Zhu Kuishan broke away from Fade Chen, supported his weak body, stood up, glanced at the camp, and roared: "Who told you to open fire?

And, we've identified ourselves. "

Everyone was silent.

"Do you dare to do it or not?

Who is it, stand up for me! "

Zhu Kuishan roared again.

The commander stood up with a snap, with a serious face, "I gave the order."

"Who are you?"

Zhu Kuishan glared fiercely at the commander and shouted angrily.

The commander said: "Report to Leader Zhu, I am Zhu Chao, the head of the Sixth Regiment of the City Guard."

"Zhu Chao, who told you to open fire on us?"

Zhu Kuishan questioned.

Zhu Chao remained expressionless, and said, "Report to Leader Zhu, we are performing an exercise mission, and our superiors have ordered us to attack and destroy the enemy with all our strength as soon as there is room."

"Destroy the enemy?

I, Zhu Kuishan, is Fade Chen your enemy? "

Zhu Kuishan shouted angrily.

Zhu Chao said: "Report to Leader Zhu, under the circumstances at that time, we were unable to distinguish your identities."

"What happened just now?

We've identified ourselves, why did you order an attack? "

Zhu Kuishan glared fiercely at Zhu Chao.

Zhu Chao gritted his teeth and said, "The situation was critical at that time, we couldn't distinguish the authenticity of the information, so we could only prepare for the worst."

"You—" Zhu Kuishan was so angry that he wanted to hit someone.

However, at this moment, Fade Chen stopped, stepped out, and looked at Zhu Chao.

In an instant, Zhu Chao felt an inexplicable huge pressure coming towards him, like a big mountain, tree in front of him.

"Who is your superior?"

Fade Chen asked.

Facing Fade Chen, Zhu Chao unconsciously replied, "It's General Luo Hongnan."

"He ordered you to attack me?"

Fade Chen asked again.

Zhu Chao's eyes flickered slightly, and he nodded, "Yes!"


Fade Chen sternly shouted, and said coldly, "When you launched an attack, Luo Hongnan was already killed by me, how can he order you?"

"This, this is impossible.

It was an order from General Luo. "

Zhu Chao had a look of surprise and anxiety on his face.

Zhu Kuishan was furious, and stared at him fiercely, "Still lying."

"I didn't, it was really General Luo's order."

Zhu Chao still persisted.

Zhu Kuishan frowned, almost couldn't bear to do it.

Fade Chen, on the other hand, squinted his eyes at the moment, as if he had thought of something.

He looked at Zhu Chao and asked, "When did you last receive an order from General Luo?"

Zhu Chao replied without hesitation: "It was five minutes ago.

General Luo suddenly called and asked us to launch an attack and wipe out the enemy. "

Fade Chen stared at Zhu Chao for a while, then pulled Zhu Kuishan back, and said, "He didn't lie!"

"That's impossible. At that time, Luo Hongnan was already dead."

Zhu Kuishan couldn't believe it.

Fade Chen said: "Luo Hongnan must be dead, but that doesn't mean he can't make phone calls!"

"You mean, someone forged Luo Hongnan's voice to give him the order to attack?"

Zhu Kuishan said.

However, he immediately shook his head violently, denying his guess.

"It's impossible, Luo Hongnan's voice may not be difficult to fake.

But this time the exercise was conducted on the military's encrypted channel, and the other party's number was also a high-level authority number of the military department, so it was almost impossible to forge. "

When Fade Chen heard this, his eyes flickered.

Without continuing to ask, Chen Fei looked at Zhu Chao and said in a deep voice, "Go back to the military headquarters and accept the investigation!"


Zhu Chao didn't dare to resist.

Then, Fade Chen took Zhu Kuishan and the man in black robe and left with a whimper.

A moment later, Zhang Qingyu and Zhang Yao, who were still hesitating whether to escape, were caught by Fade Chen again.

In this way, with four people, Chen Fei returned to the military headquarters all the way.

The man in black was detained, and Fade Chen personally interrogated him.

However, the interrogation did not reveal many new things.

This black-robed man is a vice-master of the Thunder Hall on Forbidden Island. This time, he received the order from the master and came out to assist Zhang Qingyu and ambush Fade Chen.

After the interrogation of the man in black, the interrogation by Zhang Qingyu and Zhang Yao continued.

So, Chen Fei came to Zhu Chao's side, and he took the team back to accept the interrogation.

But after some interrogation, he still insisted on the previous statement, saying that he only started the attack after receiving Luo Hongnan's order.

After a search by the military department, there was not much progress.

The voice was indeed Luo Hongnan's, but it should be a specially prepared recording.

Moreover, there is no problem with the call line, account authority, and order process of the entire order, and it is very standardized.

If Chen Fei didn't know that Luo Hongnan was dead at that time, he would have believed that this order was issued by Luo Hongnan.

The interrogation was still going on, but Chen Fei came out and didn't continue to read.

Zhu Kuishan also followed, frowned and gritted his teeth: "This matter is too strange, there must be something wrong."

Fade Chen said: "That's for sure."

"Zhu Chao didn't lie, and the results found by the military department are not fake either.

Then, there is only one possibility. "

"That order was issued by someone through formal channels."

Hearing this, Zhu Kuishan was shocked, "No way, how is this possible!"

"The secrecy measures of the military department have always been very strict.

Moreover, Luo Hongnan is the number two figure in the army after General Xu. It is almost impossible to bypass his identity verification and directly order through formal channels! "


Fade Chen chewed the word for a while, then looked into the distance.

"Xiao Chen, don't worry, I will definitely investigate this matter strictly, and definitely find out the real culprit behind the scenes."

Zhu Kuishan comforted him.


Fade Chen nodded his thanks.

And at this moment, a phone call came in.

Looking at the caller ID, Fade Chen was slightly taken aback, "General Xu!"

After connecting the phone, Fade Chen said: "General Xu, I'm Xiao Chen, how are you doing recently?"

Xu Junshan on the other end of the phone said in a low voice, "I'm fine."

"Xiao Chen, you should be free now, can you come to me?"

"Uh—" Faintly, Fade Chen felt something, paused, and replied, "I'll be right over."

"Well, I'll wait for you."

Xu Junshan didn't say much, and then hung up the phone.

Fade Chen pushed Zhu Kuishan back to the hospital bed, and then quickly rushed to where Xu Junshan was.

Soon, to the place.

When Fade Chen entered General Xu's bedroom, he saw Xu Junshan bending over in front of the bed, folding his military uniform very carefully.

As if he heard the movement, General Xu turned his head to look, and smiled slightly, "Xiao Chen, you are here, come in!"

"General Xu, you are still injured. Let the nurses do this kind of thing."

Fade Chen came over, wanting to help.

But Xu Junshan had already folded the general outfit, then turned around, smiled at Fade Chen and said, "Just do small things by yourself.

Besides, there may not be such an opportunity in the future. "

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