Fade Chen was overjoyed and continued to practice.

"It is indeed a good thing!"

Three days later, Fade Chen absorbed all the top-level fire crystals.

The Huoyi branches on the world tree in Fade Chen's body are much thicker.

However, what troubled Fade Chen was that the Yuan Yin "Splitting Blade" he simulated was still weak, even weaker than when he first entered the realm.

Therefore, Chen Fei's strength realm still stays at the first level of Yuanhun Realm.

Moreover, the faint flame erosion on his body surface has never stopped.

This made Chen Fei even more worried. If he continued like this, his "Splitting Blade" seal would be wiped out sooner or later.

Once such a thing happened, his identity would definitely not be able to be concealed.

"We must find a way to solve this problem!" Fade Chen made up his mind.

At this moment, a maid from outside came to send a message, "My lord envoy, my lord son, please come over."

"Master Son of God—"

Fade Chen was stunned for a moment, and then he came back to his senses. The son of God naturally refers to Yan Xiao, and the envoys are their guards.

"I see, I'll be there right away."


A while later, Fade Chen came to the palace hall under the leadership of the maid.

Yan Xiao hadn't arrived yet, but their five guards and several other attendants had already arrived.

Seeing Fade Chen appear, Wu Yong smiled and said hello, "Brother Chen, how are you recovering these days?"

"It's okay, brother Wu?" Fade Chen said casually.

Wu Yong smiled and said: "It's not bad, the fire crystal is quite suitable for me. I feel that if I continue to practice for a year and a half, I can recover to the fourth level of Yuanhun Realm. This speed is faster than before. few."

Hearing this, Fade Chen couldn't help but feel a little bit in his heart, thinking it was bad.

As expected, I was different from the others, if I continued, sooner or later my abnormal identity would be exposed.

And just when Fade Chen lowered his head and thought inwardly, a strange voice sounded, "Brother Chen, what's the matter? This breath doesn't seem to have changed, it seems to be weaker. Brother Chen, haven't you gotten used to the flames?" world?"

Looking up, it was none other than Song Jian.

Fade Chen stared at him, and said coldly: "Don't worry about my affairs, Brother Song. You should care more about His Highness, we are all here to help His Highness complete his great cause."

"Hmph, of course I know this, and I still need you—" Song Jian said dissatisfied.

Just as he was talking, there was a sound of footsteps, and Yan Xiao came.

As a result, the scene fell silent, and everyone's eyes turned to Yan Xiao.

But, when everyone looked at it, they couldn't help showing a look of surprise.

Because at this moment, Yan Xiao, smelling of alcohol all over his body, was walking towards this side with his arms around two hotly dressed young women.

Yan Xiao's hands were unscrupulously reaching into the clothes of the two women, and began to knead wantonly.


All the people present showed a look of surprise.

After all, when he was in Dayan Mansion before, Yan Xiao had always been quite stable and aloof in front of them.

But now Yan Xiao, with an undisguised smile on the corner of his mouth, messy clothes, looks quite wild.

However, after a short period of surprise, Song Jian reacted immediately, and immediately greeted him with a smile, "I've seen His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, as expected of His Highness, you have convinced the two beauties so quickly."

Song Jian originally wanted to flatter, but unexpectedly, Yan Xiao pushed a woman beside him to Song Jian, and said with a smile: "You like it, I'll give it to you."

"Your Highness, this—" Song Jian was surprised and worried.

Several other people also showed surprise.

Seeing this, Yan Xiao waved his hands with a smile and said, "These are just given to me by King An Luo for entertainment. I'm tired of playing these days, so I just change a few."

"Whoever you like, this is also given to you."

Saying that, Yan Xiao pointed to the remaining woman, and looked at Fang Xuguang, Wu Yong and Chen Fei.

Fang Xuguang looked cold and unresponsive.

Wu Yong and Chen Fei looked at each other, but they didn't understand what Yan Xiao meant, so they dared not answer.

Seeing this, Yan Xiao frowned, breathed out alcohol and said, "Nobody wants it?"

"That's fine, this kind of garbage, just dispose of it."

After finishing speaking, Yan Xiao slapped out with his right hand, and with a slap, he slapped the beautiful woman beside him into a meat paste.

This movement frightened all the people present, they all looked at Yan Xiao, they were silent like cicadas, not daring to make a sound.

Even Song Jian, who was flattering at first, looked at Yan Xiao nervously at this moment, with a look of apprehension on his face.

Seeing this, Yan Xiao sat down directly, waved his hands and said, "You all, relax. Don't think too much, I don't have any deep meaning, just play casually."

"Your Highness, but these people—" Mei Yue, as a woman, felt a little uncomfortable about the scene just now, and said cautiously.

Yan Xiao heard the words, frowned and looked at Mei Yue, and asked back: "Why, do you feel distressed?"

Mei Yue quickly lowered her head, "Your Highness, I don't."

Yan Xiao got up, looked at the five people, and said: "It seems that you haven't adapted to life in the lower realm yet!"

"Remember, this is the Great Flame Realm, a lower realm where untouchables live. And we, we are people from the Earth Element Realm who are high above us."

"Have you heard their titles, Son of God, Envoy of God?"

"In the eyes of these untouchables from the lower world, we are gods above us."

"As a god, it's nothing to just crush an ant to death, don't worry about it at all."

After hearing Yan Xiao's remarks, all the people present were shocked, and Fade Chen even frowned slightly.

Yan Xiao took a sip of his wine, and continued: "Above, haven't you had enough of all the rules? Now I'm giving you a chance to act recklessly, why are you all so timid."

"Can't even enjoy it? Eh?"

After finishing speaking, Yan Xiao pointed to a young court lady at the gate of the palace, and ordered: "Come here, serve me."

A look of horror flashed in the maid's eyes, but she still walked over.

Yan Xiao was not polite, he tore off the maid's clothes, and then started to raise and lower her hands recklessly.

It was Song Jian who came to his senses first, hugged the woman Yan Xiao had given him just now, and began to play around with a laugh.

Seeing this, Yan Xiao smiled at Song Jian: "He is a cheerful person, come, let's have a drink."

"Thank you, Your Highness." Song Jian toasted quickly.

Seeing this, the other four people understood that what Yan Xiao said just now was true, he was not doing some experiment to test everyone, but he really released himself.

That being the case, the others are not polite.

Wu Yong glanced at Chen Fei beside him, and said with a hey smile, "Brother Chen, who do you like? Brother, I won't fight with you."

Fade Chen said lightly: "Brother Wu, you choose first."

"Hey, I won't be polite to that brother." Wu Yong smiled, ordered a palace maid, and started to move.

Even Fang Xuguang, who was always cold, chose a court lady to drink with him.

Seeing this, Fade Chen could only order a maid at random.

In the last Meiyue, there was no beauty, but a strong young guard was called.

As a result, the palace became lively and fragrant for a while.

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