"Zhao Gang, Zhao Jingguo!"

When these two names came out, many reporters at the scene were at a loss, as if they hadn't heard much about them.

However, soon, someone realized something, with a look of surprise on his face.

"Zhao Jingguo, then, isn't that the name on the Internet rumors?"

"It is said on the Internet that General Xu and Fade Chen were excluded because they did not deal with Zhao Jingguo."

"Also, there is a video showing that Zhao Jingguo seems to have been killed by Master Chen."

"There really is Zhao Jingguo, and his son has appeared.

Doesn't this prove that everything uploaded on the Internet is true? "

...For a while, the reporters on the scene became lively.

Numerous viewers were also suddenly interested.

Zhao Gang looked at the crowd below, suppressed the noise, and said, "I know what you want to ask, I'm here today to announce the truth of the whole matter to everyone."

As soon as these words came out, there was another sound of excitement and uproar.

Zhao Gang opened his mouth and said: "The course of the incident will start two years ago..." Immediately, Zhao Gang roughly talked about all kinds of things in the past two years, the rise of martial arts, internal line disputes, and various other things.

Of course, in his mouth, when some things are said, it is another angle.

For example, Forbidden Island, in his mouth, is a powerful organization with goodwill towards China, and it is the first choice for China to cooperate.

However, Xu Junshan and Fade Chen became saboteurs who obstructed cooperation for their own personal interests, regardless of the overall interests of the country.

As for the drug incident in the Qintian Martial Arts Hall, Zhao Gang certainly didn't mention it.

After all, in his opinion, this is just a very small number of people who can be sacrificed for the great cause.

In the end, Zhao Gang concluded: "Xu Junshan's resignation was not because he was excluded, but because he did not agree with his ideas.

Although General Xu is a hero of Huaxia, if he stops Huaxia from moving forward, then, sorry, we can only let him go. "

"As for Fade Chen, I admit that he is very strong personally.

Over the years, he has also done something for Huaxia. "

"But the man, disorganized and undisciplined from the start, never wanted to be restrained.

Relying on his own powerful force, he can do whatever he wants and recklessly.

Even, my father died at his hands because of the disagreement of ideas. "

"This kind of person is, at heart, a self-righteous anarchist.

The existence of such people is a huge threat to the stability and progress of our Chinese society. "

"So, we officially will never recognize this kind of person."

As soon as these words were uttered, the scene exploded instantly, and the reporters raised their hands to ask questions.

But Zhao Gang turned and left without saying a word.

Then, it was announced on the spot that the press conference was over.

The reporters hurriedly got busy and quickly sent back the reports on the scene.

And countless people who watched the live broadcast also started to discuss it.

For a while, the Internet was extremely lively.

There was an extremely lively discussion about this matter, and in terms of camps, they were basically divided into two camps that supported Xu Junshan and Fade Chen and opposed them.

Needless to say, the supportive camp thought that Xu Junshan and Chen Fei had made so many contributions to Huaxia, but they were squeezed out by the high-level and had to leave. The high-level felt sorry for them.

The opponents are a new faction that has risen rapidly after Zhao Gang's speech.

They believed Zhao Gang's speech and believed that Xu Junshan and Chen Fei were stumbling blocks hindering China's progress. Although they had made contributions before, they had to leave now.

The two sides have been arguing and cursing constantly on the Internet.

"A group of ungrateful things, just treat heroes like this?"

"Hehe, can a meritorious person always lie in the credit book for the rest of his life?

Besides, the officials did not treat them badly for the previous credits. "

"If you drive people away directly, is this called no ill treatment?"

"Chasing people?

That is because they themselves obstruct the progress of the times. If they dare not go, should they be allowed to retreat? "

"Hindering the progress of the times, huh, huh, what a big hat.

How do you know that the times will progress in the direction they said?

What if it was the other way around? "

"Didn't you hear?

The forbidden island is so powerful and so friendly to us.

Isn't it the best choice to cooperate and make progress together? "

"They say you believe it?

If Forbidden Island is really so powerful, why should it cooperate with us, why should it help us?

Didn't we pay anything?

Among them, there must be an inside story. "

"People like you just don't like others, and say that there is a shady scene in everything!"

"Do you believe in such clichés as cooperation and win-win?

It is obvious that they are too strong, and the high-level surrendered as dogs.

I bah, a bunch of soft bones. "

"Damn, you're not a soft bone.

Then you fight, you fight, when you see it, how did you die? "

"Dead is better than being a dog."

"It's cooperation, not being a dog.

Don't switch concepts. "

"Cooperation, hehe, it's just an excuse.

Even meritorious officials like Xu Zhanshen and Master Chen have been excluded, so what about cooperation? What a joke! "

... Amidst all kinds of arguments and scolding, there was a commotion on the Internet.

But overall, the voices supporting Xu Junshan and Fade Chen still prevailed.

After all, the status of the two of them in the hearts of old and new people is very high.

Now the official admits that they have indeed excluded the two, which naturally makes many people feel a sense of resistance from the bottom of their hearts.

... At the same time, Fade Chen and Xu Junshan were sitting together, watching the live broadcast, and there was a look of surprise on their faces at the moment.

Xu Junshan frowned and said, "How did they think that they made this matter public?

Don't they know how much turmoil this will cause? "

After all, he has been the God of War in China for many years, even if he is excluded, Xu Junshan still does not want to see social unrest in China.

Fade Chen also frowned, and began to think, "The fact that they disclose these things either means that they don't think it will cause turmoil, or that they think that the turmoil can be quickly quelled."

"Won't it cause turmoil?

They are not that stupid and know the consequences of publishing things. "

Xu Junshan said.

Fade Chen said: "That means they are confident and can quickly resolve the turmoil."

"How to deal with it?

Directly suppress by force, or forcibly block.

None of these are complete solutions. They may suppress turmoil temporarily, but they will sow the seeds of turmoil. "

Xu Junshan frowned.

Fade Chen said: "I don't know exactly what they think.

But what is certain is that there is definitely a backup, otherwise it would not be done. "

"Follower, then we have to make some preparations."

Xu Junshan said.

Fade Chen nodded and said, "It's time to make some preparations."

"I've already selected a place, and I'm going to let Qiu Han and the others move there."

Xu Junshan nodded and said, "That's good, don't put them in danger."

"Uncle Xu, is there anyone on your side that needs to be arranged?

My place is nice, or you can bring your family over. "

Fade Chen said.

Xu Junshan shook his head and said, "I don't need it.

I'm a loner, and I don't have many friends, so don't bother. "

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