The host was taken aback by such violent remarks, but he could only bite the bullet and continue: "Then according to what you said, Mr. Wu.

Isn't it true that our Huaxia representative team has a low winning percentage.

This doesn't seem to be in line with the 70% winning rate you said before! "

Elder Wu shook his head and explained confidently: "There is no conflict between the two.

The strength of most of the members of our representative team is indeed behind.

But Cao Xu has a lead, and his lead is huge in my opinion.

That's why I confidently gave a 70% winning rate. "

"This—" The host was speechless for a moment, not knowing how to respond to Mr. Wu's words.

After all, according to Wu Lao, Cao Xu seemed to be a master at crushing Abraham, able to single-handedly lead the underdeveloped Huaxia team to beat the opponent.

Warriors and guests had analyzed the two sides before, and most of them supported their Huaxia team.

But like Elder Wu, he was the first one to praise Cao Xu to the sky directly on such an official occasion.

As the program aired and the competition hadn't started yet, Mr. Wu's comments about Cao Xu sparked rounds of heated discussions and debates on the Internet.

"Old Wu said it well, our Huaxia team will surely win this time!"

"Cao Xu is our proud son of heaven. With him, we will surely win."

"Mr. Wu, everyone wants the Huaxia team to win.

But you are exaggerating too much! Thunder Palace representative team is not so easy to deal with. "

"Yeah, this is completely underestimating the enemy, it's not worth it!"

"This is not underestimating the enemy, this is called self-confidence.

The few upstairs don’t even support your own country. Are you traitors? "

"Don't take your hat off, the game is not about who yells loudest.

It is not objective at all to say that it is 1 to 9, and Cao Xu alone increases the winning rate. "

"I know that Mr. Wu is from the Martial Arts Alliance, and he used to be a visiting professor at the No. 1 Martial Arts School in Beijing, so there is nothing wrong with supporting his own people.

But saying this kind of thing will affect the relationship between Cao Xu and other players. "

"What good influence is there, what Elder Wu said is the truth, why don't people tell it.

If there was no Cao Xu in the previous games, would it be possible to get to the present? "

"Now the pre-loan is so loud, if it loses in the end, I will see how it will be slapped in the face."

... In addition to these debates, the comments about the status and strength of Cao Xu and Fade Chen also attracted waves of controversy.

"Is this witch doing it on purpose?

Talk about Cao Xu, just talk about Cao Xu, what about Master Chen, did you intentionally start a war? "

"Hehe, what Master Chen is, he's just a dead person, it's nothing to say."

"Master Chen is our hero in China and the world. Are you insulting heroes like this?"

"What a hero, I don't admit it.

Besides, if it weren't for that surnamed Chen, our Chinese martial arts world would not have fallen into such a miserable situation.

If you want me to say, he is the culprit. "

"Look at online conspiracy theories, and take it seriously. People who think that Master Chen is not a hero but a criminal. I can only say that there is something wrong with his brain."

"Hehe, it's yourselves that have the problem.

The bragging achievements are taken seriously, I really think that there is no one in China! "

……Amidst the complicated debates on the Internet, the break time passed, and the finals were about to begin.

The two teams boarded the ring that had been repaired and strengthened again. The ten contestants from both sides stood still and looked at each other with serious expressions, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Countless audiences all looked over at this moment, and their mood seemed to become tense involuntarily along with the atmosphere of the scene.

After checking and confirming that there are no mistakes, the referee gave an order and announced the start of the game.

During the break, both sides discussed their debut strategies.

Therefore, without any hesitation, the contestants from both sides immediately stepped onto the stage and started the battle.

"Boom, pop, hoo!"

It has to be said that this is the final. Almost at the beginning, the players from both sides fought fiercely, and the atmosphere became tense in an instant.

The flying vigor, the whistling streamer, and the sound of fists and feet hitting and colliding, constantly resounded in the arena.

Because it was the final match, both sides played 12 points, and the bombardment continued.

But in the end, the members of Huaxia's representative team were still a little weaker and lost.

Cao Xu didn't change his expression. He had expected this time, and immediately waved his hand and sent out the second player.

Get on stage and fight! boom! Constant collisions, constant impacts, vigor and streamer flickering and whistling, the entire arena, like a huge firework, exploded into clusters of gorgeous fireworks from time to time.

In this way, both sides come and go, and personnel go up and down.

After a fierce battle, the Huaxia team had already lost six people, while the Thunder Palace team on the opposite side had only lost three people.

The situation on the field is already very unfavorable to the Huaxia team.

Even though Cao Xu had expected this outcome, the current situation was still worse than expected.

If this continues, by the time the Huaxia team reaches the end, there will probably be at least three or four players left on the other side.

In that case, even if Cao Xu had a secret weapon, he couldn't guarantee 100% victory.

On the Internet, countless netizens have already blown up the sky.

"Hey, I knew it was the result!"

"The gap is too big, as expected, I still can't beat it!"

"The game is not over yet, everyone is downcast, what a shame!"

"Anyone who knows how to do it can see that it is impossible to win."

"What about that old man surnamed Wu, why isn't he talking now?

Didn't you blow it so hard just now? "

"Hehe, blind self-confidence, arrogance and absurdity, now you are dumbfounded!"

"Cao Xu hasn't appeared yet, so there is still hope."

"The other party, Abraham, Angus, and Maeveline didn't show up, so what's the point?"


With a bang, another Huaxia player was knocked off the ring.

The seventh player lost, leaving only Cao Xu, Sha Ling and Qin Song absent.

As for the opponent, apart from the fourth person in the ring, there are six people in the audience who did not appear on the stage.

The remaining number of people on both sides who can participate in the battle is already two to one.

The situation is already very unfavorable for the Huaxia team.

Under such circumstances, Cao Xu gritted his teeth and said to Sha Ling and Qin Song, "You guys, try to consume each other as much as possible, a little more, understand?"


Sha Ling nodded.

Cao Xu looked at Qin Song and said, "Next game, you go!"

Qin Song said indifferently, "I can't go up now, let Shaling go up first!"

"You—" Cao Xu became angry.

The other defeated team members also gathered around at this moment, glaring at Qin Song with angry faces.

"Qin Song, the overall situation is the most important thing, don't play with your temper."

Zhu Mingming was even more unceremonious, cursing directly: "Qin Song, it's already the final.

How long are you going to be a coward? "

Cao Xu said in a deep voice: "Qin Song, I let you play, this is an order."

Qin Song still had a cold face, and said: "I refuse this order. Now, I don't want to play."

"You—" Cao Xu was so angry that he wanted to hit someone.

Sha Ling stood up at this time and said: "The overall situation is the most important, then I will go!"

Cao Xu suppressed his anger, gave Sha Ling a few words, then glared at Qin Song, and said coldly: "Qin Song, the game is over, I will let you know the consequences of doing so."

"As you wish!"

Qin Song had a reckless expression on his face.

Just like that, Sha Ling, the second seed of the Huaxia team, stepped onto the ring amidst people's surprised eyes.

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