Du Nanxing looked at her excited husband, surprised and curious, "Minglei, how did you improve so fast?

Your injury back then—" Xia Minglei's talent, Du Nanxing is very clear, is definitely the top existence in the entire Great Xia Mansion.

It's just that Xia Minglei entered the Daxia Mansion back then, and later fled with Du Nanxing. He experienced too many battles along the way, and his body suffered a lot of hidden injuries, so his cultivation base improved very slowly.

Xia Minglei held Du Nanxing's hand and explained with a smile: "During the first period of time, because of my injury, I couldn't improve my practice speed."

"However, by chance, I came to this ruined desert and found a special plant here, which cured most of the injuries."

"Afterwards, I used this desert as the core to control the spiritual core, and thus entered the control state.

And after entering the control state, because of my seal, my cultivation speed is faster than that of ordinary monks. In less than two hundred years, I have reached the current state. "

"Also, if it weren't for some old injuries that are hard to heal.

I should have reached the nine-party control realm long ago. "

"Your seal!"

Hearing this, Du Nanxing's heart moved, he glanced at Fade Chen, and said to Xia Minglei, "Minglei, I forgot to tell you.

Xiao Chen's yuan seal is the same as yours. "


Xia Minglei looked surprised, and looked at Fade Chen, "Your Yuan Yin is also the Heaven-reaching Shenmu?"

Fade Chen was taken aback for a moment, then came back to his senses.

Master Du Nanxing once explained to him that the original name of the World Tree was Tongtian Shenmu, but later its efficacy was weakened and it was used to connect the world, so the name World Tree came into being.


Fade Chen nodded slightly, and then took the initiative to show his seal.

Xia Minglei took a closer look, and suddenly showed surprise, "It's really the Heavenly Tree.

Moreover, your Yuan Yin is much stronger than mine back then, this is a rare genius! "

Hearing this, Fade Chen couldn't help but feel happy, and then asked: "Master, what you said just now.

When you reach the control state, because of Yuan Yin, your cultivation speed is faster than ordinary monks. Is this true? "

Xia Minglei nodded and said, "Of course it's true.

I can even say that in the entire Earth Element Realm, I haven't seen a Yuan Yin in the control state that is faster than the Tongtian Shenmu Yuan Yin. "

"so smart!"

Fade Chen couldn't help being curious, "Why is this?"

Xia Minglei smiled, and said, "Did Nan Xing tell you about the Heaven-reaching God Mu Yuanyin?"

Fade Chen nodded, recalling the explanation Du Nanxing had given him.

At the beginning, Master Du Nanxing once said that Tongtian Shenmu is equivalent to a channel connecting two worlds, and the breaths of the two parties blend with each other through this channel, and finally reach a state of balance.

It is equivalent to connecting two balloons of different sizes with a tube, and eventually the two balloons will become the same size.

The Tongtian Shenmu Yuanyin also has a similar effect, which is equivalent to connecting the monk with the entire world where he lives.

The process of cultivating a monk is actually a process of blending with the world.

Ideally, as long as the time is long enough, the monks can bear enough.

The monks and this world will eventually reach a state of balance and equality through this heavenly tree.

In the end, it became a powerful existence comparable to a world.

Of course, this is the most ideal state, and so far, no one has succeeded.

After all, a monk is still too small compared to the whole world.

However, this principle has never changed.

The practice process of Tongtian Shenmu Yuanyin is the process of connecting and blending monks with the world they live in.

Xia Minglei nodded slightly, and continued: "That's true.

Then if you think about it again, what are the characteristics of the control environment? "

When asked about this, Fade Chen thought again, recalling what Master Tianming told him.

Controlling the Realm, as the name suggests, selects a world, takes its spiritual core, refines and fuses it, and finally achieves a state where the two become one, allowing monks to fully control the world they have chosen.

Thinking of this, Fade Chen was startled suddenly, as if he realized something.

"Controlling the environment is merging with the selected world.

The ideal state of Tongtian Shenmu Yuanyin is also to allow the monks to complete the fusion and unity with the world they live in. "

"The two seem to be very similar."

Xia Minglei nodded with a smile and said, "Good comprehension!"

"It's not just similar, it can be said that the essence of the two is the same."

"To a certain extent, from the moment the Heaven-reaching God Mu Yuanyin in our body awakens, we have already begun the practice of controlling the realm."

"So, once we really enter the control state, our practice speed is very fast."

After hearing these words, Fade Chen was suddenly pleasantly surprised and excited, and almost couldn't wait to rush to the control realm.

Xia Minglei saw Fade Chen's excitement, and said with a smile, "Don't worry too much, the foundation still needs to be laid firmly."

On the side, Du Nanxing pulled Xia Minglei and said something in a low voice.

Xia Minglei was slightly startled, looked at Fade Chen and said, "Xiao Chen, did Nan Xing teach you the 'Wan Liu Gui Zong' exercise?"

Fade Chen nodded.

This Wanliu Guizong Kungfu was taught to him by his teacher Du Nanxing when he discovered that he was Mu Yuanyin, the god of Tongtian.

At that time, Du Nanxing told him that this ten thousand streams returning to the sect would help the cultivation of Mu Yuanyin, the god of Tongtian.

Seeing this, Xia Minglei took out a booklet and handed it to Fade Chen: "Let's practice this in the future!"

Fade Chen took a look and found that the words "Wanliu Guizong" were written on the pamphlet, and he immediately showed doubts. Post-print exercises.

It's just that that's an old version, and what I'm giving you now is a revised version that I've revised over the years, which is more useful to you. "

"Thank you master!"

Chen Fei got up and bowed to thank him.

"Okay, don't be shy.

You have come all the way here, you must be tired, go down and rest. "

Xia Minglei said.

Fade Chen turned to leave, but suddenly thought of something, and said: "Master, can I see your injury?"


Xia Minglei was a little surprised.

At the side, Du Nanxing suddenly remembered, "Yes, let Xiao Chen show you.

Xiao Chen's medical skills are very good, much better than mine.

Maybe it can heal your wounds. "


Xia Minglei didn't quite believe it.

Fade Chen didn't even try to defend himself, and stepped forward to diagnose Xia Minglei's pulse.

Moments later, he had the result.

Xia Minglei had many injuries in his body, all of which were hidden injuries accumulated over the years, the most serious of which was the injury in his dantian, which even affected Xia Minglei's original fetus.

These injuries are not easy to treat under normal circumstances, but to Fade Chen, they are not a problem.

He aroused the wooden meaning in Yuan Yin, entered Xia Minglei's body without hesitation, and repaired the injury.

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