Although it's still early in the morning in Xilan, there are already many people coming and going around Luosingmu Lake.

This is the Shengquan Company factory next to Luosingmu Lake. As the most valued subsidiary of the Autumn Group this year, the Autumn Group invested more than one billion in Shengquan Company to improve the production equipment of the factory and expand the production scale. .

Of course, Qiu Group also knows that Shengquan Company is a favorite, and I don't know how many people covet Shengquan Company.

Therefore, the Autumn Group specially strengthened the guard force and hired a team of 20 professional bodyguards. The minimum strength requirement was to reach the level 4 martial artist realm.

Among them, the captain of the bodyguard is a fifth-level warrior, a real master.

With such a professional security team, coupled with the support of the Armed Forces Committee, under normal circumstances, not many people would dare to touch Shengquan Company.

Of course, if it was a powerful martial artist of level 6 or even level 7, these guards would naturally be unable to stop the opponent.

However, under normal circumstances, warriors of level 6 and level 7 would never come here to attack Shengquan Company, because for them, it would be a trade that would outweigh the gain and lose money.

Because the greatest wealth of Shengquan Company is the spiritual spring under Luosingmu Lake.

Although Lingquan is precious, it is not the kind of treasure that can be taken away at will.

Unlike other treasures, it is enough for a master to come over, defeat the competitor, take the treasure directly, and then walk away.

However, Lingquan can't operate like this at all. Even if warriors come to defeat Shengquan Company and control Luosingmu Lake and the Lingquan below, they still can't take Lingquan away.

After all, this kind of thing was born underground and formed naturally. It is impossible for them to dig this piece of land directly.

And if you want to use Lingquan, you must occupy this territory and develop it for a long time.

For those who act alone, especially foreign fighters, it is much more difficult than defeating the Holy Spring Company.

Therefore, it is precisely because of these reasons that the period since Shengquan Company resumed production has been uneventful, and no abnormalities have been encountered.

However, the guard team hired by Wei Ling with a lot of money is professional enough.

Although there was nothing abnormal, the captain still carefully assigned the task, and then asked his subordinates to check all the links carefully. After confirming that there were no problems, the daily patrol task began.

Every five minutes, the team members patrolling all over the factory will send the news on time and bring it to the captain for summary analysis to ensure that there are no dead ends in the whole factory.

"Number one, normal!"

"No. 2, normal!"

"No. 3, normal!"

…… From the intercom, normal reports continued to come in. The captain was a burly, middle-aged man with a crew cut, with a serious, even fierce face.

At this moment, he listened carefully to the report from the walkie-talkie, and kept drawing on the factory map.

But suddenly, after the team member reported "Number 12, normal", there was a pause, and then there was a report of "Number 14, normal".

The captain immediately noticed the abnormality, picked up the walkie-talkie and asked aloud: "No. 13, report your situation."

On the other side of the intercom, there was silence and no sound.

The captain frowned even tighter, and raised his voice, "No. 13, report your situation immediately."

There was still silence, only the piercing sound of electric current from time to time came from the other end of the walkie-talkie.

The captain immediately ordered: "On the twelfth, on the fourteenth, go over and check on the situation on the thirteenth, pay attention to safety."


The two responded in unison.

The captain also set off, heading for position thirteen.

The captain was very fast, within 30 seconds, he was almost at position thirteen.

But at this moment, the team leader suddenly heard a yell on the intercom.

"who are you?"

In an instant, the captain became vigilant, and immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and asked, "No. 12, what happened to you?"

"Stop, don't move!"


There was no answer, and finally there was a scream, and then the intercom channel on the 12th fell into silence.

"No. 12, No. 12—" the captain speeded up and ran away.

At this time, a hurried voice came from the intercom channel No. 14, "Captain, someone has invaded, someone has invaded.

Attacked on the 12th, life or death unknown.

The other party is really chasing me, yes—ah—" Before finishing speaking, there was also a scream in the intercom channel on the 14th, and finally fell into silence.

At this moment, the captain has arrived at the place where Team No. 13 is patrolling. It is a corridor on the side of the factory. There is a small door that can be opened to enter the factory. It is usually used to transport some sundries and enter and exit in emergencies.

This kind of place can easily become a place for intruders to target.

Therefore, the experienced captain specially arranged No. 13 team members with strong strength here, and at the same time let No. 12 and No. 14 patrol the nearby area, and the three of them took care of each other and exchanged information.

The captain's arrangement was already vigilant enough, but he didn't expect that something went wrong now.

Moreover, there were three at once, and there was no news of the three players.

This made the captain nervous, and there was even a hint of fear on his fierce face at this moment.

However, as a professional, the captain immediately adjusted his mood, stimulated the true energy in his body, and stepped into the corridor.

At the same time, on the intercom channel, he summoned all the guards to gather and prepare to besiege the intruders.

"Da da da!"

The captain's footsteps were not loud, but in this empty space, they were extraordinarily clear.

Along the corridor, the captain walked into the depths of the factory step by step.

At the end of the corridor is a reservoir in the factory, which is filled with purified Luosingmu Lake water. After a few steps, it can be made into holy spring water and sold to the outside world.

This huge reservoir is not filled with water, but with golden money.

The captain walked cautiously to the end of the corridor step by step, and just as he turned the corner, he almost cried out in surprise.

Because, right on the ground at the end of the corridor, lay three men in uniform.

Taking a closer look, the captain immediately recognized that these three were members of No. 12, No. 13 and No. 14 of his escort.

The captain is a fifth-level martial artist, and with a light inspection of the energy released, he felt that the three of them had lost their breath.


The captain immediately gritted his teeth, his eyes almost burst into flames, wishing he could catch the murderer immediately, his body would be torn to pieces.

Although he was angry, the captain still maintained his professionalism, and his steps were not at all disordered. He continued to move forward and entered the inside of the factory. In front of him was the huge water reservoir.

Just when the captain stepped here, a slightly mocking voice sounded.

"Is it finally here?"

"It took a minute. It seems that the company's guards are much weaker than I thought!"

Hearing the sound, the captain's body was icy cold, and he couldn't help shivering. He looked up.

I saw a blond, blue-eyed foreigner in a jacket standing in front of the cistern, looking at the flowing water below, with a look of emotion.

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