Seeing Long Changyu's expression, Mu Yunxi couldn't help but take another look at Cang Xu and Li Zhentian, and then turned to look at Zheng Yu who was beside him. She seemed to have thought of something, and said, "President Long, how much is the contribution?" set aside.

First of all, I think there is a problem that needs to be solved first. "

"The question is, who will be in charge when the three parties jointly set up a combat readiness committee?"

"It goes without saying that the Armed Forces Committee, they can't.

Then, the only ones left are our Martial Arts Federation and Qingmudian.

In terms of resources, we can provide more resources than Qingmudian. According to the principle of funding, our Martial Arts Federation should control the combat preparation committee. "

"However, on the other hand, the Cyanwooden Martial Palace origin, the prestige among the people is stronger than the Martial Arts Alliance.

The most important thing is that there is such a top expert as the master of Qingmu hall in the Qingmu hall.

If the Cyanwood Hall demands control of the Combat Preparations Committee, then how should our Martial Arts Union deal with itself? "

After listening to Mu Yunxi's words, the serious expression on Long Changyu's face changed, he nodded slightly, and said, "Principal Mu said, it is an important issue."

Such a situation stunned Cang Xu and Li Zhentian, and their complexions instantly sank.

Just now they only thought about contributing money to fight against the enemy, but they didn't think about who was in power at all.

But now, judging by Long Changyu's expression and reaction, President Long is obviously also concerned about this issue.

For a moment, the two lowered their heads, feeling a little apprehensive.

But at this moment, Long Changyu's gaze shifted and landed on Zheng Yu who was silent at last, "Principal Zheng, what do you think?"

Zheng Yu is a veteran, and said in a deep voice: "I think the amount of investment mentioned by Master Cang and Principal Li can be discussed.

The issue of power as mentioned by Principal Mu is worthy of attention. "

After a pause, Zheng Yu's tone sank, his tone lowered, and there was a bit of gloom in his voice, "However, I think that before discussing these issues.

I have a question and I want to clarify it! "

Hearing this, the eyes of several people at the scene all gathered.

Zheng Yu's voice slowed down, and he said: "The key question is, what is the purpose of Hall Master Qingmu's attack at this moment?"

"Is he really just fighting against the joint invasion of other martial arts halls?

Or is there another purpose?

In other words, whether the matter of the Earth Element Mirror is true or not, and whether it is in the hands of Palace Master Qingmu, these are all issues that we have not figured out. "

These questions were pointed out by Zheng Yu, which changed the faces of everyone present.

Especially Cang Xu and Li Zhentian, who just said they were ready to contribute money to prepare for the battle, couldn't help but look down at this moment.

At this moment, Long Changyu also spoke up, nodded and said, "Principal Zheng is still thoughtful and mentioned the key issue."

As soon as these words came out, Cang Xu and Li Zhentian's complexion changed abruptly, and they glanced at each other, their eyes brightened. Although they didn't speak, the meaning in their eyes was self-evident.

At first, Cang Xu and Li Zhentian proposed to contribute money to prepare for the battle, but Long Changyu just said that he knew it with a blank face.

Then, Mu Yunxi raised the issue of the combat readiness committee taking power, and Long Changyu said that was an important issue.

Now, Zheng Yu asked several questions one after another, and Long Changyu directly said that this was the key question.

President Long's attitude towards the preparatory combat preparation committee has actually been very obvious.

He should not have much interest in the combat preparation committee, and he doesn't want to get involved in this matter.

And the reason, I am afraid, is the few problems that Zheng Yu mentioned just now.

From the very beginning, this incident was just the news from the Qingmu Palace conveyed by Mu Yuqing. Whether it is true or not has yet to be investigated.

Moreover, to take a step back, even if it is true that other Martial Palace forces jointly attacked Huaxia, at this time, Palace Master Qingmu chose to go out of the mountain and jointly set up a combat preparation committee. What is the real purpose, I am afraid it is also debatable.

One of the key points is the issue of power, not only the issue of the combat readiness committee's power, it is even related to the issue of power after the war.

At that time, no matter whether the war preparation committee wins or loses, the reputation of Qingmudian among the people will definitely be higher than it is now.

Coupled with the fact that Master Qingmudian is currently the number one master in China, it may be uncertain whether the public will support the Martial Arts Alliance or Qingmudian more.

Once there is a wavering on the issue of power, this is an intolerable problem for Long Changyu, who can be said to be the current ruler in China.

After figuring this out, Cang Xu and Li Zhentian understood why Long Changyu's attitude was like this.

So, after the two glanced at each other, they immediately changed their minds.

"Ahem, I also think that what Principal Zheng said is very important.

Just now I didn't think carefully and didn't think of these problems.

Indeed, these issues must be clarified before we can cooperate. "

Li Zhentian changed his mind.

Cang Xu frowned, sighed softly, but also said: "I was negligent too, I agree with Principal Li's words."

As soon as these words came out, the opinions of several people at the scene were unified at this moment.

So, Long Changyu said, "Since everyone thinks so, the most important thing right now is to find out these problems."

"Yes, President Long, I will definitely do my best to investigate and find out the truth of the matter as soon as possible."

Zheng Yu said with a serious expression on his face.

Mu Yunxi and Li Zhentian also hurriedly expressed their opinions.

Cang Xu, the last one left, paused and asked a question, "President Long, before we find out the problem.

How should we deal with the matter of the combat readiness committee? "

After hearing this, Long Changyu was silent for a few seconds, and then said calmly: "It is my duty as Chinese warriors to fight against the enemy together.

In this regard, our Martial Arts Alliance is naturally obliged. "

"However, the key issues have not yet been clarified.

If you invest in a large amount rashly, you are afraid of accidents. "

After finishing speaking, Long Changyu shut up and looked at Cang Xu.

Cang Xu moved his mouth, as if he wanted to ask something else.

However, Zheng Yu said at this time, "Master Cang, President Long's meaning is already very clear.

If you are really worried, then our Martial Arts Alliance can send a preliminary team to join the combat preparation committee to understand the situation and prepare for the follow-up. "

"Principal Zheng is very considerate!"

Long Changyu once again affirmed Zheng Yu.

Seeing this, Cang Xu knew that President Long had made up his mind, so he didn't say anything more, bowed and said, "Thank you, President Long and Principal Zheng for answering questions, I understand.

I support President Long's idea. "

The final decision was made, and several people got up and left immediately.

However, when leaving the cave, Zheng Yu did not stay with the other three, but stayed behind, "I suddenly heard something, and I need to report to President Long.

You go first! "

After the three of them left, Zheng Yu returned to the cave again and sat opposite Long Changyu.

At this moment, there were only two people left in the cave, and the atmosphere of the conversation relaxed.

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