Cao Xu tried all kinds of methods, constantly bombarding with spiritual energy and real energy, but it didn't do any harm to the power grid.

He could only watch helplessly as the terrifying power grid approached him step by step like a god of death holding a scythe.

"No, no—" Cao Xu kept backing away, with horror and disbelief on his face.

"It's impossible. I'm a seventh-level martial artist. How can I be defeated by you? This is impossible?"

Upon hearing this, Abraham shook his head with a smile, and said, "Nothing is impossible."

"Your Ten Thousand Swords Guiyi is very good, and you can reach the second level of the seventh-level warrior, which is indeed beyond my expectations."

"But I can still beat you, the reason is actually very simple."

"Because of me, I have reached the third level of the seventh-level warrior."

As soon as these words came out, the scene was silent, and then countless shocked voices rang out.

"Triple Realm, is this true?"

"Abraham has actually reached the third level of the seventh-level warrior, which is incredible!"

"It's only been a year since he advanced to the seventh-level warrior realm.

And the further you go to the back of the realm, the harder it is to improve.

Abraham's practice speed is faster than Cao Xu's! "

"Is this his real trump card?

It was shocking that it was hidden so deep. "

"Seventh-level martial artist and third-level realm, Cao Xu deserves to lose!"

"The Huaxia team has tried their best and performed well enough.

But I didn't expect to meet such a perverted genius as Abraham! Time is fate! "

... On the ring, at this moment, Cao Xu, with red eyes, stared fiercely at Abraham opposite him. He couldn't believe it, but Abraham actually saw that the second layer of his extremely proud Wan Jian Gui Yi was broken.

He couldn't believe that his biggest hole card was actually not worth mentioning in the eyes of the opponent.

"No, I don't believe it.

It is impossible for you to reach the third level of the seventh-level warrior! I do not believe! "

With a faint smile on the corner of Abraham's mouth, he controlled the flickering grid in the air, took a step forward, and said, "You are doomed. Believe it or not, it doesn't matter anymore."

After finishing speaking, Abraham pointed his finger down lightly.

In an instant, there was a thunderbolt, and a thunderbolt in the air was like an electric snake. The thunderbolt came down and hit Cao Xu.

Cao Xu couldn't avoid it, he trembled all over, fell to the ground, and passed out directly.

At this moment, Abraham controlled the thunder and lightning and continued to approach.

Seeing that another stronger thunderbolt was about to strike, Zheng Yu, the headmaster of the No. 1 Martial Arts School in Beijing, who was seated on the VIP seat, couldn't sit still any longer. .”

When the last word was uttered, Abraham's lightning was almost less than ten meters away from Cao Xu.

At this critical moment, Zheng Yu finally rushed over, slapped his palm with vigor, and the strong wind howled, smashing Abraham's thunderbolt at the last moment.

Then, Zheng Yu pulled up the fainted Cao Xu and threw him to the bottom of the ring.

Immediately afterwards, he glared at Abraham with displeasure on his face, and said through gritted teeth, "I've said to admit defeat just now, why do you still want to do it?"

Faced with Zheng Yu's questioning, Abraham spread his hands with a disapproving expression, "Principal Zheng, I'm sorry.

I am not strong enough, I can't control the offensive and stop halfway. "

"However, thanks to Principal Zheng's strength, he blocked my attack.

Otherwise, if I really hurt Brother Cao, I don't know how long I will feel guilty! "


Zheng Yu snorted coldly, turned around and stepped off the stage directly, ignoring Abraham's strange mood.

After that, it was the final awarding session to determine the champion.

The Huaxia audience at the scene had no interest in watching their opponents show off their power in their own territory, and they got up and left the field one by one.

The official TV station, after announcing that the Thunder Palace team won the championship, did not even broadcast the subsequent awards ceremony live, and directly cut off the live broadcast.

As for the audience on the Internet, the pot has already exploded, and everyone is discussing it hotly.

"We still lost, it has been three years, and this time we lost again.

Huaxia representative team, still can't do it! "

"This time it's the runner-up, it's much better than before."

"If you don't win the championship, the number of places in the back will be the same. It doesn't make any sense."

"Cao Xu took the initiative to challenge in the end, and added the autumn group with a market value of hundreds of billions as a bet. I thought he would win without a doubt! But he lost so badly in the end. It would be better not to challenge, it would be embarrassing."

"That's right, it was so high-profile just now.

All of them were almost blowing him up to the sky, especially the old Wu from the official TV station, who said that Cao Xu was invincible and sure to win.

As a result, he was beaten so badly. "

"If you are not strong enough, then act in a low-key manner.

Don't make such a fancy air, it's just a joke. "

...Of course, quite a few netizens expressed their support for Cao Xu.

"Cao Xu just lost a final match, do you need to belittle him like that?"

"All of you are beeping so hard on the Internet, you can do it yourself!"

"This is already the best result for China in recent years.

Isn't it good to make progress step by step? "

"A bunch of ungrateful things, if Cao Xu hadn't carried the team to this point, you would have the opportunity to pick and choose here."

"This kind of citizen, if I ask you, is not worthy of Cao Xu at all.

If I were him, I would immigrate directly.

With his age and strength, no matter which country or temple he goes to, he will be treated like the proud son of heaven. "

...Of course, these remarks triggered another round of cursing and scolding.

As a result, the Internet has become a battlefield for both sides, vigorous and noisy, but without any results.

At the scene, because it was originally expected that Cao Xu would lead the Huaxia team to win the championship, many high-level Huaxia executives in the VIP seats were award presenters.

But the current situation made their appearance a bit embarrassing.

However, after all, it is too unsightly for a person with a head and face to change his mind temporarily and leave in a huff.

Therefore, although a group of high-ranking Huaxia leaders were full of displeasure, they had no choice but to present awards to the Thunder Palace team members with a smile on their faces.

The awards ceremony, which was originally not too long, was extremely long in the eyes of the leaders at this moment.

Finally, the music stopped and the awards ceremony was over.

Several leaders breathed a sigh of relief and prepared to leave.

But at this moment, Abraham suddenly said, "Leaders, please wait a moment!"

Several leading guests had to turn around, looked at Abraham, and asked aloud, "What's the matter with you?"

With a smile on the corner of Abraham's mouth, he asked aloud, "I would like to ask the leaders, when will the bet I win be given to me."

As soon as these words came out, many leaders suddenly changed their faces.

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