However, after some searching, Tianming seemed to have discovered something, and sighed, "That's true, it seems that my previous guess should be right!"

When Fade Chen heard the words, he immediately asked, "Master Tianming, did you find anything?"

Tianming was silent for a while and did not answer.

Just when Fade Chen wanted to continue to question, Tianming said: "What I can tell you now is that the 63 selected candidates have the same blood in their ancestors.

So, that's why they were selected.

And you were not selected, one of the main reasons is probably that the blood does not match. "

"Blood of the same family, this—" Fade Chen froze for a moment, then frowned, "I can't change this.

Then I can't participate in the trials for the crown prince.

That master, she—" Thinking of this, Fade Chen couldn't help but frown.

Tianming said: "It's not a big problem, although you are not their clan, but you can pretend."

"Pretending, how to camouflage?"

Fade Chen asked.

Tianming said: "Take out the Jiuji disk and find out the fire bead on it."

Hearing this, Fade Chen immediately took out the Jiuji plate, and then found a fiery red bead.

Tianming said: "This Fiery Orb is a treasure of the same grade as the Ice Soul Orb you refined earlier.

But the breath of the Blazing Fire Orb is exactly the opposite of the Ice Soul Orb, it is a scorching flame. "

"Now, if you refine the Raging Fire Orb, you can use the flame breath in the Raging Fire Orb to pretend to be a member of the same clan and be selected for registration."


Chen Fei was overjoyed.

Tianming said: "You will know if you try it.

The registration period is closing soon, so hurry up. "

Fade Chen nodded. Although he still had many questions in his mind, it was important to sign up for the trials and rescue Master.

Therefore, he suppressed the many doubts in his heart, and began to concentrate on refining the fire beads.

A day later, Fade Chen opened his eyes, stretched out his right hand, and a red flame ignited in his palm.

Although there was only a small flame like a candle, the whole room quickly became hot as the flame ignited.

If it continues, after a few breaths, the whole room will probably be on fire.

So, Fade Chen shook his palm and extinguished the flame.

Then, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said to himself: "This Blazing Fire Orb is indeed a treasure of the same level as the Ice Soul Orb. This flame is really powerful."

Before, when Fade Chen practiced, he felt the meaning of fire, and even integrated it into his own world tree seal.

At that time on Earth, that kind of fire intent was very powerful, and when it met Luo Yi, Luo Er and others who were higher than him, it could also play a role and seriously injure the other party.

But compared with the flames of the Fiery Bead at this moment, the flames in Yuanyin are not at the same level at all.

If the cultivator directly used his own vitality to stimulate the flame, the power would be doubled; the fire intent in Chen Fei's World Tree Yuan Seal would be ten times more powerful; and now the flame power in the Blazing Bead would go one step further, reaching a hundred times.

This kind of power is completely beyond the ordinary flame.

At this time, Lord Tianming's voice sounded, "It seems that you have already refined the Fiery Orb.

It's getting late, ready to sign up. "

Fade Chen nodded, but he didn't get up immediately, but began to think.

He has the Fire Orb himself, so he can pretend to be the other party's kindred breath.

However, this yuan seal still needs to be considered again.

After all, his World Tree Yuanyin is too special to be shown to the public.

Therefore, it is necessary to consider disguising an ordinary yuan seal.

After thinking about it for a while, Fade Chen finally decided to attach flames to the saber intent in his seal, creating a split blade knife as his seal.

After confirming it, Fade Chen quickly got acquainted with it, and even in order to be more realistic, he found a sixth-grade long knife at the prefecture level among the treasures he had seized from Muxiang Trading Company as his personal weapon.

After confirming these, Fade Chen contacted Duobao Pavilion and prepared a brand new identity for himself.

Then, with these, Fade Chen and Du Chanyi talked, changed their appearance again, changed their appearance, and went to the registration site for the selection competition.

After queuing up, it was Fade Chen's turn.

As before, Fade Chen submitted his identity information, and then tested his strength on the spot.

It is still at the ninth level of Yuanhun Realm, which is very good.

In addition, there is a majestic split blade knife Yuanyin with flames.

The assessors also became appreciative when they looked at Fade Chen.

The last item is the review of data.

Last time, Fade Chen was passed at this level.

At this moment, he couldn't help being a little nervous.

After all, whether the flame in the Blazing Orb can be faked successfully is really a question.

However, Fade Chen didn't worry for long. After a few breaths, the other party came back with the information, nodded to the examiner and said, "Yes."

So, the examiner handed Chen Fei a dark red iron plate, and said with a smile: "Mr. Chen Fei, congratulations, you have successfully registered."

"We specially prepared an inn for the applicants, and everyone lived in it, waiting for the selection competition to start.

Mr. Chen can check in with his waist card. "

This "Chen Fei" is of course Fade Chen's current pseudonym.

Because the name is too common, Fade Chen kept his surname, but it won't attract attention.

After receiving the badge, Fade Chen came to a luxurious inn under the guidance of a special person.

In the inn, many people have already checked in.

Fade Chen took a quick glance, and vaguely saw some familiar faces.

Many of them are among the sixty-three people listed in the previous information.

Now it seems that there are many more people, and it is estimated that there are almost a hundred people.

Among them, most of them stood in front of their own rooms, looking at each other.

After all, anyone present could become an opponent in the trials.

A small number of cheerful ones chatted around.

Fade Chen's identity and blood were all fake, so he naturally didn't want to talk to anyone. After rejecting the invitations of several people, he returned to his room with a cold face.

Because there is still one day left for registration, Fade Chen still needs to wait in the inn for another day.

For Fade Chen, one day is just a matter of meditating and opening and closing his eyes.

He practiced cross-legged and was familiar with his current seal and the control over the Raging Fire Orb.

I don't know how long I have been practicing, Master Tianming's voice resounded in Fade Chen's mind, "Boy, I did some investigation just now.

You contact Duobaoge now, I have a few questions I want to ask. "

Chen Fei opened his eyes, curious in his heart, but he still took out the jade tablet of Duobao Pavilion and poured his soul into it.

Soon, there was a response over there, "My lord, what do you need to serve?"

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