Immediately, the aura of true essence erupted from the four of them, and the terrifying aura burst out, transforming into various attacks, and rushed towards Fade Chen.

For a moment, there was a rumbling sound, and the sky and the earth changed color.

The clear blue sky of the desert suddenly became colorful, layers of aura danced and stirred in the air, and streams of light and vigor continued to shuttle past.

Booming explosions continued to explode on the Gobi Desert, raising layers of yellow dust, covering the sky and the sun, which was shocking.

At this moment, the four top experts burst out with all their strength, and the terrifying aura enveloped Fade Chen from all directions, as if they wanted to crush Fade Chen and this world.

Booming crackling sound, stirring breath, sharp whistling sound.

Through the live broadcast of satellite images, it was simultaneously disseminated to the eyes of all audiences around the world.

Countless people are watching the battle at this moment through various screens.

Especially the people of China, more than one billion viewers, are watching the war that is happening thousands of miles away, but seems to be close to us, with different thoughts.

In the picture, every explosion, every bombardment affects the hearts of countless Chinese people.

Although a few days ago, some people who supported Fade Chen and Xu Junshan changed their minds because someone popularized the strength of the four opponents, and instead supported some official opinions represented by Zhao Gang.

But there are still quite a few people who support Fade Chen in their hearts.

Perhaps, many of them are ordinary ordinary people.

They also know the strength of their opponents, and they even know clearly what the consequences will be if they lose.

But even so, they still stood firmly on Fade Chen's side.

They believe that peace does not come from others' charity, nor does it come from being treated like a dog and begging for mercy.

The real peace and the real stability depend on one's own fists to smash out one by one.

However, for countless ordinary people, even if they have this idea, they don't have the ability.

Therefore, they can only express their support to Fade Chen and Xu Junshan on the Internet.

I would like to express my support for these two heroes who served the country and the people.

"Support Fade Chen, Master Chen will surely win."

"Those four people are obviously the ones who pick things up first.

Master Chen's counterattack was nothing more than a passive counterattack.

It is too much for them to take revenge on Master Chen. "

"No matter what, I always support Master Chen."

...For a while, countless voices of support were sent out on the Internet, and the voices of opposition were suppressed all at once.

This surprised Zhao Gang, who was following the public opinion on the Internet.

After all, some time ago, the voices supporting Fade Chen were obviously suppressed.

With a stern face, Zhao Gang ordered: "Go and investigate, why did Fade Chen's voice of support suddenly increase so much?

Is someone playing tricks on it. "

The subordinates took orders and went to work immediately.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the men came back.

Zhao Gang immediately asked: "What did you find?

Is there a problem with the data? "

The subordinate said: "According to the judgment of our data monitoring team, there is no problem with the data.

We used big data to collect those rumors. Many netizens who left messages were emotionally stimulated by the battle and were more excited, so they expressed their support for Fade Chen. "

"And—" Speaking of this, his subordinates paused.

Zhao Gang frowned and said, "And what?

explain. "

The subordinate said: "Just now, Xu Junshan opened a live broadcast to explain the battle situation.

This time, it attracted many people to watch. "

"Xu Junshan's analysis is very professional, so that ordinary people can understand it.

Coupled with his fame there, more and more people are entering the live broadcast room, and almost all of them are supporting Fade Chen. "

"Xu Junshan, live broadcast?"

Zhao Gang frowned, "The address of the live broadcast room?"

The subordinates immediately switched and entered the live broadcast room.

Zhao Gang immediately saw Xu Junshan wearing casual clothes and sitting upright in front of the camera, analyzing the battle situation in the satellite live broadcast.

"In the round of attack just now, the four were defeated by Fade Chen respectively. It can be seen from this that Fade Chen's strength, taken alone, is definitely above the four of them."

"So now, the four of them directly besieged Fade Chen regardless of face."

"Look, that gray-brown light is the attack of the great chief Zulu's wolves.

That is one of his unique skills, the main feature is..." I have to say that professionals are different, and Xu Junshan's live broadcast has attracted more and more netizens to watch.

In the comment area, people kept asking various questions, and Xu Junshan also selected some of them and answered them in time.

Of course, the most frequently asked question is the judgment on the outcome of the battle.

After observing for a while, Xu Junshan didn't shy away from it, and responded directly: "Judging from the current situation, facing the siege of four people, Fade Chen seems to be at a disadvantage.

But from what I know about Fade Chen, I believe he still has a back hand.

In the end, Fade Chen must win. "

As soon as these words came out, a piece of gifts appeared in the live broadcast room, and countless comments were refreshed quickly.

The subordinate looked at other monitoring data, and said, "Fade Chen's online support rate has increased by two percentage points."

Zhao Gang frowned, and said coldly: "We can't continue like this and let them wantonly guide public opinion.

Block the live broadcast room for me. "

"Team leader Zhao, Xu Junshan's live broadcast room is transferred through the external network.

We can't cut off the signal directly! "

The underling said.

"If there is no way, then find a way, otherwise, what do I want you to do?"

Zhao Gang shouted angrily.

His face tightened, and he hurriedly nodded in agreement.

Then, Zhao Gang continued: "Also, go find a few people immediately, and then find the host, live broadcast on the official channel, and comment on the battle situation."


The subordinates quickly nodded and said yes, and went down to get busy.

At this time, the battle on the Gobi desert was still going on fiercely.

Four top experts launched a fierce siege on Fade Chen.

The breath of true energy came continuously, covering Fade Chen almost completely, causing countless dust to blow up.

The whole piece of ground was turned upside down.

And Xu Junshan's live broadcast room became more and more popular.

But, suddenly, with a click, Xu Junshan's live broadcast room went dark.

Countless netizens refreshed the webpage in front of the screen, but it showed that they could not connect.

For a while, many people were confused.

And at this moment, someone said: "Go to the official channel, there is a special program, and the battle situation is being broadcast live."

"With the host Xie Dongyu, General Lin Handong and President Wu Wei of the Warrior Association were invited to make on-site comments."

Immediately, countless netizens switched to the official channel to watch their live comments.

At this moment, the host Xie Dongyu, after introducing the two guests, took the initiative to ask, "Both of you are martial arts masters. How do you comment on the current battle situation?"

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