The upsurge caused by the live broadcast of the news, in the next few days, also caused rounds of discussions across the country.

In Lincang County, there was also a lot of excitement, whether it was the warriors who came here or the local residents, they all discussed related matters enthusiastically.

Although most people were not satisfied with the actions of the No. 1 Martial Arts School in Beijing, there were faint voices about Fade Chen being guilty and hindering the development of Chinese Martial Arts, but they gradually spread.

Some young people joined the discussion team and criticized Fade Chen. And Cao Xu is regarded as a representative of the new generation of warriors, and he is worshiped as an idol.

For this, the little girl Li Yun was very angry. Every time she came back from going out these few days, she always looked swollen and her face seemed to be a little rounded.

Seeing this, Fade Chen said to the little apprentice: "Xiaoyun, don't be angry about these irrelevant things."

"Come on, let Master see if your strength has improved recently!"

Although Li Yun was still angry, she came to Fade Chen obediently and asked Fade Chen to check it out.

After the inspection, Fade Chen nodded with a smile, and said, "It's not bad. In a few days, I have reached the realm of a first-level warrior, and it's not too far away from a second-level warrior."

"Really? Master!" Hearing the good news, the little girl was finally a little happier.

Fade Chen nodded and said, "Practice according to my method, I assure you. At most one month, you will be able to step into the second-level warrior realm."

"That's great, thank you Master." Li Yun stood up with a smile on her face.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door and a voice shouting, "Excuse me, is this Mr. Chen Feng's house?"

Hearing the call, Li Yun hurriedly walked outside, "Master, I'll open the door."

Fade Chen frowned slightly, and lowered his head to think.

The name Chen Feng was a pseudonym given by Fade Chen in Lincang County. It came from the first nickname "Crazy Chen" that Fade Chen had just left the mountain and made a name for himself in Long'an City.

The reason for choosing this name, Fade Chen also had a little expectation. If the relatives and friends I am familiar with hear this nickname, they may be able to know that I am still alive, which can make them feel relieved.

However, during this period of time, Fade Chen almost stayed at home, rarely went out, let alone knew any locals.

Therefore, no one came to them at all.

Now, someone came to the door and called him by name, which really surprised him.

"I don't know who it is?" Chen Fei muttered, he had already heard Li Yun's creaking sound of opening the door, so he stepped out of the lobby.

And when Fade Chen stepped out of the lobby with his right foot, a beam of sunlight slanted on his face.

Suddenly, Fade Chen felt an incomparably fierce energy roaring towards his neck.

"Enemy attack!"

Fade Chen's heart moved, his body twisted, and almost at the last moment, he avoided this momentum.


One hit missed, and the person who made the shot was surprised. But then he launched an attack again, with an afterimage, flashing cold light, and attacked Fade Chen.

The figure moved very fast, but Fade Chen was even faster.

He snorted coldly, looked at the figure attacking him, clenched his fist with his right hand, and punched out with a bang.


With one punch, he hit the enemy's face with incomparable accuracy.

The huge force broke the enemy's nose, let out a wail, and fell to the ground.

"You—" The enemy obviously didn't expect Fade Chen to be so powerful. He exclaimed, raised his right hand, and shot a hidden cross dart at Fade Chen.

However, with a wave of Chen Fei's hand, he roared out with vigor, and knocked out the hidden weapon.

Then, without waiting for the figure to move again, Fade Chen stepped down with a huge force, directly causing the attacker to vomit blood from the mouth, his face was pale, obviously seriously injured.

Stepping on the man's chest, Fade Chen asked coldly, "Who are you? Why did you sneak attack me?"

However, the man pursed his lips tightly, with a determined face, unwilling to speak.

Fade Chen was about to give him some flair and let him speak.

But at this moment, Li Yun exclaimed from the door, "Ah!"

"Xiaoyun!" Fade Chen was moved, ignoring this guy, and rushed towards the door quickly.

When he came to the door, Fade Chen saw two twenty-six or seven-year-old men fighting against Xiaoyun, forcing her to retreat again and again.

These two men are actually warriors, and both have the strength of first-level warriors. If Xiaoyun's strength hadn't improved recently, she might have lost from the very beginning.

"Master!" Seeing Fade Chen coming out, Li Yun hurriedly shouted.

Fade Chen snorted coldly, "咻咻" twice, and two bursts of energy shot out, knocking them down to the ground.

"Xiaoyun, are you okay!" Fade Chen asked with concern.

Li Yun shook her head and asked aloud, "Master, are you alright?"

Fade Chen shook his head, and led Li Yun towards the house.

Originally, he wanted to interrogate the two men who were knocked down. But when I got closer, I found that they were all foaming at the mouth, breathless, and dead.

Take poison and commit suicide!

Fade Chen's heart moved, and he rushed into the courtyard.

Sure enough, the man who was blasted to the ground by him was also foaming at the mouth at this moment, and he couldn't die anymore.

"So decisive, this is no ordinary person!" Fade Chen's eyes turned cold.

He asked Li Yun to go back to the house to rest, and checked the three corpses by himself.

On the three bodies, there was almost nothing to prove their identity. In the end, only at the hem of the clothes of the white-haired man who attacked him, he found two words "White Wolf" embroidered with silk thread.

"White Wolf, what is it? The name of the person, the name of the organization, or something else? Why did he kill me, and what kind of grievance is there?" Fade Chen guessed in his heart.

However, guessing out of thin air, nothing came of it.

Fade Chen thought of someone, so he dialed the phone number Xu Ying had left for him.

After nearly half a minute, the call was connected.

Fade Chen said: "Ms. Xu, hello, I'm Crazy Chen from Lincang County. I have something to talk to you about!"

"Mr. Chen, my lady is busy." A cold female voice sounded from the other end of the phone.

Fade Chen was stunned for a moment, then recognized the voice, it should be the female companion beside Xu Ying, Sister Han.

So, Chen Fei said: "Sister Han, Miss Xu is from Yuncheng, I would like to ask her for a favor."

"Mr. Chen, Ms. Xu is the eldest lady of the Xu family. And you are just a hunter in Lincang County. Although Ms. Xu is easy-going, she will not look down on anyone. However, there are some gaps that cannot be smoothed out. Some people, It is destined not to exist at the same level. I hope you can understand this." Sister Han's tone carried these warnings.

Fade Chen naturally heard the other party's subtext, "Sister Han, you misunderstood, I have no other ideas. I just want Miss Xu to help me check something. Of course, if it is really troublesome, then forget it."

"What are you looking for? I helped you this time, so don't look for Miss Xu again." Sister Han said impatiently.

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