"Yes, Not Bad!"

Elder Zhou admired for a while, then his tone sank, and he asked again, "You are not afraid of death, if because of you, your relatives and friends around you die one after another, can you bear it?"

"I, I will do my best to protect them."

Fade Chen said.

Elder Zhou continued to ask: "You said it just now, you may not be able to defeat the Forbidden Island yourself, how can you protect the people around you?"

"I—" Now, Fade Chen was really stuck, unable to speak for a while.

At this time, Elder Zhou sighed, and said faintly: "Xiao Chen, you are very young, you have great potential, and you also have the enthusiasm of young people. I can understand your thoughts."

"But you should understand the question I asked you just now."

"If my old man is the only one, I don't mind resisting and dying.

However, I am sitting in this position now, I can't be so casual, I can't be so willful. "

"You can't watch your friends and family die.

For me, the more than one billion people in China are my relatives and friends.

I also can't watch them die one by one.

And I don't have enough strength to protect them. "

"So, I had to make this choice."

"Because, this is not my life alone, but the lives of more than one billion people in China.

We are not lone rangers, we have no strength to resist, no place to escape, the only way to go. "

After finishing speaking, Elder Zhou let out a long sigh.

On the other end of the phone, Fade Chen was also silent for a while, speechless for a while.

He heard Zhou Lao's helplessness, he wanted to stand up and protest, he wanted to say that this was not the right choice.

But the words came to his lips, but he couldn't get them out.

Because, he knows that there is no so-called correct choice when the strength is not as good as others.

It's just the difference between dying more or dying less, being a decent slave or a miserable slave.

A deep sense of helplessness surged into Fade Chen's heart, making him feel bored.

"Xiao Chen, I hope you can understand my decision."

At this time, on the other end of the phone, Mr. Zhou spoke up.

Chen Fei took a deep breath, with a serious face, and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Zhou, I respect and understand your choice.

But personally, I wouldn't choose this path. "

"I understand you too."

Zhou Lao said, "Jingguo, I will tell him to stop his actions against you."

"Thank you, Mr. Zhou."

Fade Chen said.

Elder Zhou sighed, and said, "Xiao Chen, I don't know whether the path I chose is right or wrong, and I don't know what will happen in the future."

"But one thing I know is that if you are weak, you will be bullied, and you can't resist.

Hope you find a different path! "

Fade Chen said: "I will work hard."

The phone hung up and there was silence.

Xu Junshan looked at Fade Chen and said, "Xiao Chen, are you okay!"

Fade Chen shook his head lightly and said, "I'm fine!"

"General Xu, if it's all right, I'll go back first."

Fade Chen felt a little bored and got up to say goodbye.

Xu Junshan knew that he was not feeling well, so he nodded and sent Fade Chen out.

After returning, Zhao Jingguo did settle down and did not take any action against Fade Chen.

As for the Qintianmen drug experiment, although it is still under investigation, the heat has obviously been suppressed, there is no large-scale report, and it has not attracted much attention.

After talking with Mr. Zhou, Fade Chen knew that perhaps this was the safest choice.

But in his heart, he still felt aggrieved and resentful.

However, this aggrieved and resentment has nowhere to vent and cannot be resolved.

In the end, Fade Chen had no choice but to lock himself in the room, and practice hard without eating or drinking.

In the past few days, in his mind, he kept thinking about the conversation he had with Mr. Zhou.

It seems that each choice has its own reasons.

Chen Fei chose to fight because he was born unyielding and rebellious.

Elder Zhou's choice to be submissive is a compromise out of desperation in reality.

But both options, in essence, are struggling after being cornered.

Its root lies in the lack of strength.

If there are enough warriors in China, they are strong enough.

Rushing directly into the forbidden island and destroying those people, the so-called choice of road will no longer exist.

Thinking of this, Fade Chen worked harder to practice hard.

Lin Qiuhan couldn't help but worry about this kind of almost lifeless penance.

She, who never liked to disturb Fade Chen, took the initiative to knock on Fade Chen's door, pulled Fade Chen out forcefully, took a good bath, and then had a meal.

At this point, Lin Qiuhan was still not at ease, and invited relatives and friends out again, preparing for a gathering for everyone, which was to relax Fade Chen.

Looking at the smiling relatives and friends, Fade Chen's depressed mood for the past few days finally eased a little.

He knew that his blind depression would not have any effect, but would make the people around him worry, so it is better to face it well.

So, Fade Chen spent the most relaxing day since this period of time.

In the evening, Fade Chen and Quin Lin sent off relatives and friends.

Then, they entered the room together.

That night, the garden is full of spring! The next morning, Fade Chen got up from the bed refreshed. After washing up, he went to cook for himself and prepared some medicinal food for his wife to make up for it.

After all, last night consumed too much.

However, when Fade Chen was busy in the kitchen, Xu Junshan's phone call came in.

"General Xu?

Is there a problem? "

Fade Chen was a little puzzled, but he still connected the phone.

On the other end of the phone, Xu Junshan's tone was a little short, with anger in it, "Xiao Chen, have you read the news?"

"News, what news?"

During this period of time, Fade Chen has been depressed and retreated, and he didn't pay attention to the news at all.

Yesterday, I got together with relatives and friends again, so naturally I didn't pay attention to these.

"What happened?"

Xu Junshan said: "You turn on the TV!"

Fade Chen walked into the living room, turned on the phone, and the news channel was broadcasting a piece of news.

The content of the news is an investigation into the incident at the Qin Tian Wuguan.

Among them, the protagonist is the father of the bereaved couple rescued by Fade Chen.

After investigation, it was finally determined that there was indeed a training error in Qintian Wuguan, which led to the death of the student.

In the end, it was judged that Qintian Martial Arts should compensate the couple two million yuan.

All other similar incidents shall be compensated according to this standard.

And because of this incident, Xinwu Group, the parent company behind Qintian Martial Arts, was investigated and sentenced to prison.

That's all for the news.

After reading it, Fade Chen's complexion sank, and he said, "Is this the end of the matter about the Qintian Martial Arts Hall?"

On the other end of the phone, Xu Junshan said: "The matter stopped at the Xinwu Group level.

Not to mention the matter of Forbidden Island, even Zhang Yao and Zhang Qingyu of Qintianmen were not involved at all.

And, they've been released. "

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