing to be a lackey for others. "

Zhao Jingguo shook his head and said, "If I have enough time and resources, why don't I want to do this.

But the reality is that we don't have the time and the resources.

If we want to rise up only by ourselves, it will take at least thirty years for a generation of warriors to grow up. "

"At that time, I am afraid that the people from the Forbidden Island have already broken the seal and entered the human world.

At that time, how can we resist! "

Xu Junshan gritted his teeth and said, "That's better than being a dog to them.

As a human being, at least I can resist.

But as a dog, life and death are just a word from the other party. "

Zhao Jingguo looked at Xu Junshan and said, "Junshan, I know you have a tough personality and can't stand this kind of thing.

But not everyone is like you.

As the saying goes, it is better to live than to die, and to live, there is still a chance after all. "

"Besides, whether the people from Forbidden Island will fight us is just a guess.

Perhaps, because of the cooperation during this period, they look at us differently, and maybe they don't know how to do it. "

Xu Junshan said: "It's too dangerous to tie your life to the other party's attitude."

"This is also impossible.

The Great Martial Arts World is coming, for the sake of our Chinese people, this has to be done! "

Zhao Jingguo said.

"I still disagree."

Xu Junshan said, "Our China has gone through hardships. For thousands of years, the people fought bloody battles and drove away many invading foreign enemies.

Now, you lose without a fight, I cannot agree. "

"Junshan, it doesn't make any sense to continue arguing about this.

Let time tell who is right or wrong. "

Zhao Jingguo said.

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