As soon as he walked into the entrance, a gust of wind whizzed towards him, and at the same time, a nervous shout sounded, "Stop whoever comes!"

"I'm Fade Chen, Lord Qingmu asked me to come!"

Fade Chen reported his family name.

"Mr. Chen!"

The other party was surprised, and then said, "Please wait a moment, we will report right away."

After a while, Fade Chen heard footsteps and approached quickly.

Looking through the dark entrance passage, Chen Fei could vaguely see seven or eight figures running towards this side quickly.

However, when approaching the front, the opponent's speed slowed down.

A woman wearing a cyan gauze skirt walked out, her palms were full of vigor, and she looked over with a vigilant look.

"Deacon Mu Yuqing!"

Fade Chen recognized the other party, then brushed his long hair, and said, "It's me, Fade Chen!"

Mu Yuqing stared at Fade Chen for a while, then looked at Wei Ling behind Fade Chen, confirmed his identity, and said, "Mr. Chen, it's really you."

"Sister Yuqing, you are too polite.

The Palace Master—" Chen Fei smiled.

At this time, several figures rushed out from behind Mu Yuqing with a splash, and rushed towards Fade Chen.

Weeping, sobbing, and sobbing continued.

Several women hugged Fade Chen tightly at this moment, not letting go at all.

Fade Chen lowered his head and saw the familiar and beautiful cheeks in front of him, and his mood suddenly became agitated.

"Momo, you've grown up!"

"Zi Ling, you have grown taller too."

"Qiuyue, you have matured."

"Xiaoxi, you look even more beautiful."

"Qingyu, your strength has increased a lot!"

Fade Chen and the woman in his arms greeted with a smile.

And at this moment, Wei Ling on the side gently tugged at Fade Chen's sleeve, pointed forward, "Over there!"

Chen Fei raised his head and looked at the dark passage ahead.

In the dim light, a slim figure stood quietly in the middle, looking straight at Fade Chen.

A pair of beautiful eyes are extremely agile, and tears are rolling in the eyes at this moment. Seeing Fade Chen looking up, he can't help it anymore, and flowed down his cheeks.

"Qiu Han!"

Seeing this familiar gentle and beautiful face, Fade Chen's heart trembled violently at this moment, and other emotions and thoughts in his heart disappeared at this moment.

At this moment, he only has one thought, and that is to hug this woman in front of him.

He rushed out, hugged Lin Qiuhan, hugged her tightly in his arms, lowered his head and leaned against the other's neck, and said softly: "Qiuhan, wife, I, I'm back."

Being embraced by Fade Chen, Quin Lin couldn't bear it any longer, tears streaming down her face.

"You, you are finally back."

Behind him, other women were also crying together, their faces covered with tears.

Seeing such a scene, Mu Yuqing waved his hand to let the others retreat.

He stood aside and waited quietly.

After hugging his wife for nearly a quarter of an hour, Fade Chen let go of his blushing wife and sorted out his excitement.

Mu Yuqing also laughed, and said, "Let's go in and talk!"

"I'm sorry, Miss Yuqing."

Chen Fei nodded, and then led a group of women into the depths of the passage excitedly and excitedly.

After walking for about two or three minutes, I walked out of the passage, and my eyes suddenly brightened.

A space with an area of ​​nearly two hundred square meters appeared in front of him.

In the space, different areas are separated.

Further on, there are several doors in the same direction, and Mu Yuqing also introduced it. Inside are everyone's room, as well as important places such as the practice room and the resource storage room.

Of course, the place where the Palace Master Qingmu lives is in the deepest part.

The entire Cyanwood Hall was built in the soil of hillsides and grasslands, with an area of ​​nearly a thousand square meters, and all kinds of things are readily available.

It looks pretty good.

But with a little comparison, this good feeling disappears.

After all, since the destruction of the Forbidden Island three years ago, various martial arts halls have moved out of it and settled in different countries. Indeed, after becoming a big boss and power, each martial arts hall can be said to have developed rapidly, almost becoming a country or region. The de facto leader, at least a participant in the leadership.

Chen Fei once saw the status of Wudian in other countries and regions in TV news reports.

Because unlike before, the current Martial Palace can appear openly and aboveboard, and at the same time is extremely powerful, belonging to the leadership.

Therefore, almost all the martial arts halls in various places are built tall and mighty, with an incomparably wide area.

Some directly developed into a huge sect, and some even took control of a certain country or region, becoming god-like existences in the hearts of the people.

Compared with these rapidly developing martial arts halls, the underground palace of Qingmu Hall seemed too shabby, even a little pitiful.

Not only did it not develop rapidly, but it hid underground, living in darkness like a mouse.

"Even if Palace Master Qingmu doesn't want to participate in civil affairs, he won't get mixed up like this!"

For a moment, Fade Chen had doubts in his heart.

However, at this moment, he suppressed his doubts and warmed up with the women around him.

Mu Yuqing also knew this, so she didn't bother them, nor was she in a hurry to talk about other things, so she prepared a room for Fade Chen and let him have a good rest.

That night, after washing up and having dinner, Fade Chen didn't go back to his room, but went straight into his wife Lin Qiuhan's room.

Lin Qiuhan, who was making the bed in the house, felt a gust of wind behind him, and then she was hugged and fell onto the soft big bed.

Immediately afterwards, a suffocating kiss was posted.

After the kiss was finally over, Lin Qiuhan panted and pushed Fade Chen away, "Don't mess around!"

Fade Chen chuckled, "Honey, we are husband and wife, how can this be called chaos!"

"Besides, I haven't seen you for three years, don't you miss me?"

"I, I think, but—" Lin Qiuhan whispered in embarrassment.

Fade Chen didn't give her a chance to be shy, and rushed forward with a smile, "Thinking is enough, tonight is the day when our husband and wife are reborn."

... Just when the two of them were hot, in Wei Ling's room on the other side, Wei Ling leaned against the head of the bed, listening to the faint movement outside, she couldn't help but sighed softly, and whispered to herself: "Qiu Han is Chen Fei's wife, I just—" After finishing speaking, Wei Ling blew out the oil lamp in the room, lay down on her side, closed her eyes and was about to fall asleep.

But at this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Wei Ling was taken aback for a moment, thinking that she had heard it wrong, so she ignored it.

But the knock on the door rang again, and there was a slight shout: "Sister Ling, are you asleep?"

Hearing the sound, Wei Ling lit the oil lamp, got up and got out of bed, and opened the door.

Then, she saw a pretty face in front of her, it was Lin Qiuhan's cousin Su Momo.

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