Next, Fade Chen and the girls spent another day in the villa.

The next morning, everyone reluctantly bid farewell and went home.

Together with Lin Qiuhan, Chen Fei sent off the girls.

Before turning around and entering the room, two soldiers in uniform came over, saluted Fade Chen, and said, "Mr. Chen, hello."

"On the orders of Mr. Li, we invite Mr. Chen to meet you at the Red Wall."

About this matter, Li Zhentian called Fade Chen last night and mentioned it, so Fade Chen nodded and said, "Well, I understand."

Immediately, Chen Fei went back to the house and changed his clothes, said goodbye to his wife Lin Qiuhan, and then boarded the other party's special vehicle.

An hour later, the vehicle entered the red wall unimpeded all the way.

Coming to a quaint office, Fade Chen walked into it.

Inside the house, Li Zhentian, Cang Shu, Xu Junshan, Zhu Kuishan, and Mu Ningbian were all lined up. When they saw Fade Chen, they immediately got up to greet him.

"Xiao Chen, you are finally here."

"Quick, take your seat."

"It's been two days. We old men have to wait."

...Fade Chen was pushed to the main seat by the crowd. After everyone sat down, Li Zhentian spoke to the outside, and then two middle-aged men walked in.

With a smile on his face, he took the initiative to shake hands with Fade Chen and say hello.

"Are these two—" Fade Chen asked curiously.

Zhu Kuishan explained from the side: "Xiao Chen, these two are the red wall leaders of this generation."

"They are also very interested in your affairs in the Earth Element Realm, so they want to hear about it together."

Fade Chen immediately understood the other party's identity, greeted him with a smile, and then sat down.

Li Zhentian said: "Xiao Chen, this is not a formal meeting, so we won't engage in those complicated procedures.

Let's get right to it. "

Fade Chen nodded.

Then, everyone chatted.

First of all, Fade Chen introduced his general experience in the Earth Element Realm during the decades since he left.

This lecture lasted nearly three hours.

However, everyone listened with gusto.

Especially those two leaders, they listened very carefully, and even wrote down something in their notebooks from time to time.

After the experience was finished, he drank his saliva, took a short break, and the meeting continued.

Next, Li Zhentian and the others basically asked about some specific situations, especially about the forces of the earth element world, martial arts, economy, life and other aspects.

Fade Chen also knew what he knew, and answered them one by one.

By the way, Fade Chen also talked about his experience in the Great Flame World.

In this way, the meeting went on for another two hours, and the whole morning passed.

Chen Fei also asked everyone about the current situation of the earth.

I learned from them that since the connection channel was opened thirty years ago.

The development of martial arts on the earth is getting more and more prosperous. Warriors from other worlds and various practices, martial arts, and resources have spread to the earth one after another, and everyone communicates with each other.

The development of martial arts on the entire planet has entered a fast lane.

In the past thirty years, many emerging martial arts forces have risen at once.

Even, these martial arts forces, to a certain extent, gradually replaced the status of the country in the past.

Among them, the most well-known strengths in martial arts are the Paladins, Kuhaimen, Lingguanghui, and the Huawu Pavilion in Huaxia itself, which Fade Chen has heard about.

Huawu Pavilion was inevitably impacted. Although it continued to develop, it was not as fast as other martial arts forces. It had already been caught up and even began to enter the range of Huaxia.

Hearing this, Fade Chen's expression darkened, and he said, "So, the recent negotiation between Huawu Pavilion and the Paladins in Wanqing City was also because of this."

Cang Shu nodded and said, "You can say that."

"In the past two years, there have been small conflicts between Huawu Pavilion and other martial arts forces from time to time.

It is basically caused by these martial arts forces wanting to enter our Huaxia range. "

"After all, Huaxia is at the top of the earth, both in terms of martial arts population and martial arts resources, and no one wants to miss it."

Fade Chen frowned, and said, "Can't Huawu Pavilion fight back?"

Speaking of this, Li Zhentian sighed, a little disappointed and said: "At the beginning, Huawu Pavilion naturally had the upper hand, and it was able to resist the probing attacks of these forces."

"But in recent years, they have risen too fast, and their martial arts strength has improved rapidly.

Behind them, there seems to be the support of outside practitioners. "

"As for our Huawu Pavilion, we can only rely on the earth Huaxia itself, so—" "Outside practitioners, what do you mean.

The monks from the Great Flame Realm, the Great Xia Realm, and even the Earth Yuan Realm participated. "

Fade Chen said.

Li Zhentian nodded and said: "Almost certainly.

It's just that we don't have conclusive evidence at hand. "

On the side, Cang Shu said solemnly: "Even if there is evidence, it is useless.

After all, no one stipulates that outside monks are not allowed to help. "

"If this is the case, our Huawu Pavilion will definitely fall behind gradually, and even be swallowed up by them in the end."

Zhu Kuishan sighed for a while, then looked at Fade Chen.

Seeing this, Fade Chen paused for a moment, and then understood what Zhu Kuishan meant.

After thinking for a while, Fade Chen said: "I understand what everyone means."

"Since other martial arts forces can get help from outside monks, then I, Huawu Pavilion, can naturally get help too."

"Xiao Chen, you promised to help."

Zhu Kuishan suddenly became excited.

Fade Chen said: "Old Zhu, I have to report this matter to the two masters of Daming Mansion.

However, I guess they would agree. "

"That's great.

Chen, thank you so much. "

Zhu Kuishan laughed.

Several other old men also smiled happily and stepped forward to thank them one after another.

Fade Chen suddenly had black lines, "Mr. Zhu, you guys are acting together for me!"

Zhu Kuishan patted Fade Chen on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Xiao Chen, you think too much.

We didn't act, and what we said was the truth, it was just a little exaggerated, a little—" Amidst the laughter, Fade Chen suddenly thought of something, and asked aloud: "By the way, why didn't you see my master and Qingmudian?" host? "

Speaking of this, Zhu Kuishan said, "Xiao Chen, those two old guys are very chic, so don't worry about them."

"That's right, not long after the passage was opened, Palace Master Qingmu and Pavilion Master Xuanyuan couldn't hold back anymore. After retiring, they immediately entered the passage and ventured to other realms."

"The two of them are the first people from our earth to go out after the passage was opened."

"Now, they don't know where they are."

Now, Fade Chen was really shocked.

"Hallmaster Aoki and Master have gone to other realms, so it won't be dangerous."

"Don't worry, Xiao Chen, those two old guys, it's not like you don't know their strength.

Back then, it was the existence at the top of the earth. After the passage was opened, it went a step further. When it left, it had already reached the seventh level of the Yuanhun Realm, so nothing would happen. "

"Besides, they will send letters back from time to time."

Now, Fade Chen was relieved.

"I don't know if the Palace Master and Master have gone to the Diyuan Realm?

I don't know if there is a chance to meet them. "

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