After Mu Yuqing finished the call, Fade Chen immediately asked, "What happened?"

Mu Yuqing said in a deep voice: "Our Huawu Pavilion's business in Europe's Rank City and Osval City's business have accidents at the same time, and they have conflicts with the locals. The situation is critical."

"Something happened at the same time."

Fade Chen frowned.

Mu Yuqing added: "The headquarters of the Spiritual Light Society is near Rank City.

And Osval City is the sphere of influence of the Kuhai Gate. "

Hearing this, Fade Chen's eyes sharpened.

"Aura, Kuhaimen.

At the same time, an accident occurred, and there was a conflict with my Huawu Pavilion. "

"In addition to the paladins here, if Chen Fei hadn't come unexpectedly.

The last negotiation agreed by the two parties was originally today. "

"If everything is normal, Lingguang and Kuhaimen will take action at the same time when Huawuge and the Paladins are negotiating today.

In that case, Huawu Pavilion will be attacked from three sides, and the situation will become extremely severe. "

After hearing what Fade Chen said, Mu Yuqing also noticed the abnormality and immediately became alert.

"What you mean is that the actions of these three forces were negotiated, and they deliberately chose today to launch together to oppress my Huawu Pavilion."

Chen Fei nodded: "It should be so!"

"Why are they doing this?

Just for some business? "

Mu Yuqing was puzzled, "Besides, the three forces themselves have many contradictions and frictions.

How could they—" At this time, Fade Chen thought about what Bi Jian explained yesterday.

The angels in heaven gave them the tasks of the hunting team, one of which was to support the martial arts forces outside of China.

Moreover, the operation of the mine this time was also an order from the angels.

If you think about it this way, the black hand behind the whole thing is already very clear.

"Heaven, angel!"

"It's just, why did these monks from the Earth Realm come to Earth to specifically target China?"

Fade Chen frowned and thought, "It seems that I have to go to heaven as soon as possible."

Putting aside the doubts in his heart for the time being, Fade Chen said to Mu Yuqing, "I'll go to Lanke City and Tianzhu now."

"me and you togather."

Mu Yuqing said immediately.

"Okay! Make arrangements and we'll set off right away."

Fade Chen said.

Mu Yuqing nodded, and immediately pulled Zhuo Qingyu, called the members of Huawu Pavilion, and made some arrangements.

About a quarter of an hour later, Mu Yuqing came back, "I'm ready."

"Rank City is far away, I plan to go there first.

However, there is no private jet in Wanqing City, so we have to go to the capital of Wanta Country first, before we can—" Fade Chen interrupted Mu Yuqing, "Don't bother, let's go directly. "

"Go directly?"

Mu Yuqing was puzzled.

Chen Fei grabbed Mu Yuqing's hand, flew into the air, and flew towards Rank City at an extremely fast speed.

Fade Chen mobilized his vitality, and his speed increased rapidly, even surpassing the passenger plane, and quickly flew out of the range of Wanqing City.

Mu Yuqing's strength is not bad, and she can also fly in the air for a while.

But neither the speed nor the duration can be compared with Fade Chen.

Even, the howling wind at high altitude forced Mu Yuqing to mobilize his vitality and resist, otherwise his body would be difficult to stabilize in the air and he might fall off.

Seeing this, Fade Chen gently pulled Mu Yuqing into his arms with his right hand.

"Ah—" Mu Yuqing exclaimed, her face turning slightly red.

Chen Fei explained: "You let go of your vitality, and I will take you flying."

After finishing speaking, Fade Chen's vitality enveloped Mu Yuqing, making her tightly pressed against Fade Chen's chest, feeling warmth and softness.

"I'm going to speed up!"

Fade Chen gave a reminder, and the speed increased again.

Running all the way, in less than two hours, Fade Chen took Mu Yuqing to the sky above Lank City.

Mu Yuqing searched, spotted a green farm below, and said, "That's it.

This farm is the asset of our Huawu Pavilion in Rank City, and it is here that the conflict happened this time. "

Fade Chen looked closer and found that there were many people coming near the farm. There were at least three or four hundred people in the dark area.

This group of people yelled and launched an offensive on the farm, and there were also a dozen or so scattered warriors in the farm, resisting.

However, because of the large gap in numbers, the resisting warriors retreated steadily, so they could only retreat continuously, and finally gathered in a small two-story building in the middle of the farm.

With the cover of the building, they barely resisted the opponent's siege.

However, according to the current situation, when the three or four hundred people on the other side complete the encirclement, the ten or twenty people in the small building will undoubtedly lose.

The leader of the siege obviously thought the same way, with a hearty voice and a smile: "Warriors of Huawu Pavilion, you are already surrounded, and it is pointless to continue to resist."

"Come out and surrender now, I can consider pleading with the judge to reduce your crimes."

The response from the small building was an angry curse: "Kenny, you shameless old bastard, don't give me shit."

"Your spiritual light will fight, and I, Huawu Pavilion, will accompany you to the end."

"Fight with them!"

The last sentence was addressed to the people in the house.

In the air, Chen Fei approached quickly, and recognized the leader of the siege, who turned out to be an acquaintance.

It was the Elder of the Spiritual Light Society who lured Huawuge's talented students to switch jobs and transfer schools some time ago——Kenny.

At this moment, Elder Kenny frowned when he heard the voice in the room, raised his right hand, and issued a general attack command: "Do it, shoot and kill!"


There was a burst of restlessness, and the offensive was about to begin.

But at this moment, a stream of light fell from the sky and blasted on the group of auras besiegers outside the house.

These people obviously didn't expect that there was an attack coming from the sky, and they were completely unprepared, and they were immediately bombarded by the streamer, screaming and falling apart.

While dodging, Kenny raised his head and shouted: "Who is it?

Aura will do something to me just now? "

Mu Yuqing fell from the sky, looked at Kenny coldly, and said in a cold voice, "I want to ask, who gave you the courage to attack my Huawu Pavilion just now?"

"You—Mu Yuqing, you're not in Wanqing City, how could you—" Kenny recognized Mu Yuqing, his face full of shock.

Then, he reacted quickly and ordered: "Withdraw!"

When Mu Yuqing arrived, Kenny knew that even if his group had the upper hand, they had no chance of winning.

After all, he is only an elder of the Aura Society, and his strength is still far behind Mu Yuqing, the pavilion master.

You must go back as soon as possible and inform President Paul.

However, just when Kenny was about to retreat and escape, an invisible big hand reached out and grabbed him.

"You——you are Huawu Pavilion—" Kenny recognized the person who made the shot, it was the young Mr. Chen from Huawu Pavilion last time, "Let me go, I am the elder of the Spiritual Light Society, how dare you move?" Me, my aura will--" Fade Chen was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and with a light wave of his left hand, he stunned all the three or four hundred people outside the small building, and exerted a slight force on his right hand, making Kenny howl in pain.

"Lead the way to the headquarters of your Aura Society."

Kenny, who was completely manipulated, dared to resist, so he could only nod.

So, Fade Chen carried Kenny, and together with Mu Yuqing, flew to the headquarters of the Aura Society.

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