Fade Chen was a little surprised, and with a light wave of his hand, he blew the cloth off the other people's heads, all of them were bald.

"A group of monks!"

"Who are you and why did you attack us?"

Fade Chen stared at the big monk in his hand and asked sharply.

The monk's lips were tightly closed, as if he would rather die than surrender.

Fade Chen frowned, and was about to make some moves.

At this time, the Huawu Pavilion warriors who were waiting there finally slowed down and flew over one by one.

"Mr. Chen, we are here to help you."

Fade Chen stopped and said, "No need, I've already taken care of it.

Do you know these monks? "

All the warriors looked at it and shook their heads.

Fade Chen frowned, and someone suggested: "Mr. Chen, this place is not far from the Pavilion Master.

Otherwise, let's go to the Pavilion Master, they should understand. "

Hearing this, Fade Chen nodded, "You lead the way, we act."


With what happened just now, and one person defeating dozens of enemies, these fighters in Huawu Pavilion are already convinced by Fade Chen.

The group of people circulated energy and rushed on the road non-stop. After three hours, they finally arrived in Wanqing City.

In order to deal with this matter, Mu Yuqing specially bought a villa in the suburbs of Wanqing City, and used it as the temporary headquarters of Huawu Pavilion here.

A group of people walked towards the villa, and someone immediately stepped forward and warned, "Who is it?"

"We are warriors of Huawu Pavilion."

Someone stood up.

"Captain Zhou, you're here.

What are you—" The other party was an acquaintance, and he couldn't help asking aloud when he saw the distressed appearance of everyone.

Captain Zhou said in a deep voice: "There was an accident on the road, are Pavilion Master Mu and Pavilion Master Zhuo there?"

"Captain Zhou, please wait a moment, I will report right away."

...A few minutes later, in the living room of the villa, two women walked in.

Everyone hurriedly stood up and saluted, "I have seen Pavilion Master Mu and Pavilion Master Zhuo!"

Fade Chen sat on the spot and looked up.

It was Mu Yuqing and Zhuo Qingyu who came.

Mu Yuqing has not changed much, almost the same as decades ago, with a graceful and majestic appearance, and a powerful deterrent force in her beautiful face.

Zhuo Qingyu, who was beside her, had a thin body, but his movements were clean and powerful, obviously he had never neglected his martial arts.

"Mr. Chen, this is—" Captain Zhou reminded Fade Chen when he saw that he was still sitting.

However, before he finished speaking, Mu Yuqing stepped forward quickly and walked over on his own initiative.

"You are finally back!"

Fade Chen got up, hugged her, nodded with a smile and said, "I'm back!"

Behind him, Zhuo Qingyu looked at Fade Chen with a shy face, and said in a low voice, "Master, you are back."

Fade Chen also smiled and patted her on the shoulder, "Yes.

You've made a lot of progress, and you've done a good job. "

"Thank you, Master, for your teaching!"

Zhuo Qingyu was a little excited.

Captain Zhou and the others in the room were dumbfounded when they saw such a scene.

They only heard from Chen Ziling's introduction that this Mr. Chen is a distinguished guest with a high status.

Unexpectedly, the relationship between Pavilion Master Mu and Mr. Chen is so good.

Moreover, Vice Pavilion Master Zhuo also called him Master.

This is shocking.

Mu Yuqing noticed everyone's shock, but didn't mean to explain, and went straight to the point: "Did you encounter an attack on the road?"

Fade Chen nodded, and then told the story of the attack just now.

After speaking, Fade Chen brought out the leading monk and threw it in front of Mu Yuqing, "Do you know this monk?"

Mu Yuqing looked at it, but was still identifying it.

Zhuo Qingyu on the side said, "I know him."

"He is a monk in charge of the Thousand Buddhas Grotto, and his dharma name is Jingsu."

"Thousand Buddha Caves?"

Chen Fei asked.

Zhuo Qingyu explained: "Thousand Buddha Caves is a local martial arts organization in Wanqing City, and it has a lot of influence.

The presiding abbot of the Thousand Buddha Grottoes, his dharma name is Jingkong. "

"This Jing Su is Jing Kong's younger brother.

In the Thousand Buddha Grottoes, he served as the supervisor, and was responsible for all kinds of foreign negotiations and military affairs. "

"This attack seems to be the meaning of the host of the clearance."

Mu Yuqing's face darkened, she looked at Jing Su, and asked coldly: "Thousand Buddha Cave, have you completely surrendered to the Paladins?

Is this action meant by the Paladins? "

Monk Jingsu pretended to be stupid, "I don't understand what Pavilion Master Mu is talking about."

"I led my men to cooperate with the militia to conduct artillery drills, just to deal with bandits.

But by chance, I ran into everyone from Huawu Pavilion. "

"Still quibbling!"

Mu Yuqing scolded angrily.

Fade Chen took a step forward, smiled lightly and said, "Let me do the interrogation."

After finishing speaking, Fade Chen condensed silver needles of vitality from his fingertips and injected them into Monk Jingsu's body.

Not long after, wailing sounds of incomparable pain resounded in the living room.

Afterwards, Monk Jingsu explained the matter thoroughly.

The attack this time was indeed an order from his senior brother, the host of Thousand Buddha Caves, Jing Kong himself.

The reason why Thousand Buddha Caves did this is because they reached a cooperation with the Holy Knights, in order to drive Huawu Pavilion away from now on.

Although the truth of the matter was almost guessed, but when it was confirmed, Mu Yuqing frowned, clenched her fists and said in a deep voice, "Sable, do you Paladins really want to start a complete war with my Huawu Pavilion?"

Chen Fei asked aloud: "What happened?

Paladins doing something? "

Mu Yuqing nodded, and quickly told Fade Chen what happened here.

After listening to it, Fade Chen sorted out what happened, and he finally figured it out.

A year ago, a mine was discovered in the suburbs of Wanqing City in the Wanta Country, producing a mineral called cyanpyroxene.

This cyan pyroxene is useful to monks in the Great Xia Realm.

Wanta State wants to sell blue pyroxene to make money, but it does not have enough technology and strength to mine it.

In the end, the local officials of Wanqing City found Huawu Pavilion and negotiated a cooperation agreement to mine the blue pyroxene here.

After the agreement was reached, Huawu Pavilion immediately formed a capable force and professionals to quickly establish the mine, and it will be officially mined and operated.

But then, various disputes occurred one after another.

Some local farmers came to the mine to make trouble, saying that their land was occupied and they did not lose money.

Some local residents complained that the mines started polluting the environment and making it impossible for them to live.

...The handling of these disputes delayed the opening of the mine for several months.

Originally, Huawu Pavilion thought that the matter was settled, and it could finally officially open for business.

But unexpectedly, the power of the Paladins came in and set up a breeding farm project in Wanqing City.

The address was also deliberately chosen near the cyanpyroxene mine.

As a result, the clashes between the Paladins started again, and the incident became more and more troublesome, and even killed a few master warriors at the sixth level of the original body state in the end.

On the grounds of this, the Holy Knights directly sent several elders to put pressure on them. In the end, even their head of the group, Sable, came to Wanqing City in person and asked Huawu Pavilion to take responsibility.

It was precisely because of this that Mu Yuqing took Zhuo Qingyu and came here in person to negotiate with the Paladins.

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