Seeing the three of them leave, Elder Lin shook his head and said disdainfully, "I don't know what's good or bad."

After finishing speaking, Mr. Lin gave instructions to the waiter in the shop, "When they come back later, I will lower the price by another 10,000 for the red dandelion flower."

"Yes, Mr. Lin!" The waiter nodded.

After Fade Chen and the others left Muxiang Firm, Du Chanyi was still aggrieved, "They went too far, how can they lower the price like this, it's simply too black-hearted."

"Brother Liu, don't worry, if we find other places, we will definitely be able to sell at a higher price." Du Chanyi comforted Liu Yong.

Afterwards, the three of them inquired about other businesses on the street.

It's okay not to inquire, but this inquiry surprised them.

Because passers-by told them that there are only two large commercial firms in Muxiang City, Muxiang Commercial Firm and Duobao Pavilion.

The rest of the firms could not survive in Muxiang City. At most, there are some small street shops, selling or buying some gadgets privately, the quantity and quality are extremely limited.

Once there are various cultivation resources related to refining medicine and martial arts, there is no other place except these two firms.

"How did this happen? In a city as big as Muxiang City, there are so few commercial firms, this—" Du Chanyi was a little surprised.

Fade Chen, with Liu Yong, found several roadside shops all the way, saying that he wanted to sell red dandelion flowers.

As a result, when the other party heard that they were selling medicines, they waved their hands and said no to them before they offered a price.

Some even told Fade Chen directly that it was impossible to accept their medicines in other places except Muxiang Trading Company.

Now, Liu Yong was a little dumbfounded, and his heart was full of anxiety.

Fade Chen frowned, and then said: "Go to Duobao Pavilion to have a look. Duobao Pavilion is a large business house all over the entire Dayan Mansion, so it should be different."

The three of them came to Duobao Pavilion. As expected, it was a commercial firm spread all over Dayan Mansion. The overall scale was very large, with many people coming and going, and it was very prosperous. It was slightly smaller than Muxiang Commercial Firm.

Entering the firm, Liu Yong took out the red dandelion and directly explained his purpose.

Du Chanyi was on the side, and asked, "How much is the red danhua you received in Duobao Pavilion?"

The clerk pointed to the price list on the wall, and said: "It's clearly marked on it, red danhua, human-level eighth-grade, 20,000 primeval stones."

"How is it possible?" Du Chanyi exclaimed, "The red dandelion flower is worth at least 80,000 primeval stones. Why is your price so low?"

The clerk said displeased: "Here, it's the price."

Fade Chen frowned and said, "I've also bought red dandelion flowers in other cities, and the price was 80,000 yuan. The difference between your prices is too much."

The clerk got a little impatient, and said displeasedly: "Why do you ask so much? In Muxiang City, this is the price. If you don't want to sell it, then go. Don't delay our business."

Now, Liu Yong really panicked, and said softly: "Yes, or else, let's just sell it like this, I—"

Du Chanyi looked unwilling, but a little helpless, she could only look at Fade Chen.

Fade Chen was silent for a few seconds, looked at the clerk, took out a golden ingot-shaped jade pendant, and said coldly, "Tell your shopkeepers to come out."

"Who are you, we are in charge—" the clerk looked disdainful.

But before he finished speaking, seeing the ingot-shaped jade pendant in Fade Chen's hand, his complexion changed drastically, and he was full of surprise, "Golden ingot pendant, a golden guest of Duobao Pavilion."

"You, wait a moment, I'll inform the shopkeeper right away." The clerk changed his face instantly.

Fade Chen put away the jade pendant, which was given to him by Qian Yongzhi, the shopkeeper of Duobao Pavilion in Nanyan City, when he left Nanyan City. He said that with this jade pendant, all the Duobao Pavilions in Dayan Mansion can enjoy VIP treatment.

Now it seems that it is really useful.

Soon, a middle-aged man with a square hat and a big belly came out.

"This distinguished guest, this is the shopkeeper Zhou of our Duobao Pavilion." The clerk introduced.

The shopkeeper Zhou came out with a smile on his face, "Please come to the private room!"

Fade Chen waved his hand, and said lightly: "You don't need to be polite, I asked you to come out, I have some questions, I want to ask you."

"Excuse me, honored guest?" Shopkeeper Zhou put on a very low attitude.

Fade Chen pointed to the red dandelion flower in his hand, and said, "The purchase price of this red dandelion flower in other cities is at least 80,000 Yuanshi. Why is the purchase price in Muxiang City only 20,000 yuan?"

Shopkeeper Zhou was stunned for a moment, then looked at Fade Chen and said, "If the distinguished customer thinks the price is too low, I can replenish it for you."

As he said that, shopkeeper Zhou waved his hands to the waiter in the shop, ready to count the money.

However, Fade Chen waved his hand and said, "I don't lack your tens of thousands of primordial stones. What I want to know is why the purchase price of Muxiang City is so different from other cities."

"Ah, this—" Shopkeeper Zhou seemed to be hesitant. After thinking for a moment, he lowered his voice and said, "I don't know about the honored guest. This price is not set by our Duobao Pavilion. It is set by Muxiang Trading Company."

"Their purchase price for red dandelion over there is 20,000 yuan. Our Duobao Pavilion can't exceed them, and we can only charge 20,000 yuan."

