However, when the group of people came to the pothole, their faces changed instantly.

Because Mu Yu, who was lying in the pothole, dying, disappeared at this moment.

"what happened?

Where did Mu Yu go? "

"Did she escape?

But we are all here, didn't see her leave, and there is no other way to leave here? "

"Could it be that there are ghosts?"

Amidst the doubts, Lin Lu leaned down, looked down, and found something unusual, "It's down there, there's room down there.

Leading to the creek outside the wooden house, Muyu escaped from the waterway. "

Everyone hurriedly checked for a while, only to find that the cabin was not built completely close to the ground.

Instead, in order to prevent moisture, several large wooden stakes were used to support the wooden house, about 30 centimeters from the ground.

Just now, Mu Yu smashed through the floor of the wooden house and smashed into the soil on the ground. It seemed that there was no way to escape from above.

But in fact, she can leave from this high gap.

Going down to check, as expected, on the elevated ground, blood and traces of someone moving were found.

And after climbing this not too long distance, there is a gurgling stream outside the wooden house.

The traces of movement finally disappeared at the creek location.

Apparently, Mu Yu entered the creek, took advantage of the cover of the stream, blocked the blood and traces, and escaped quietly.

"Brother Chen, she shouldn't have gone far, shall we chase her?"

Lin Hu was a little excited.

On the side, Lin Lu, Wei Tian and the others all nodded.

On the other hand, Fade Chen, with a calm face at the moment, shook his head and said: "This place is not safe, and the situation is not very clear, maybe there are other killers.

Now, the most important thing is for us to get out of here safely. "

"But—" Lin Hu still wanted to persuade.

But Chen Fei waved his hand and decided, "Let's go."

...So, the group left the Green Bamboo Pavilion.

And not long after they left, a figure protruded from a bush beside the stream.

Judging from her figure, she was a woman, probably the same as Mu Yu just now.

However, what was surprising was that Mu Yu didn't run away, but hid boldly next to the wooden house, eavesdropping on Chen Fei's conversation.

At this moment, she looked at the back of Fade Chen and his group leaving, and gritted her teeth in a low voice: "This Feng Chen, I didn't expect to be so powerful, damn it."

Immediately, she took out a small mobile phone, encrypted it, and dialed a number.

"Boss, the mission failed."

After a pause, a thick voice came from the other end of the phone, "What happened?"

Immediately, Mu Yu quickly explained the entire assassination process.

After listening, the boss on the other end of the phone fell silent again.

Mu Yu waited for a few seconds, seeing that the boss didn't respond, she asked tentatively: "Boss, this Chen Feng is even more difficult to deal with than imagined.

Otherwise, we withdraw this task! "

As soon as these words came out, the boss on the other end of the phone said, "Mu Yu, have you forgotten our Zhuyeqing's mission?"

"Zhuyeqing, endure the attack and kill, kill with one blow, don't give up until you reach your goal."

Mu Yu immediately shouted the slogan.

The boss said in a deep voice: "You have to remember that the most important thing in our business is reputation.

If you give up when encountering a task that is difficult to complete, then how will you gain a foothold in China in the capital in the future. "

"The party who issued this mission has a good identity.

After completing this mission well, our Zhuyeqing will be able to go one step further.

If it's not finished well, I'm afraid we won't be able to stay in the capital any longer. "

"Boss, I understand.

I will do it again, and I will definitely complete the task. "

Mu Yu said firmly.

Old Daoist: "Forget it, you are injured, come back to recuperate first.

Qing Zhuxuan also gave up.

As for the task, I will send someone to do it again. "


Wooden rain road.

... Not long after, Jun Mowu hung up the phone in a high-end single-family dormitory building of the Women's School, his face was livid and his expression was very ugly.

Beside her, Zhu Xu, who was lying on the bed, saw Jun Mo Wu's appearance, and asked aloud, "Mo Wu, what's wrong?"

Jun Mowu said: "There is news from Zhuyeqing that the assassination failed."


Zhu Xu frowned for a while, "This Zhuyeqing is said to be the most professional assassination organization in China, but it turns out that it can't even do this little thing well?"

"Mo Wu, how about we think of other ways.

After the exchange meeting, Chen Feng was defeated and made a fool of himself, and his reputation was ruined, then we will take action against them—" Zhu Xu said.

However, before he finished speaking, Jun Mowu said with a resentful face: "I can't wait that long."

"Now, every night when I fall asleep, I dream about my father and my brother.

I dreamed that they were wandering around me crying for grievances, and they asked me to avenge them.

If I don't take revenge, I won't be able to calm down. "

"Mo Wu!"

Zhu Xu shook Jun Mowu's hand and said comfortingly, "That Zhuyeqing can't do it, let's ask others to do it.

In this world, they are not the only ones doing this business. "

Jun Mowu shook his head and said: "Don't worry, the boss Zhuyeqing just told me.

They're going to strike again, guaranteeing the completion of this mission. "

"That's good!"

Zhu Xu nodded.

...Here, because of the assassination just happened, Fade Chen didn't let them go home, but sent them all to the Armed Forces Committee.

With the name of the Armed Forces Committee, and with the two masters Zhong Xu and Lin Zhentian in charge, I am afraid that few killers dare to come here to assassinate.

After settling down several people and giving Wei Tian some treatment, Fade Chen changed into black clothes and left the Armed Forces Committee.

As soon as he came out, Fade Chen's figure immediately merged into the night, and he walked through the high-rise streets of the capital.

Half an hour later, Fade Chen came to an office building located on the third ring road of Beijing.

Looking at the 20-storey high-rise in front of him, as well as the lights on in the high-rise and the figures walking overtime, the corners of Chen Fei's mouth slightly raised, showing a sneer, "The big hermit is hidden in the city.

It's surprising that the headquarters of an assassin organization is located in a commercial office building! "

After speaking, Fade Chen stepped out and walked into the office building.

All the way to the eighteenth floor of the office building, Fade Chen walked out of the elevator, sniffed the air in the corridor, narrowed his eyes slightly, and whispered to himself, "This is it."

... At this moment, in this office building, in an office, Mu Yu, who was dressed in the uniform of an ordinary clerk OL, sat on a chair with a serious expression.

Opposite him, sat a middle-aged man in his forties, with a big belly and sleek hair.

Just looking at this attire, no one would be able to tell that this man and woman who looked like a boss and secretary turned out to be the boss and killer of a killer organization.

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