Withdrawing his gaze, the team leader turned his gaze to Xu Junshan and said, "General Xu, you are a general in the army.

The higher-ups are very disappointed in you for blatantly participating in such violations of law and discipline.

You—" Before he could finish speaking, Xu Junshan waved his hand and interrupted him, "I am no longer a general in the army. "

"Uh—" The leader of the inner guard showed surprise on his face.

Xu Junshan said: "Last night, I submitted my resignation.

From now on, I am just an ordinary Chinese, not a general in the army. "

Hearing this, Fade Chen was also surprised.

The leader of the inner guard frowned, looked at Xu Junshan, and was speechless for a long time.

Seeing this, Xu Junshan said: "As an ordinary citizen, if you want to arrest me and go back for investigation, I will cooperate with your work."

When the team leader heard this, instead of feeling any relaxation, he became more and more nervous.

Although Xu Junshan's strength has declined a little due to his injuries.

It's not that Xu Junshan can't be taken down by their internal guards.

But strength is not the point, the point is Xu Junshan's status.

He is the Chinese god of war who has stood in China for decades, and the symbol of a soldier who has carried the Chinese army through decades of hardships.

Once he is moved, the chain consequences will be difficult for those big bosses behind him to deal with.

Considering these, the team leader finally did not dare to order to do anything.

For a moment, the scene fell into an embarrassing situation.

Fade Chen didn't cooperate with the investigation, but his strength was too strong, so they didn't dare to arrest him.

And Xu Junshan said that he would not resist and would cooperate with the investigation, but they still dare not arrest people because of their influence.

In desperation, the team leader could only wave his hands and shout "retreat", and then left with the people as they were.

At the scene, calm was restored.

Fade Chen looked at the distressed villa, looked at Xu Junshan, and said, "Thank you, Uncle Xu!"

Xu Junshan smiled and said, "It's okay, things have changed a lot in the past two years.

In that position, I didn't want to continue to sit down, so it's fine to step back. "

"Also, Xiao Chen, I will take care of this matter, so you don't have to worry too much."

"Take care of your family!"

Xu Junshan waved goodbye and left.

Fade Chen returned to the villa to help his wife heal.

... For three days, it was extremely peaceful, without any relevant news reports.

It seems that nothing happened at all.

On Fade Chen's side, three days later, he received a call from Mr. Zhou.

On the phone, Mr. Zhou, with a weak voice, expressed his apology to Fade Chen, indicating that Zhao Jingguo's actions were not what he meant.

At the same time, he also asked Fade Chen what compensation he needed.

Fade Chen asked for nothing, didn't ask for anything.

This incident seemed to have passed away and was buried silently.

However, on the fourth day, a sudden news detonated China and even the whole world.

Known as the Chinese God of War, Xu Junshan, who has stood in China for decades, publicly announced that he has retired from the army and has since become an ordinary person.

As soon as this news was announced, it quickly became the headlines of the major media, causing countless discussions.

After all, this is the Chinese god of war, who existed like a pillar of China in the past few decades.

Although in the past two years, due to injuries and the rise of martial arts, Xu Junshan's title as the Chinese God of War seems to have been gradually weakened, and there have been fewer related discussions.

But decades of achievements and status are there, especially many older people, who respect Xu Junshan like a god.

When Xu Junshan announced his resignation from the army, many veterans all over the country voiced their voices, begging Xu Junshan not to retire.

Some media people with a keen sense of smell also seemed to have noticed something, conducted in-depth reports, and asked Xu Junshan why he was retiring from the army at this time.

All of a sudden, relevant news was dug out piece by piece.

In the past few years, there have been news reports that Xu Junshan was neglected and isolated.

There are speculations about the rise of the martial arts school and the decline of the military's status.

There is also news that Liu Zhenjiang and Luo Hongnan, the two second-in-commands, have problems successively.

Of course, there is also a series of events that happened recently caused by Qintian Martial Arts.

The death of Zhang Qingyu, Zhang Yao, the mysterious man in black, and Zhao Jingguo.

All kinds of clues are connected together, making countless people speculate that the reason why Huaxia God of War retired from the army was because he disagreed with the ideas of some high-level people and was suppressed by the other party to leave.

At the same time, some people dug up the relationship and little things between Fade Chen and Xu Junshan.

Someone also listed that Fade Chen has made great contributions to China in the past few years, especially the two battles to repel foreign warriors.

But the fact that it still hasn't been reused.

Therefore, many people speculated that Xu Junshan and Fade Chen belonged to the same faction. They have contributed a lot to the country and the people over the years.

As a result, they were ignored and suppressed.

In the end, they were marginalized and driven away because of discord with some people at the top.

That's why Xu Junshan left this time.

These rumors were mixed with true and false and spread on the Internet, which immediately aroused heated discussions and discussions among countless netizens.

Hundreds of millions of netizens left messages and comments on the Internet, asking the authorities to thoroughly investigate the matter and give Xu Junshan and Fade Chen a fair treatment.

The matter got so big that the official finally had to issue a notice publicly, explaining that Xu Junshan's departure was due to personal reasons and had nothing to do with the discord circulating on the Internet.

At the same time, the notice also denied the news that they suppressed Xu Junshan and Fade Chen.

I solemnly declare that this is just a normal personnel transfer.

As soon as this notice was issued, it immediately sparked a bigger discussion.

Not only did it not have the effect of explaining, but it angered many netizens, and waves of condemnation followed one after another on the Internet.

Countless people clamored to seek justice for Xu Junshan and Fade Chen, and things got out of hand.

At this moment, in a meeting room inside the red wall, a group of people read the report with pale faces and very ugly expressions.

The person presiding over the meeting was a middle-aged man in his sixties who wore glasses.

His name is Xu Ning, and he is the person who replaced Zhao Jingguo after the incident.

After Xu Junshan resigned, Mr. Zhou asked him to deal with the follow-up matters, and the result was a mess, which annoyed him very much.

At this moment, seeing all kinds of comments on the Internet, Xu Ning was so angry that he slapped the table.

"Let you explain things and control public opinion.

I'm not asking you to add fuel to the fire and make things more and more chaotic. "

"Is it okay? If not, just get out and replace me!"

"Leader Xu, this, this time, the public opinion is too influential, and I'm afraid there is no way to calm it down in a while.

Moreover, some things involve confidentiality, and we have no way to explain them to the public. "

A member of the meeting spoke up.

"Yes, Xu Junshan is the Chinese God of War after all. His sudden departure will indeed cause a lot of discussion."

"I asked you to come here to solve the problem, not to listen to your complaints and find reasons."

Xu Ning shouted angrily, interrupting everyone's words.

Immediately, the scene was quiet, the atmosphere was a little depressed, and everyone was speechless.

At this moment, Zhao Gang who was sitting at the corner of the conference table spoke up.

"Uncle Xu, no team leader.

I have an idea. "

Xu Ning looked at Zhao Gang with a slightly relaxed expression. After all, he and Zhao Jingguo are very familiar and have a good relationship.

Zhao Gang's father died, so he still has to take care of his emotions.

"Zhao Gang, what can you do, tell me!"

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