"Why is this happening? Could it be that Muxiang Trading Company is more powerful than Duobao Pavilion, forcing you to lower prices?" Fade Chen questioned.

Shopkeeper Zhou sighed, and said, "Your honored guest, you don't know anything! Muxiang Trading Company looks like a trading company, but the real master behind it is the Pharmacist Association."

"This price is set by the Pharmacist Association. Therefore, even we in Duobao Pavilion dare not cross this limit."

"The Pharmacist Association uses the Wood Fragrance Firm to purchase herbs and other resources in the Wood Fragrance City at low prices. Then sell them at the original price, earning a huge difference in price."

"Pharmacist Association!" Fade Chen's eyes turned cold, "Doesn't the Lord's Mansion of Muxiang City care about this kind of oppression of the people at the bottom?"

Shopkeeper Zhou looked around, lowered his voice and said to Fade Chen: "In other cities, the City Lord's Mansion may still have some power. But in Muxiang City, the real person in charge has always been the Pharmacist Association, and the City Lord's Mansion has nothing to say here."

"After all, the Pharmacist Association is a colossal entity in the entire Great Yan Mansion. Even in the prefecture city, the Pharmacist Association will not be easily moved. Therefore, we should turn a blind eye to the situation here."

After listening to the explanation, Fade Chen inexplicably felt annoyed and angry.

This pharmacist association, using its huge power, cruelly oppressed the people at the bottom of Muxiang City, earning huge profits from it.

At this moment, Fade recalled the scene he saw when he first entered the city, and found that the ordinary people here seem to be poorer than those in Nanyan City.

Now it seems that the root cause of it is the Pharmacist Association.

Shopkeeper Zhou looked at Fade Chen and reminded him, "Guest, this is your first time in Muxiang City. Pharmacists know such a huge creature, so it's better to be careful."

These words were cryptic, but they were actually warning Fade Chen not to try to fight against the Pharmacist Association, it would be fruitless.

Fade Chen nodded, said "Thank you", and got up to leave.

Behind him, shopkeeper Zhou bowed to see him off.

Walking out of Duobao Pavilion, Liu Yong's face was sullen and helpless, "Master Chen, the Pharmacist Association, we can't afford to provoke you. Let's just forget about it!"

Fade Chen was silent for a moment, and said, "Go back to Muxiang Firm."

So, the three of them returned to Muxiang Trading Company.

As soon as they arrived at the door, the clerk recognized the three of them immediately, and said with a sneering sneer, "Yo, you're back. The things are selling so well? Has anyone accepted them?"

Liu Yong lowered his head and said, "No, no one will take it. I'll sell it at Muxiang Trading Company."

"It can be sold, but the price is not the same as before. Now, it is 10,000 yuan." The clerk folded his arms and said proudly.

Now, it was Liu Yong's turn to be stunned, with a look of disbelief on his face, "It was 20,000 yuan just now, how come it has become 10,000 yuan now, this, this is too little."

The clerk said coldly: "I gave you a chance just now, but you don't know how to cherish it. This ten thousand yuan is a punishment. If there is another time, you will never want to sell a single herb in Muxiang City."

Liu Yong was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground, his face was pale, and his whole body was trembling.

After all, he digs herbs for a living. If he is banned from selling drugs, it will cut off his way of life.

Chen Fei and Du Chanyi, who were on the side, were furious when they saw this, and walked over.

"You, what do you want to do?" Seeing Fade Chen, the clerk still had lingering fears and took a few steps back.

Du Chanyi helped Liu Yong up.

Fade Chen looked at the other party coldly, and said, "Wood Fragrance Firm, have you always acted so domineeringly?"

Just as the clerk was about to make a sound, the old Lin just now walked out of the firm with a pacing pace.

With his hands behind his back, he glanced at Fade Chen, snorted softly, and said with disdain: "That's it, what can you do?"

Fade Chen laughed angrily, shook his head, and then suddenly asked: "I want to buy a red elixir from your Muxiang firm, how much is it?"

"Huh?" The clerk and Mr. Lin were both stunned by what Fade Chen said.

After all, Fade Chen obviously had a red dandelion flower on hand, so why did he still want to buy it.

The two were sullen and did not answer.

At this time, Du Chanyi pointed to the price list on the side of Muxiang Trading Company, and said loudly: "Brother Chen, the price of the red dandelion here is 90,000 Yuanshi."

"90,000, this is the same price as other cities! But your purchase price is only a quarter of that of other cities. Are you not guilty of such a huge profit difference?" Fade Chen asked directly.

Elder Lin's complexion darkened, and he said in a cold voice, "What do you know? The red dandelion flowers we bring in have to go through testing and processing, as well as freshness loss and so on. The price should be higher, that's what it should be."

"It should! Hehe!" Fade Chen sneered, then looked at Liu Yong, and said, "Brother Liu, sell me your red dandelion flower. I just need a red dandelion flower."

"I'll give you a price of 90,000 yuan, which is the same as the price of the Muxiang Trading Company. The price difference is better for the herb collectors than to be taken away by some unscrupulous merchants."

Liu Yong looked stunned, and then hurriedly said: "Mr. Chen, you are my savior. If you want red dandelion, how can I accept your money? I can't."

Fade Chen said: "Brother Liu, it's only natural for me to spend money on your things. As for saving lives, one yard belongs to one yard, and you can't mix them up."

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