An Qingyu looked excited, turned around and ran behind Fade Chen, pointed at An Qingyan, and said, "He wants me to accompany Nangong Ling!"

Upon hearing this, Fade Chen's face darkened instantly, he glared at An Qingyan, and said sharply, "What's going on?"

An Qingyan looked at Fade Chen approaching him, took a few steps back in fear, and hurriedly said: "This is about my sister and me, it has nothing to do with you."

Fade Chen frowned and continued to approach.

Seeing this, An Qingyan hurriedly shouted to An Qingyu: "Sister, it's your luck that Prince Pingling's son takes a fancy to you.

Following Young Master Nangong is better than following a wanted criminal. "

"Qingyan, what nonsense are you talking about!"

An Qingyu roared sharply.

An Qingyan continued: "I'm not talking nonsense, do you think I don't know?

He was a key criminal wanted by An Luo, and he left Yaori Kingdom after hiding everywhere. "

"Sister, what's so good about such a wanted criminal.

Master Nangong is more than a hundred times worse than him. "

"you shut up!"

An Qingyu was so angry that she made a rare move towards An Qingyan, slapped An Qingyan on the face, and said angrily, "Don't say that about Mr. Chen."

"Mr. Chen is my savior, if not for him.

I have long since turned into a pile of dry bones. "

An Qingyan didn't expect her sister to beat herself, her expression changed drastically, she covered her cheeks, stared at An Qingyu in disbelief, and said excitedly: "You, you hit me, you—" "Qingyan, I just—" Seeing this, An Qingyu wanted to explain.

But at this moment, An Qingyan couldn't control his emotions, and shouted excitedly: "Stop talking, after all, you are just selfish and don't want to avenge your father."

"In order to avenge my father, I suffered so much and spent so much effort.

Now, you only need to nod your head to avenge your father, but you don't want to. "

"If father Quan Xia knows, I'm afraid he won't rest in peace."

After hearing these words, An Qingyu was immediately angry and wronged, and argued: "Qingyan, this is not a matter of revenge or not, this—" "Stop talking, you just forgot your father's revenge."

An Qingyan interrupted An Qingyu's words.

"Qingyan, calm down, this matter is not that simple, you—" An Qingyu tried hard to persuade.

But the excited An Qingyan didn't listen to An Qingyu's words at all, instead he became more and more excited, and even wanted to fight An Qingyu.

At this critical moment, with a "slap", a resounding slap was slapped on An Qingyan's face.

"Ah——" An Qingyan cried out in pain, then covered his cheeks, and looked at Fade Chen who was doing it, with anger in his eyes.

"You hit me again, I'm going to kill you—" "Crack!"

Fade Chen slapped An Qingyan with his backhand again, and knocked An Qingyan who was rushing towards him to the ground, then looked down at him coldly, "Have you calmed down?"

An Qingyan's cheeks were hot, but he finally shut up at this moment, not daring to yell anymore.

At this time, Fade Chen said coldly to An Qingyan: "Yesterday, I just thought that you were a little reckless."

"But seeing you today, I know that you are a complete idiot."

"You—" An Qingyan wanted to refute, but just as he spoke, he was slapped by Fade Chen, and he didn't dare to speak out.


Fade Chen asked, "If you weren't an idiot, how could you believe that Nangong Ling and the others would help you counterattack Yaori Kingdom?"

"The Yaori Kingdom is the strongest kingdom in the Great Flame Realm, and the entire Nanlin Kingdom is not an opponent of the Yaori Kingdom.

Do you think it is possible that a mere heir of the royal family can invade Yaori Kingdom? "

An Qingyan's face changed for a while, but he was still stubborn, "The Yaori Kingdom was strong before, but recently there have been problems within the Yaori Kingdom, and we have a chance."

"Have the opportunity!"

Fade Chen smiled, then shook his head and said, "Okay, even if, as you said, there is a real chance, Nangong Ling will really persuade King Pingling to send troops to invade Yaori Kingdom."

"Then let me ask you, why did they share the fruits of victory with you.

With your martial arts strength, gold, silver and jewelry, or your fat body? "

This unceremonious sarcasm made An Qingyan's cheeks turn blue and white, and he felt annoyed for a while, and he argued: "After I am a general, Nangong Ling and the others can only stabilize the situation of Yaori Kingdom by relying on my status. "

"Your status?

hehe! "

Fade Chen smiled, "Do you really think that now that you return to the Sunshine Kingdom, those old friends and subordinates of your father would listen to you, a trash?"

"Why do you make them surrender?

Are you skilled in martial arts?

Have you ever led soldiers to fight?

Will you govern the country? "

A series of questioning made An Qingyan's face more and more ugly.

He wanted to defend himself, but he couldn't answer Fade Chen's question.

Seeing this, Fade Chen sneered and said, "I don't know anything, so what is it if it's not trash?"

"It's ridiculous for a trash who has been deceived to go around and wants to be a king."

Fade Chen was not polite, left the room with a flick of his sleeves without saying a word.

Seeing this, An Qingyu looked at her younger brother who was paralyzed on the ground, with a complex expression, and said "Qingyan, Mr. Chen said this for your own good", and trotted to follow Fade Chen.

Fade Chen saw An Qingyu coming out, held her hand, and said, "You won't blame me for treating An Qingyan like this?"

An Qingyu shook her head and said: "Mr. Chen, what happened this time is indeed because Qingyan was too naive.

You are also doing it for his own good. "

While the two were talking, there was a sound of notification from outside.

"The princess is here!"

"Nangong Bi is here!"

Fade Chen's heart moved, he immediately got up, and went out with An Qingyu.

After bringing the eldest princess into the living room, after a few words of politeness, Nangong Bi explained the purpose of her visit.

It was yesterday that Fade Chen and An Qingyu asked the eldest princess about An Qingyan, and now she found out and sent the information over in person.

Fade Chen didn't delay, he opened the file directly and read it quickly.

After reading it, Fade Chen couldn't help frowning, and said in a low voice, "This is a bit too coincidental!"

An Qingyu also frowned slightly, "It's a bit too coincidental."

"Qingyan and Uncle An had been living peacefully for more than a year. As a result, not long after King Pingling was transferred to the small town, his identities were exposed and Uncle An died."

"Qing Yan, who was hunted down and cornered, happened to meet Nangong Ling, the heir son of Prince Pingling, and thus saved his life."

"Three months ago, Mr. Chen and I appeared in Shuanglin City.

Nangong Ling happened to bring Qingyan to Wangcheng at this time. "

"These seem to be deliberately arranged by someone."

On the opposite side, Nangong Bi looked at the two who were frowning and thinking, and said: "It seems a bit coincidental, but the information I have found so far is so."

Fade Chen nodded slightly, and said, "Please trouble the princess."

"Young Master Chen is being polite."

The eldest princess said, "If Mr. Chen needs anything else, just ask."

"I won't bother you two anymore!"

Immediately, the eldest princess got up and said goodbye.

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