Settle down and settle down

The reason why Fade Chen chose this city called "Shuanglin" was because it was a bit special.

The most special thing about Shuanglin City is that it is the only city where humans and monsters live together.

In the entire Great Flame Realm, the war between humans and monsters has lasted for tens of thousands of years. It can be said that the grievances are long-lasting and inseparable.

Among them, in Nanlin Kingdom, there are a large number of monsters, and the war with monsters is the most intense.

It can be said that in any city in Nanlin Country, if you encounter a monster, the lightest thing is to arrest it directly, or even kill it on the spot, regardless of the reason.

And the only special place is this Shuanglin City.

Rumor has it that back then, a son of a nobleman in Nanlin State fell in love with a monster girl.

The family of the son of the rich and powerful couldn't bear this kind of thing no matter what, and finally kicked him out of the family.

The man who left his family wandered around Nanlin with his wife, but he couldn't find a place to stay. In the end, when they came to the southeast border of Nanlin Kingdom, bordering the forest where the monsters lived, the man decided to settle down here.

So, the couple reclaimed land on the border, built houses, and exchanged items with the surrounding villages and nests.

Slowly developing like this bit by bit, after thousands of years, a border city suddenly appeared on the border of Nanlin Kingdom and Monster Beast Forest.

Moreover, because of the influence of this special couple, in Shuanglin City, humans and monsters can rarely coexist, instead of killing each other when they meet.

Many people and demons who had similar experiences as that couple also gathered in Shuanglin City, making this small border town grow stronger.

Later, humans who committed crimes and couldn't get along, or monsters with special ideas about human life, also gathered in Shuanglin City with their own thoughts.

It has been developed until now, and the entire Shuanglin City has become a large city, and its scale is a medium-sized existence in the entire Nanlin.

In the city, humans and monsters lived together, traded and communicated with each other, and even fell in love with each other just like the original founder.

Such a special environment made Shuanglin City the first choice for Fade Chen.

Fade Chen took An Qingyu's arm, and made Huo Jiao shrink down, put it in his sleeve, and stepped into this special city.

As soon as he entered the city, Fade Chen immediately felt that the atmosphere here was different from that of ordinary cities in Nanlin Kingdom.

In the air, there is an obvious mixture of human and monster.

Moreover, after inspecting the pedestrians on the road, it can be found that almost most of them are people with self-cultivation, and their standards are better than those of the cities that Fade Chen passed through before.

Come to think of it, it's normal.

After all, the environment here is special. Although humans and monsters can coexist here, it does not mean absolute peace between humans and monsters.

All kinds of conflicts, scuffles and even fights happen from time to time.

Therefore, it is normal for people living in Shuanglin City to be stronger.

The city is quite big, and Fade Chen is not in the mood to wander around now, so he took out a few coins, found a little beggar on the street, and asked him to lead the way to a local dental shop.

Then, with the help of Yaxing, Fade Chen spent another hundred fire crystals to buy a house in the city.

As the basic cultivation resources of the Great Flame Realm, fire crystals can naturally be used as currency. Moreover, the value is quite high, and most people really can't afford much.

Fade Chen's one hundred fire crystals are already quite a fortune. The purchased houses can be considered mid-range in the entire Shuanglin City.

One side of the house is built facing the river, which is convenient for washing and fetching water; the other side is built facing the street. When you walk to the street, there are shops selling various materials, and life is very convenient.

There is a small courtyard at the front and back of the house, which separates the house from the street and the river, making the house a bit more clean and not disturbed by the noise from the street.

After buying the house, Fade Chen spent another sum of money to have the house cleaned and bought some basic daily necessities.

After such a long day of busy work, in the evening, the house was basically packed and ready to move in.

Chen Fei took An Qingyu's arm and walked into the house.

An Qingyu looked left and right, touched here, touched there, her eyes shone brightly, and the smile on the corner of her mouth couldn't be suppressed no matter what.

"It's a bit crude, it's made you suffer." Fade Chen said apologetically.

After all, An Qingyu was a princess before, and although she was sold into Huangying Pagoda due to her family's decline, her living conditions were not bad.

It can be said that this house is the worst place An Qingyu has ever lived in since she was born.

To say that Fade Chen chose such a place was not because of money.

After all, in his Ice Soul Orb, there are many fire crystals and treasures given by King An Luo. Moreover, even if these are all spent, Fade Chen himself can exchange a lot of treasures he collected in the Dayan Mansion in the Diyuan Realm for a lot of money.

For Chen Fei, money is not a problem at all.

Instead, he was worried about being too high-profile, revealing his identity, and attracting Yan Xiao's pursuit.

With this in mind, Fade Chen deliberately spent money in a low-key manner. Let his appearance return to the original appearance of Fade Chen. At the same time, they also covered up An Qingyu's appearance.

Let her delicate and eye-catching face become a slightly delicate ordinary woman.

But Huo Jiao, this guy doesn't need to pretend, just let it go.

An Qingyu understood Fade Chen's considerations. Hearing his words, she shook her head and said softly, "I didn't suffer. I like this place very much."

What she said was not to appease Fade Chen, but to feel so sincerely.

Although the previous residence was luxurious and exquisite, it was not comfortable for An Qingyu because no one was with her.

But now, in such an ordinary house, accompanied by people who cared and loved her, An Qingyu felt an unprecedented warmth and peace of mind.

Therefore, she liked this residence very much, even looking at the decoration inside the house, she couldn't help but fantasize about how she and Fade Chen would live here in the future.

Thinking of this, An Qingyu's eyes lit up, her body was soft, and her whole body seemed to melt into a puddle of hot water, melting into Fade Chen's gaze.

Fade Chen naturally felt the changes in An Qingyu, and embraced An Qingyu in his arms, letting her melt into his body.

Hugging An Qingyu, Fade Chen got up and walked towards the bedroom, put her on the brand new bed, and pressed her body down.

"Ah—" An Qingyu let out a shy cry, "It's still daytime—"


Fade Chen waved his hand, and the door and window of the bedroom closed automatically.

Then, a wave of vitality was stimulated, covering the doors and windows, blocking the light, and darkening the bedroom.

"Now, it's dark."

"But, there are others—ah—" An Qingyu said shyly.

Chen Fei grabbed it casually, and threw the Huo Jiao that had sneaked out of his sleeve out of the house, "Go out to play, I didn't call you, don't come back."

"Now, there is no one else, we can start." Fade Chen chuckled and started to move.

On the roof, Huo Jiao, who had been dumped, shook his head and complained.

"Boss is really obsessed with sex. Huh, you guys are playing at home, then I'll go out to play!"

Then, Huo Jiao twisted his body, turned into an afterimage at an extremely fast speed, and slipped towards the bustling street.

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