After finishing speaking, Li Jing squinted and smiled at Fade Chen with a confident look.

In his opinion, his combination of kindness and power is enough to subdue the nameless boy in front of him.

After all, following him, Li Jing, was an opportunity that no one could ask for. He didn't think the guy in front of him would refuse.

After watching Li Jing's performance, Chen Fei understood his thoughts.

This kid just thinks that he has good strength and is still a casual cultivator, so he wants to take it under his command.

If it was someone else, maybe he really agreed, but he, Li Jing, met Fade Chen, so this is impossible.

Therefore, without hesitation, Fade Chen directly said to Li Jing, "I'm not interested!"


Li Jing, who was originally full of confidence, couldn't help but froze the smile on his face when he heard this answer, showing disbelief.

"What did you say?"

Fade Chen said: "I said I'm not interested in being your subordinate. If there's nothing else, I'm leaving."

After finishing speaking, Fade Chen turned around, ready to leave.

At this moment, Li Jing became angry, jumped off the couch, and said sharply, "Want to leave?"

"The person who killed me, Li Jing, do you think you can leave?"

"Come on, stop him!"

There was a clatter, and several guards in golden armor stopped Fade Chen with serious faces.

Li Jing said coldly: "I'll give you one last chance to choose, either treat me like a dog, or - die."

Seeing this, Fade Chen couldn't help but shook his head and let out a sigh.

"Oh, I originally thought that you were a reasonable person, so I didn't plan to do anything."

"However, since you want to do it, then come!"

After finishing speaking, Fade Chen waved his right hand lightly, hitting several golden armor guards in front of him.

"Bang bang bang!"

There was a sound, and these elite guards in golden armor couldn't resist Fade Chen's blow, and they were all knocked down in one fell swoop.

Li Jing, who was originally proud, suddenly changed his face when he saw this scene, and then he stood up angrily, and slapped Chen Fei with his palm, "You're looking for death."

Fade Chen felt the momentum of Li Jing's palm, but his face remained calm.

"The seventh level of Yuantai Realm, it's not bad!"

While speaking, Fade Chen also patted forward with his right hand.

The two palms collided in the tent, and the two strands of vitality collided directly, and then oppressed and confronted each other, and finally reached the extreme point, with a "bang", it exploded, and the entire luxurious tent was blown up.

Fade Chen and Li Jing flew out of the tent and started fighting in the air.

For a moment, the vigor screamed and the light flickered.

Such a loud noise made everyone at the foot of the mountain gather their eyes.

"What's going on over there? What happened?"

"It seems to be Mr. Li Jing's tent in Daxia Mansion. Who would dare to fight Mr. Li?"

"Then, wouldn't that be Brother Chen?" Lu Rui and the rest of the casual cultivators were full of surprise at this moment.

A group of people were still watching the fun, but Lu Rui thought of what Fade Chen reminded him at the end, so he hurriedly called his companions and said, "Don't watch the fun, pack up your things quickly, let's go."

"Ah, but—" the companion didn't understand.

Lu Rui said: "Have you not understood yet, Brother Chen is definitely not an ordinary person. The strength of their masters is completely beyond our comparison."

"When the time comes, we won't even be able to bear the aftermath. If you go now, you can save your life."

Hearing what Lu Rui said, the faces of the companions changed, and they hurriedly packed their things and prepared to run.

In addition to most of the ordinary casual cultivators on the periphery, those who watched the excitement were the elites closest to the entrance of the valley, including the four geniuses drinking in the wooden pavilion.

First of all, Qin? put down his wine glass and said, "Something happened over there, what's going on?"

After finishing speaking, Qin? waved and called one of his subordinates to check it out.

On the side, Song Huan, who was dressed in white and looked cynical, laughed when he saw this: "Master Qin Qi, why should we bother with those ants fighting?"

Qin Yue said with a smile: "After all, those who want to enter Xuanshuang Valley together and compete for Yuanyanmu are also considered our opponents. If this is the case, we can't go wrong if we learn more about it."

Song Huan smiled while drinking: "Master Qin Qi, you are too cautious, those guys, what qualifications do you have to compete with us, ha ha!"

After finishing speaking, Song Huan turned to Xia Yu, a gorgeously dressed woman on the right hand side, and said with a smile, "Princess Xia, what do you think?"

Xia Yu smiled charmingly, picked up the wine glass, and said, "Song Huan, Qin Qiye is right to be cautious, and you are right to find it troublesome, so why bother arguing."

"Princess Xia, what you said is the same as what you didn't say!" Song Huan laughed, and then turned to another woman, "Yunxi, what do you think?"

Unlike the gorgeously dressed Xia Yu, Yunxi was dressed in a light yellow plain long dress, with a cold face and almost no expression on her face.

Facing Song Huan's question, she said calmly: "I don't care about other people, my goal is Yuan Yanmu."

"I heard that Ms. Yun is cold and capable, it's true!" Song Huan sighed with emotion.

Xia Yu curled her lips and complained in a low voice, "It's boring!"

And at this moment, the subordinates sent by Qin Yue came back.

"Report to Qin Qiye, the situation has been clarified."

Qin? waved his hand and said, "Say!"

"The two people fighting over there, one is Li Jing, the son of General Li Zucheng of the Great Xia Mansion, and the other is a five casual cultivators, who seem to be called Chen Fei."

"In the beginning, it was because Li Jing's guard, Li Hu, went to grab something from the casual repair stall, and there was a conflict, and then..."

After listening, everyone's eyes fell on Xia Yu.

Song Huan was the first to say: "Princess Xia, then Li Jing is from your Daxia Mansion, so don't worry about it."

Xia Yu curled her lips, and said displeasedly: "I can't even manage my subordinates well, so I'm not qualified to let me take action. Besides, if you can't even beat a casual cultivator, then it's a waste, and it's useless for me to keep it in Daxia Mansion .”

After speaking, several people laughed and drank again.

Obviously, in their expectation, Xia Yu's words were not pleasant, but they were true. No matter what Li Jing said, he couldn't beat a casual cultivator.

However, at this moment, the battle situation over there suddenly changed.

The two, who had exchanged hundreds of moves in the air, were already getting a little angry at this moment.

Li Jing, who was originally full of confidence and wanted to deal with Fade Chen as soon as possible, did not expect that this guy in front of him would last so long and be watched by so many people, and felt ashamed.

So, he yelled, and directly activated his strongest strength at the seventh level of Yuantai Realm, ready to strike hard and kill Fade Chen.

Fade Chen naturally also felt Li Jing's killing intent, and he couldn't help frowning.

The reason why he fought with Li Jing for so long was because he didn't want to reveal his strength before entering the valley. In the end, this guy didn't know what to do, so Fade Chen wouldn't be polite, and didn't plan to continue fighting.

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