After hearing this, Fade Chen frowned. He knew that Xia Jin dared not lie at the moment.

"It seems that we can only look for opportunities in the future and ask Xia Wuji to clarify."

Thinking in his heart, Fade Chen looked at Xia Jin and asked, "Where is the talisman?

Bring it over and let me have a look. "


Xia Jin nodded obediently, quickly fetched an exquisite wooden box, and handed it to Fade Chen, "The talisman is inside."

Fade Chen opened the wooden box, and saw a burst of yellow-black talismans inside, with layers of extremely complicated lines drawn on it, superimposed on each other, and at first glance, it was a little dizzying.

Slightly closing his eyes, Fade Chen poked his soul into it, trying to analyze the function of this talisman.

However, after trying for a while, Fade Chen gave up by himself.

Because this talisman is too complicated, with Fade Chen's current knowledge of talismans, it is completely impossible to figure out the structure of this talisman and understand its principles.

Therefore, Fade Chen could only temporarily put away the talisman, and then interrogated Xia Jin to learn about the situation in Zhenxi City.

In the end, Fade Chen put Xia Jin and several Yuantai Realm masters in the mansion into the ban and imprisoned them.

After solving these matters, Wu Yan came to Fade Chen and asked aloud, "Mr. Chen, what should we do next?"

Speaking of this, Fade Chen pondered for a moment and began to think in his heart.

Originally, he came to Zhenxi City to solve the Chinese curse.

The result was that Xiajin was taken down, but the matter of the curse was still not resolved.

So, at this moment, Fade Chen was a little confused.

At present, it seems that in order to continue to solve the curse, it is necessary to go to the capital of the Great Xia Mansion and ask Xia Wuji, and maybe he can find out the reason.

However, with Fade Chen's current strength, it is still too difficult for Shang Xia Wuji.

Therefore, the matter of the Chinese curse can only be temporarily put on hold.

Fade Chen first considered the things that could be dealt with in front of him. Now that King Zhenxi has been controlled, Fade Chen also has the ability to speak to a certain extent in the western region.

Therefore, his first thought was to provide better living conditions for the Chinese compatriots in Sun Moon City.

If it weren't for the consideration that direct large-scale relocation would arouse suspicion, Chen Fei would have wanted to directly move the residents of Sun Moon City to Wasteland City or even Zhenxi City.

It is currently impossible to relocate, but Zhenxi City and Huangxu City can still provide some living resources and cultivation resources to Sun Moon City, so that everyone's life will be better.

Thinking of this, Fade Chen arranged the matter.

In the next few days, apart from communicating with Sun Moon City.

Chen Fei controlled Xiajin, and also carried out a series of actions in Zhenxi City, gathering the Chinese people in the city and improving their living conditions.

Fade Chen went to meet Liu Chao and Liu Jin, brothers and sisters who were arrested before, and calmed down the frightened two little guys.

On this day, just as Fade Chen came back, Wu Yan took the initiative to find him and handed Fade Chen a document: "Young Master Chen, look!"

"Uh, what—" Fade Chen took it over and looked at it.

After reading it soon, Fade Chen couldn't help but his face changed, "Three months later, Xia Wuji will hold a memorial ceremony for the ancestors in the capital city of Daxia Prefecture, and all the vassal kings, generals and nobles from all over the palace will go to the capital city to participate in the memorial ceremony. "

Undoubtedly, as a member of the royal family, Xia Jin, who is also the king of Zhenxi, is also one of the invited members.

Wu Yan looked at Fade Chen and said, "Young Master Chen, for such a grand ceremony, Fucheng will definitely send people over to hand over various tasks.

Once things on Xiajin's side are exposed, we're probably in danger.

Therefore, preparations must be made as soon as possible. "

Fade Chen nodded slightly, thinking about it.

He also agreed with Wu Yan's words. Although he controlled Xia Jin, the city of Zhenxi was very calm for the time being, and no one seemed to notice anything unusual.

But this kind of calm is unlikely to last for too long. Once the matter is exposed, the Daxia Mansion City will definitely be alert and send people to investigate.

At that time, even if Chen Fei himself is not afraid, he still has the ability to leave directly.

But Fade Chen couldn't take away the hundreds of thousands of Chinese people in Sun Moon City.

At that time, they, who were already struggling to survive, might become the targets of Xia Wuji's anger.

Thinking of this, Fade Chen couldn't help but frown.

This problem is really difficult.

And when Fade Chen was troubled, a figure rushed in with a whoosh, and said in a panic, "Mr. Chen, something happened."

Fade Chen looked at the panting and panic-stricken Old Devil Nine Fingers, his expression darkened, and he said, "What's the matter?"

Nine Fingers Old Demon said: "Young Master Chen, I follow your order to go back to the Wasteland City and Sun Moon City to convey the news.

As a result, when I returned to Sun Moon City, City Lord Zhu told me that the old lady and the eldest lady were taken away. "


Fade Chen changed his face.

Wu Yan was also surprised and said, "You mean Du Nanxing and Du Chanyi?"

Nine Fingers Old Demon nodded and said, "Exactly."

"How is this going?

Who were they captured, where were they taken, and what purpose did they have? "

Fade Chen asked one after another.

Jiuzhi Laomo shook his head and said: "Just yesterday, Mrs. Du and Missy were doing normal activities in the city. Suddenly, a group of people broke in, snatched them away, and fled to the ruins desert."

"Abducted directly, without resistance?"

Fade Chen asked.

Nine Fingers Old Demon said: "City Lord Zhu said that the strength of that group of people is unpredictable, and the guards in the city hardly responded.

Even Mrs. Du and Miss Du were taken away without any struggle. "

"This—" Chen Fei's eyes became deeper.

Master Du Nanxing is a master in refining medicine, and his strength in martial arts practice is indeed average, only at the fifth or sixth level of Yuanhun Realm.

But Du Chanyi's talent in martial arts is good, and he reached the eighth level of Yuanhun Realm a long time ago. Recently, with the support of Chen Fei's various precious resources, he has reached the ninth level of Yuanhun Realm, and he is not far from the Yuantai Realm .

Such two people, with strength in Sun Moon City, can be said to be the strongest existence except for Su Qingye who just broke through.

As a result, they were snatched away without a sound, without any resistance or struggle.

That means that the opponent's strength has definitely reached the Yuantai Realm.

Moreover, it is not the ordinary first and second layer of Yuantai.

Thinking of this, Fade Chen immediately made a decision, and said to Wu Yan and Jiuzhi Laomo, "Wu Yan, you stay in Zhenxi City, take care of Xiajin, and continue to stabilize the situation here."

"Old Devil Nine Fingers, you continue to deal with the things I arranged for you before."

"Now, I will return to Sun Moon City immediately."

After finishing speaking, Fade Chen didn't waste any time, and with a "swoosh", he flew into the sky and flew towards Sun Moon City.

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