Back at the residence, An Qingyu sat down, poured herself a large glass of water, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thanks to His Majesty the King's wisdom, it is finally all right."

After finishing speaking, An Qingyu saw that Chen Fei was not happy, but frowned slightly, as if he was a little worried, so he couldn't help asking.

"Master Chen, you are innocent, why are you not happy?"

Fade Chen turned around and said softly, "I'm afraid this matter is not that simple."

"Uh, is there any inside story in this?"

An Qingyu was puzzled for a moment.

Fade Chen said: "Don't you think that the attitudes of Nangong Xu and Nangong Bi are a little abnormal today?"

"Your Majesty the King and Your Royal Highness, they are very good, and helped us get rid of the crime."

An Qingyu was puzzled.

Fade Chen shook his head lightly: "It's just too good, too smooth, that's why it's not normal!"

"Think about it, is this so-called trial going too well for us today?"

"Ah, this—" An Qingyu thought for a while, and felt that this was indeed the case, but she was still puzzled, "Is there anything wrong with this?"

"It's not bad, it's abnormal."

Chen Fei said, "Nan Gongxu is the lord of a country, and the sons of two of his ministers were killed, but he is so obviously partial to me, the murderer.

What do you think his subordinates will think? "

"This—but, Mr. Chen, you should have been innocent! Your Majesty deserves such a sentence."

An Qingyu said.

Fade Chen shook his head with a chuckle and said, "Do you think the evidence is more important for the king to judge the case, or his personal feelings are more important."

"Even if His Majesty Nangong Xu is really just and unparalleled, he should acquit me.

But today's trial process is too crude. "

"The eldest princess happened to meet several witnesses, and when the witnesses spoke, Nangong Xu believed them.

Even the other party didn't have a chance to speak. "

After An Qingyu listened, she was silent for a while, thought for a while, but still had no idea, she could only look at Fade Chen and said, "Is there any problem with this?"

Fade Chen sighed lightly and said, "For now, it's not clear.

But I always feel that there is something behind this, it will not be so simple.

Anyway, let's be careful with ourselves. "

"Well, I will."

An Qingyu nodded, with a serious expression on her face, "I won't implicate you, Mr. Chen."

Speaking of this, Fade Chen suddenly thought of something, "That guy Chen Huo, hasn't he come back yet?"

Immediately, he let go of his spirit aura a little bit, and searched around, but he still didn't find any trace of Chen Huo.

So, he frowned and said in a low voice, "That guy, what the hell are you doing!"

On that day, Fade Chen guarded An Qingyu and rested all night.

Early the next morning, Her Majesty the Eldest Princess, with a motorcade and various gifts, came to the door with great fanfare, saying that she was condolences to Fade Chen and An Qingyu.

After some courtesies, Fade Chen sent off the eldest princess and her party.

In the afternoon, a big piece of news spread throughout the entire royal city.

His Majesty the king, Nangong Xu, believed that Ying Wuyun, the minister of military aircraft, and King Nangong Yao of the Heping Mausoleum were incompetent in teaching their children, and their discipline was not strict, which led them to do such unreasonable things.

Therefore, the two were demoted and fined one million Huojing each.

Now, the people in the entire royal city began to discuss this matter.

Some people were puzzled about what happened in it, so some people spread word of mouth about the big case that happened in the palace.

As a result, many people talked about it.

"Your Majesty has done a good job, and those dudes should be severely punished."

"That's right, those guys are too much. I don't know how many people have been harmed before, but this time I finally encountered a hard stubble."

"However, I feel that His Majesty's punishment is a bit heavy.

The culprits, Ying Ye and Nangong Ling, are already dead, and His Majesty wants to punish them, which is too much. "

"That's right, I heard that An Qingyu's husband is a wanted criminal named Fade Chen.

I don't know what His Majesty thinks, so biased towards foreigners.

Lord Ying and King Pingling, they are all great heroes of our Nanlin Kingdom, and they made a lot of contributions back then. "

"It's unreasonable to oppress people at will by making meritorious deeds."

"That can't be punished too severely, it will chill the hearts of other courtiers."

...For a while, related discussions became more and more lively. Not only various teahouses and restaurants, but even passers-by wandering on the street began to discuss this matter one after another.

This scene of heated discussion among the whole people made Fade Chen feel that something was a little abnormal.

He specifically asked An Qingyu to pay attention to safety.

In this way, after another two days, the entire Wangcheng was still discussing this matter.

Even, many ministers jointly signed a letter to plead with Wu Yun and Nan Gongyao, asking His Majesty to take back the order.

However, Nangong Xu was firm and insisted on his own punishment.

He even slapped the minister who wrote to plead for mercy.

In this way, no one would dare to intercede for Ying Wuyun and Nangong Yao anymore.

The gates of the mansions of the two original heavyweight ministers also became desolate.

Obviously, everyone could see that these two were about to lose power, so they sharply cut off contact with them.

The two houses also closed their doors tightly without making any sound.

In the evening, the clouds were dense, the wind was strong, and a heavy rain poured down from the sky when the night fell.

In an instant, the entire royal city was shrouded in rain.

The originally bustling street suddenly became empty, and the world was quiet, only the yellow lights from the windows gave off a little warmth.

In the bedroom, Fade Chen closed the window and lit the brazier again, raising the temperature in the room.

"The weather is bad, go to bed early tonight!"

In the middle of the night, the torrential rain continued, without stopping, but getting bigger and bigger.

The gust of wind howled, and with a snap, the window of the bedroom was blown open.

Fade Chen on the bed woke up instantly.

He was about to get up when suddenly he felt a cold blade of air attacking him.

Fade Chen's expression froze, and he immediately aroused his energy and slapped out with a palm.

With a "bang", the air blade was hit by Fade Chen and shattered.

Immediately afterwards, a figure accelerated and charged towards Fade Chen again.

At the same time, the bedroom door was knocked open, and another figure rushed in, attacking An Qingyu who was on the bed.

"court death!"

Fade Chen was furious, his whole body surged wildly, and he punched the second figure.

The figure raised his left hand, trying to resist Fade Chen's attack, and continued to attack An Qingyu with his right hand.

However, after his left hand touched Fade Chen's fist, it broke with a click, and the huge force continued to surge, smashing the whole black shadow into the ground heavily, and he lost his breath instantly.

The first black shadow had already arrived in front of Fade Chen, and the attack was about to fall.

Seeing this scene, he couldn't help being startled, then turned around and fled outside.

"Want to escape!"

Fade Chen snorted coldly, and grabbed the air with his left hand.

It was as if an invisible thug stuck out, grabbed the black figure, and dragged it back.

The black shadow was shocked, and let out a long whistle, calling for help.

However, halfway through his long howl, Fade Chen dragged him into the room, punched him down, and cut off his breath instantly.

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