At this moment, Palace Master Qingmu seems to have figured something out, nodded with determination, and said: "Go and inform the rest of Qingmu Palace, those who are willing to leave, bring important things and leave with me."

"Leave! Where are we going?"

Mu Yuqing was extremely surprised.

Hall Master Qingmu shook his head and said: "I don't know, anyway, I can't stay on Taboo Island any longer."

"Father, I—" Mu Yuqing still had a lot of questions.

But Hall Master Qingmu waved his hand and said to her: "Go and inform!"

Almost the last one, Palace Master Qingmu walked out with the few people left in his Wudian.

At this moment, it is Gu Tianzhong and Gu Yu who are fighting against those people from Wudian just now.

The two had pressure on Luo Yi, who was in the first level of the Shangyuan Soul Realm, but they didn't have any pressure on these people in the Shangwu Palace.

Together, they attacked hundreds of people in Wudian back again and again, and some people were hit continuously, falling into the sea and disappearing.

The situation is critical. Seeing Palace Master Qingmu bring people out, Palace Master Du Yun and others naturally shouted, "Master Qingmu, come and help!"

However, Palace Master Qingmu didn't intend to do anything, but cupped his hands in the direction of Luo Yi in the air, and said: "Palace Master Luo Yi, thank you for your kindness in cultivation.

For so many years, my contribution to Forbidden Island should be enough to repay the kindness of the past. "

"I don't want to participate in today's battle, please forgive me, Palace Master."

After finishing speaking, Palace Master Qingmu waved his hand and directly led people to leave.

Upon seeing this, the Master of Duyun Palace and others changed their expressions greatly, "Aoki, are you going to betray Forbidden Island and Palace Master?"

Palace Master Qingmu ignored it and led the people away quickly.

In the air, as soon as Luo heard the voice, he glanced in Aoki's direction, his eyes were gloomy, filled with hatred, and he gritted his teeth and said, "I've raised a dog for so many years, but I'm still not familiar with it.

The earth ants should have been killed long ago. "

However, after finishing the harsh words, Luo Yi at this moment has no time to kill Palace Master Qingmu.

Because Fade Chen controls the Ice Soul Orb, the pressure to attack is getting bigger and bigger.

Moreover, at this moment, the Ice Soul Orb began to spin, exuding layers of icy white aura, covering Luo Yi.

As long as this white mist is slightly contaminated, you will feel a biting cold, as if your whole body is about to be frozen, and your movements will involuntarily slow down.


Suddenly, Luo Yi let out a scream and spewed out a big mouthful of blood.

It turned out that the moment he was distracted to look at Palace Master Qingmu just now, Fade Chen seized the opportunity and directly controlled the Ice Soul Orb to send out cold air and white mist to rush up.

Luo Yi was caught off guard, his movements slowed down by the freezing white mist, and he was struck by an air sword from Fade Chen, leaving a wound half a meter long on his chest.

At the same time, Gu Tianzhong and Gu Yu's offensive became more and more fierce. As the number of members of the Sixteenth Temple of the Forbidden Island became smaller and smaller, they were beaten back steadily by the two.

Such a scene made the Master Duyun and the others who yelled the loudest just now change their expressions.

The several hall masters glanced at each other, then at the hall master Aoki who had turned into a black spot, and then gritted their teeth.

At this moment, seven or eight hall masters, including Duyun Hall Master, Qunfang Hall Master, Lei Ting Hall Master, and Shengwu Hall Master, all turned around at the same time and started to flee.

The members under them never expected that their Palace Master would run away, they were all stunned, and were quickly killed by Gu Tianzhong and Gu Yu.

And those hall masters ran like flying.

Luo Yi in the air, seeing this scene, couldn't help being extremely angry, and spurted out a big mouthful of blood.

"Trash, traitors, a bunch of trash, a bunch of traitors!"

"I've raised you for so long, but now I'm running away one by one."

It's just that these angry shouts have no effect at this moment.

Chen Fei, who was oncoming, became more and more aggressive.

The number of wounds on Luo Yi's body continued to increase, blood spilled from the air and fell into the sea water, attracting a group of sea fish.

Seeing this, Fade Chen didn't care about the consumption of his soul, so he accelerated his attack and wanted to kill Luo Yi completely.

This scene was broadcast live to the eyes of audiences around the world, triggering rounds of heated discussions.

But at this moment in the red wall office, there was a dead silence.

Xu Ning and Zhao Gang were so ugly that they could not speak.

Many other participating members have already got up and prepared to leave.

"We picked the wrong people and the investment was a complete failure."

"Pray that Fade Chen will be merciful to us for the sake of being Chinese!"

"Some people must pay the price for the original choice."


After another fierce attack, Luo's face turned pale, and the aura on his body became weaker.

Seeing this, Fade Chen continued to attack one after another.

As soon as Luo saw this scene, there was a look of despair in his eyes, "I am a majestic master in the Yuan world, am I really going to die in the hands of this weak human spirit world warrior?"

"No, I'm not reconciled!"

Luo Yi shouted, his face full of unwillingness.

However, another burst of energy struck, cutting off half of Luo Yi's arm.


Luo Yi let out a cry of pain, his eyes were full of ferocity.

He looked at Fade Chen, then looked up at the huge invisible film, which was the body of the World Tree.

Immediately, he gritted his teeth fiercely, and said resolutely: "I'm going to die, so you don't want to die either."

Then, Luo Yi completely ignored the injury of his left arm, and regardless of Fade Chen's pursuit behind him, he raised his head and rushed towards the sky.

"What is he doing here?"

When Fade Chen saw this, he couldn't help being taken aback, but he kept moving and chased him away.

Luo Yi continued to attack, passing through the clouds.

In the end, he hovered in the bright sunlight.

Then, Luo Yi aimed at a void space, waved his right arm, and rushed away with a force of vigor.

After being hit by Luo Yi's energy, the seemingly empty space vibrated with a bang.

A wave of breath then spread out, impacting from top to bottom, stirring up the surrounding clouds and sea water.

After one blow, Luo Yi kept moving and continued to attack again and again.

Moreover, these attacks are almost relentless, life-threatening attacks.

"What the hell is he doing?"

Fade Chen chased after him, full of doubts.

Behind him, Gu Tianzhong and Gu Yu also followed from afar.

Seeing this scene, Gu Tianzhong's complexion changed drastically, and he hurriedly shouted: "He is attacking World Tree, stop him quickly."

Gu Yu also hurriedly explained: "Once the World Tree is breached, the vitality of the Earth Element Realm will pour in directly from the breach.

With the current situation of the earth, it simply cannot bear the impact of the huge vitality within a period of time. "

"At that time, the entire region, and even the earth, will be shaken, and may even be destroyed."

"He is going to drag the whole earth to be buried with him!"

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