Yu Wuyou's cheeks were flushed, his eyes were gloomy, obviously very angry.

Zhuang Wei knew that Yu Wuyou was arrogant, and when things went wrong, he would easily go crazy and even hurt his own people.

So, he hastened to persuade him: "Yu Wuyou, don't force yourself."

"The earth's spiritual core is the crystallization of luck in a world, and it is not that simple to rely on brute force."

Yu Wuyou said dissatisfied: "Then Fade Chen can go in, why can't I?

Could it be that I am not as good as him? "

Zhuang Wei quickly explained: "Of course not."

"It's just that I heard that Fade Chen himself came from Earth.

He was able to enter the location of the earth's spiritual core, which should be the main reason. "

"Also, maybe it was he who entered and did something inside that made the protection stronger."

Yu Wuyou was somewhat persuaded, "Then what do you mean?"

Zhuang Wei said: "Wait for Fade Chen to come out."

"When the time comes, we'll grab that kid directly.

It should be simple to kill directly, or bombard the earth's spiritual core again. "

Yu Wuyou thought for a while, then nodded, agreeing with Zhuang Wei's thoughts.

Seeing this, Zhuang Wei breathed a sigh of relief.

But Yu Wuyou's eyes sank, and he suddenly said: "Wait, it's a waste of time."

"Force Fade Chen to come out."


Zhuang Wei was puzzled.

Yu Wuyou said coldly: "Didn't you say that kid is from Earth?

Then he is on Earth, so he should have relatives and friends. "

"You mean—" Zhuang Wei hesitated, "It's not good, after all, we are irrelevant people, we—" Yu Wuyou sneered, "It's just a few ants, why bother."

"If you don't want to, I can go by myself."

After finishing speaking, Yu Wuyou let out a whistling sound, turned into a beam of light, and flew out.

Zhuang Wei sighed, but still followed.

Two hours later, the people sent by the headquarters found Captain Yu who was dying.

After some emergency rescue, Captain Yu's life was saved, but his cultivation was completely wiped out.

The opponent's information reported by Captain Yu quickly spread to the capital.

Big bosses such as Xu Junshan, Li Zhentian, Zhu Kuishan, etc. received the news one after another and returned to the capital.

Martial arts masters such as Mu Yuqing and Zhuo Qingyu were also invited to the scene.

After the introduction, the presiding officer glanced at everyone present, and said in a deep voice: "According to speculation, the martial arts cultivation of those two enemies may have surpassed the Yuan Soul Realm and reached the Yuan Embryo Realm."

"As for the specific level of Yuantai Realm, based on our experience, it is still impossible to judge."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of all the bosses at the scene couldn't help but sink.

The strongest person present should be Mu Yuqing.

Her cultivation base at the eighth level of Yuanhun Realm is considered top in the entire earth.

But there is still a considerable distance from Yuantai Realm.

Everyone obviously thought of this.

Xu Junshan said: "Is there a way to call domestic martial arts masters over?

Let's work together, maybe—" Li Zhentian shook his head, and said in a deep voice: "I'm afraid it's not that simple.

Not to mention how many people can be summoned, even if people come, in the face of the absolute difference in realm, simply pile up the number of people is not very useful. "

"Before Palace Master Qingmu and Senior Xuanyuan left, they made an estimate.

A monk at the first level of the Yuantai Realm, under normal circumstances, is no problem against ten masters of the ninth level of the Yuanhun Realm.

Converted to the eighth level of Yuanhun Realm, it is equivalent to twenty to forty. "

"That is to say, even if we use the lowest realm to judge those two people.

Two monks at the first level of the Yuantai Realm need forty to eighty masters at the eighth level of the Yuanhun Realm to deal with them. "

"And this is impossible.

Besides, the two of them on the other side may not only have the cultivation base of the first level of Yuantai Realm. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone was silent for a while, and the atmosphere on the scene suddenly became tense.

Zhu Kuishan was still in a violent temper, he slapped the table and said angrily: "Now that they have been beaten to the head, what's the use of counting so much.

Fight them directly. "

Li Zhentian said: "Old Zhu, we are discussing countermeasures, not looking at your temper."

"Lao Li, I think you're just scared."

Zhu Kuishan said.

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, Xu Junshan said, "Stop arguing."

"The most important thing now is to find a way to deal with the enemy."

Mu Ning, who was on the side, said at this moment: "In terms of pure warriors, it is almost impossible to defeat the opponent."

"So, we have to make up for it in other ways."

"You mean—" Several people looked over at the same time.

Mu Ning said in a deep voice: "Hot weapons!"

"This is the greatest invention of our planet and our greatest reliance.

If used properly, it may be effective. "

Several people looked at each other, and finally made a decision: "Okay, this is a choice, I will notify the military department immediately and make preparations."

"In other respects, we must prepare as soon as possible."

At the end of the meeting, all parties went back and began intense preparations.

Mu Yuqing rushed to Huawu Pavilion with Zhuo Qingyu.

Along the way, Mu Yuqing was on the phone almost non-stop, constantly contacting everyone in the martial arts world.

In this way, Mu Yuqing was finally able to catch her breath after being busy all the way until the evening.

But at this moment, a hasty phone call came in.

"Pavilion Master, something has happened!"

As soon as the words came out, Mu Yuqing's heart sank, "Say, what's the matter?"

The other party reported immediately: "Vice Pavilion Master Chen was seriously injured."

"what happened?"

Mu Yuqing asked sharply.

The other party spoke faster: "Someone broke into Lin Qiuhan's home, and Deputy Pavilion Master Chen happened to be nearby, so he rushed over and started a fight with the other party.

As a result, the opponent was powerful, severely injured Vice Pavilion Master Chen, and arrested Boss Lin. "

"What! This—" Mu Yuqing was startled, and then thought of something, "Could it be——" At this moment, Zhuo Qingyu walked in quickly: "Pavilion Master, those two people have arrived in the capital, broke into Into the red wall."

"I'll go there right away!"

Mu Yuqing sensed the seriousness of the matter and hurried away.

Within a quarter of an hour, Mu Yuqing appeared outside the red wall.

At this moment, Xu Junshan, Zhu Kuishan and others who had a meeting at noon also gathered here.

"Pavilion Master Mu, you are here."

Zhu Kuishan stepped forward quickly.

Mu Yuqing hurriedly asked: "Old Zhu, how is the situation inside?"

Zhu Kuishan said: "The two returned directly from Kunlun and broke into the red wall.

Our guards can't stop it at all. "

"Does the other party have any requests?"

Mu Yuqing asked.

Zhu Kuishan shook his head: "It's not clear yet.

The negotiators we sent got no response. "

"This—" Mu Yuqing was burning with anxiety.

And at this moment, two figures flew up from the red wall and stood in the air.

The sky was dark, the moon rose, and the white moonlight fell, reflecting the red walls and green tiles below, as well as the two figures in the sky, one tall and one short.

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