After dealing with Mou Han, Fade Chen's eyes fell on the thin old man, and he said in a deep voice, "Your name is Luan Yong, and you are also a person with blood teeth?"

At this moment, the old man was trembling all over, and his face was full of horror.

Hearing Chen Fei's question, he quickly waved his hands and said, "My lord, I, I am not a person with blood teeth."

"Uh, no?" Fade Chen was a little surprised, "Then why are you here?"

Luan Yong lowered his head, as if he didn't want to speak, but he still didn't dare to hide it from Fade Chen.

After all, Mou Han died in his hands, and he was only at the eighth level of Yuanhun Realm, so naturally he couldn't be Chen Fei's opponent.

"I, I am from the Great Xia Realm."

Now, Fade Chen was really surprised, "People from the Great Xia Realm, why did you appear here?"

"I'm here to carry out a mission." Luan Yong said.

"What task?" Fade Chen frowned, "Speak in one breath, I don't want to waste my tongue."

Luan Yong trembled all over, and hurriedly opened his mouth, telling his mission in detail.

"I come from a martial arts organization called 'Sen Luo Dian' in the Great Xia Realm. We had a conflict with a martial arts organization called 'Qing You Gong'."

"As a result, the saint from Qingyou Palace escaped and came to Earth. So, as a representative of Senluo Palace, I chased her all the way here."

"Because it's inconvenient to shoot on Earth, I failed several times. After I reported the situation to my superiors, the superiors gave me a talisman and asked me to come to Yetiantang to seek help from the experts here."

"So, I just—"

After hearing this, Fade Chen frowned involuntarily, chewing on what Luan Yong said.

"Great Xia Realm, Senluo Palace, Qingyou Palace, Saintess, this—"

At this moment, a sudden ringtone of the mobile phone brought Fade Chen back from his thoughts.

"It's Momo Su's call." Fade Chen took out the phone and connected it immediately, "Momo."

As soon as he spoke, Su Momo's urgent voice came from the other end of the phone, "Brother-in-law, it's not good. Suddenly a group of people came and attacked You Qing and me."

"These people are very powerful and injured the bodyguards sent by Ziling."

"We fled into Huawu Pavilion, those people didn't stop and continued to attack. Even, many people in Huawu Pavilion were injured by them."

"Right now, Ziling is leading people to fight against them, but I don't think the situation is very good."

Fade Chen was startled suddenly, feeling very surprised. Huawu Pavilion is one of the top five powers on the planet, who is so bold as to openly attack Huawu Pavilion.

But soon, Fade Chen came back to his senses.

The strength of Huawu Pavilion is good, but the combat effectiveness of the current Huawu Pavilion may be greatly reduced.

After all, a few days ago, preparing for the battle between the mines in Wanqing City and the Paladins, a large number of Huawu Pavilion’s hardcore martial arts masters were transferred away, and I’m afraid they haven’t returned to Huaxia yet.

Zhuo Qingyu hadn't returned to the capital because of poisoning and the matter of Wanqing City.

Mu Yuqing, on the other hand, came to Rank City with Fade Chen and almost wiped out the Aura Society.

Fade Chen left immediately and came to Yetiantang. Mu Yuqing should still be dealing with the follow-up matters of the Aura Society in Rank City.

Therefore, in this way, the only real top expert in the Huawu Pavilion headquarters at this moment is Chen Ziling, the deputy pavilion master.

Thinking of this, Fade Chen couldn't help feeling a little anxious, but he still comforted Su Momo on the phone: "Momo, at most an hour, I'll be right back."

"Take You Qing with you, try to protect yourself, and let Zi Ling not fight head-on with the other party, and wait for me to come back."


After hanging up the phone, Fade Chen was about to leave.

As for Luan Yong, Fade Chen would naturally not be polite, and was going to slap him to death.

Just as he made his move, Luan Yong suddenly shouted: "My lord, don't kill me. I have a way to make them stop."

"Huh?" Fade Chen was surprised, "What are you talking about?"

With his life at stake, Luan Yong couldn't care less about anything else, and hurriedly said: "My lord, the Youqing you mentioned is the saint of Qingyou Palace."

"The person who chased her down this time was sent by me."

"What!" Fade Chen looked furious, and stared at Luan Yong fiercely.

Luan Yong quickly explained: "My lord, this is an order before you come. Now, I will call them to make them give up their mission and stop their attack."

Although Fade Chen was skeptical, he still decided to give it a try, "Call right away."

Luan Yong took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

It's just that the call was not connected for a long time, and Fade Chen's face became more and more ugly.

Just when Fade Chen couldn't help but make a move, the phone was finally connected.

"Elder Luan! We have found the Holy Maiden of Qingyou Palace, and we are attacking. The opponent's strength is limited, so we shouldn't be able to hold it for long. We will succeed soon."

On the other end of the phone, there was obviously a whistling sound behind the human voice, which should be a battle.

Hearing this, Luan Yong's forehead was sweating like rain, and he hurriedly shouted: "Nie Yu, stop the mission immediately and retreat."

"Ah—Elder Luan, we are about to succeed, this—" The other party was obviously puzzled.

Luan Yong glanced at Fade Chen, his voice became more serious, "This is an order, execute it immediately."

"But—" The other party was really puzzled and was still arguing.

Luan Yong was really anxious, and almost yelled on the phone, "You don't retreat now, after you come back, prepare to die."

Such an angry scolding finally made the other party hesitate, and finally reluctantly said: "Yes, Elder Luan, we will retreat immediately."

Now, Luan Yong heaved a sigh of relief, glanced at Fade Chen, and said in a deep voice, "You guys stay at the stronghold and wait for me to come over."

"Yes!" The phone hung up.

Luan Yong squeezed out a smiling face, and said to Fade Chen: "My lord, I, I have ordered the mission to stop. The saints and the others will be fine, I—"

Fade Chen grabbed Luan Yong's collar, "Let's go."

Leaving Ye Tiantang, Fade took Luan Yong into the air directly, and stimulated his vitality without hesitation, broke out at his fastest speed, and flew towards the capital.

In less than an hour, Chen Fei, who was full of vitality and steaming white, appeared in the sky above Huawu Pavilion.

He let go of his soul, felt the breath below, and he was relieved that there was no strong smell of blood.

After landing, Chen Ziling quickly rushed over, "Brother, you are back."

"He is—" Chen Ziling looked at Luan Yong.

Fade Chen didn't have time to explain, and asked, "Are Momo and You Qing okay?"

Chen Ziling scratched her head and said, "They're fine. It's strange to say that the group of people who attacked them was very powerful, and their strength was basically around the fifth or sixth level of the Yuan Soul Realm, and there were even two masters at the seventh level of the Yuan Soul Realm. Under the circumstances, I almost couldn't resist."

"However, at a critical moment, they suddenly withdrew, and then it was fine."

"That's good!" Fade Chen nodded slightly, "Take me to find Momo and Youqing."

Hearing this, Chen Ziling pouted immediately, "Brother, I was injured, so you don't care about others at all."

"Hey, it seems that brothers and sisters are still no match for my sister-in-law!"

"Crack!" Fade Chen tapped Chen Ziling on the head, "Don't talk nonsense, there is business."

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