Mu Yunxi and Li Zhentian quickly left the Huaxia Security Department with Jun Mowu and Zhu Xu.

There was no one around, and the two couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Jun Mowu asked aloud: "Principal Mu, are we all right?"

Mu Yunxi glared at her fiercely, and said sharply: "Do you know how much trouble this time has brought us. If it wasn't for Principal Zheng to speak out, and President Long himself to express his opinion, what will happen in the end? Maybe!"

"Principal Zheng and President Long have expressed their views?" Zhu Xu, who was on the side, showed a look of surprise.

Li Zhentian nodded with a serious face, and then spoke briefly, briefly explaining the situation in the meeting room.

After listening, Jun Mowu and Zhu Xu couldn't help but change their expressions.

"The nature of the matter is so serious?"

Mu Yunxi said angrily: "What do you think? Hiring a murderer to assassinate a member of the exchange conference team, do you think it's a trivial matter?"

Jun Mowu shrank his neck, still defending, "I just couldn't swallow that breath, the death of my father and younger brother was all caused by Chen Feng. I—"

Mu Yunxi stretched out her finger, poked Jun Mowu's head fiercely, and said in a low voice, "You idiot, even if the matter is done, don't leave evidence."

"As a result, last time Zhuyeqing's boss was caught by him, and he left a recording. This time, someone even took a video. Are you brainless?"

Being criticized by the principal, Jun Mowu immediately lowered his head and said, "Principal, I know I was wrong. I will pay attention to it in the future."

"In the future! Don't let this kind of thing happen again." Mu Yunxi shouted.

Jun Mowu could only nod his head and say yes, not daring to say anything more.

After Mu Yunxi taught her a lesson, Li Zhentian with a serious face spoke up.

"Did nothing unusual happen when you were talking in the room last night?"

Hearing the principal's question, the two pondered for a few seconds, then shook their heads, "No!"

"Not at all, did you feel any signs of being followed?" Li Zhentian continued to ask.

Zhu Xu shook his head and said, "Principal Li, I'm sure I didn't feel anything unusual at the time. At that time, after we finished talking, I checked the inside and outside of the house, but there was nothing unusual, nothing at all."

After hearing this, Li Zhentian frowned and his expression became very serious.

Seeing this, Zhu Xu couldn't help but said, "Principal Li, is this important?"

Li Zhentian asked back: "You and Mo Wu are both the top fighters of our young generation in China. It can be said that they are second only to Cao Xu. But you didn't realize that Chen Feng was following you at all. That is to say, that Chen Feng was following you." In terms of concealing aura, it is at least on the same level as you."

After a pause, Li Zhentian continued: "Also, plus that Chen Feng killed Jun Wutian before and won the championship in the trials. His strength may be stronger than we expected."

After hearing this, Jun Mowu said: "However, during the training camp these days, Chen Feng's strength is very average, basically in the middle and lower reaches of the third tier, barely at the bottom."

Li Zhentian snorted coldly: "Look at the strength, don't just look at the surface. Can you guarantee that Chen Feng didn't deliberately hide his strength?"

"Besides, that Chen Feng is a bit strange. His martial arts realm, according to outsiders' investigation, is at most only the peak realm of a fourth-level warrior. But his strength is definitely beyond the peak of the fourth-level."

"This—" Jun Mowu was speechless for a moment.

Zhu Xu realized the meaning behind the principal's words, and said, "Principal, what do you mean? Then Chen Feng is most likely hiding his strength, we must be careful to prevent him."

Li Zhentian said: "Be careful, but don't worry too much. No matter how strong he is, he is just a young man."

"This time, President Long's most important thing is the exchange meeting. So, during this period of time, don't think about other things, let alone cause trouble, and do your best to train and prepare for the exchange meeting. This is what you should do, understand? ?”

"Understood!" Zhu Xu said loudly while sitting upright.

Seeing this, Jun Mowu hurriedly responded, "Understood!"

After the confession, Mu Yunxi and Li Zhentian glanced at each other, and said to them, "Okay, we've said everything we need to say. Now, you guys go back and train hard, and we're leaving."

After finishing speaking, the car stopped, and the two of them turned into two afterimages, disappeared from the car, turned into streamers, and disappeared into the sky.

In the car, Jun Mowu and Zhu Xu were relieved to see the two afterimages completely disappear into the sky.

Relaxing his body and leaning on the back of the chair, Jun Mowu said, "I'm finally free. I was going to go crazy when I was locked up for a few hours in the morning."

After finishing speaking, Jun Mowu looked at Zhu Xu and said with a smile: "A Xu, what do you think we should celebrate today. Or, let's hold a party. Call the rest of the team and celebrate .”

"There is also Cao Xu, please, please. After all, this time, Principal Zheng of the No. 1 Martial Arts School in Beijing spoke for us, and Cao Xu also submitted evidence. We should thank him."

Hearing this, Zhu Xu hesitated.

"This is not good. Principal Mu and Principal Li just told us to keep a low profile. It's too public to hold a party now!"

Jun Mowu raised his mouth when he heard the words, "Isn't it just a small party? There's nothing public about it. Besides, we're holding it in the special training team. As long as everyone doesn't tell it, no one will know about it."

"But—" Zhu Xu was still a little worried.

But Jun Mowu lost his temper immediately, "You don't even agree to this little request. Ah Xu, don't you love me!"

"Mo Wu, of course I love you, but—" Zhu Xu said hastily.

Jun Mowu said: "You say you love me, but you don't even want to hold a small party for me. Do you know how nervous and scared I was during the time I was imprisoned just now? Don't you want to appease me?" Give me a shot?"

"Here, I—" Zhu Xu looked at his fiancée with a pitiful appearance, and finally softened his heart. He nodded and said, "Okay, let's have a party. But, keep a low profile and don't make it public."

"Of course, I knew that you love me the most." Jun Mowu spat out and kissed Zhu Xu on the face.

Zhu Xu immediately smiled and was extremely happy.

While the two were thinking about how the evening party would proceed, Fade Chen also completed the formalities and left the Huaxia Security Department.

However, Fade Chen was not far away from the Huaxia Security Department by car. On a roadside that was deserted, Fade Chen asked the driver to stop and got out of the car by himself.

The driver drove away, and after making sure that there was no one around, Fade Chen slammed his body, soared into the sky, turned into a streamer, and flew towards the direction where Jun Mowu and Zhu Xu left.

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