Fade Chen ignored these curious and astonished gazes, and came to Xuanyuan Jiangshan and Qingmu Palace Master.

"Master, Palace Master, I finally found you!"

The two were also full of excitement, holding Fade Chen's hand, their voices trembling.

"My boy, why are you here?"

"These years, how have you been since you came out? It seems that you should have become a lot stronger."

"Master, Palace Master, why are you here? What is going on here?"


For a while, both sides had endless things to say.

On the contrary, Chen Huo couldn't stand it anymore, and said: "Boss, we are still floating on the sea! Why don't we find a place to rest and have a good chat."

Fade Chen paused, looked around, and scratched his head for a moment.

After all, their ships had been destroyed long ago because of the previous battles. And ran all the way to escape, and now I don't know where I ran, there is only a vast sea around.

Suddenly, Fade Chen was a little embarrassed, looked at Han Xian and the others, and asked aloud, "Do you know where this is?"

At the moment, there were only three people around Han Xian. Han Xian looked at an old man and said, "Master Sun, what do you think?"

Hearing this, Master Sun flew up into the sky, then looked around, finally landed, and said to everyone: "I can roughly determine the location. At present, the nearest island to us is Hulong Island in the southwest. With all our strength, we can probably It's a two-day journey."

Hearing this, Fade Chen was about to speak.

But Master Sun changed the subject and said: "But Hulong Island is probably not a good place to go."

"Because that's the territory of the Gu family. Moreover, the gathering place of purple sharks is also near Hulong Island."

"Ah, then what should we do?" The little fat prince Han Xian became anxious when he heard the words.

Everyone was also frowning for a while, and there was nothing good to do for a while.

At this time, Mo Li suddenly said: "Uh, that, that."

"If you don't mind, I have a proposal."

All of a sudden, everyone looked over, staring at Mo Li together, which made the little girl nervous.

Seeing this, Fade Chen held Mo Li's hand and gave him an encouraging look, "Say it."

Mo Li took a deep breath and said, "Our mermaid family is not far from this sea area. If you want to take a rest, you can go to our place."

Upon hearing this, Fade Chen's eyes lit up.

After all, the reason why he redeemed himself for Mo Li was to go to Mo Li and their mermaid clan to find their holy land.

"That's right, let's go there!"

And the little prince Han Xian and his group showed curious expressions.

Seeing this, Fade Chen hurriedly explained, explaining Mo Li's identity.

After listening, the little fat man Han Xian patted his chest and said, "In that case, let's go there."

Hearing this, Master Sun was a little nervous and winked at the young prince.

Seeing this, Xuanyuan Jiangshan and Palace Master Qingmu said: "Master Sun, Fade Chen is our acquaintance, we trust him, there will be no problems."

"This—" Master Sun still hesitated.

It was Han Xian, the little fat man, with a cheerful look, "Master Sun, since the two elders have said it, there must be no problem."

"Besides, I've never seen a mermaid family before!"

"Mo Li, do you have anything delicious? Can I buy it with money?" The little fat man looked greedy.

At this time, Master Sun finally let go, nodded and said: "Then it will be hard for Ms. Mo."

After deciding where to go, Mo Li identified the direction, led the crowd, and started to act.

A group of people moved quickly in the sea, sometimes emerging from the water to take a breath.

In this way, after traveling for about half a day, a dense piece of coral appeared in front of him, and Mo Li said, "Here we are!"

After speaking, Mo Li moved his mouth and made a few sound waves that no one could hear.

After a while, two cyan mermaids covered in scale armor and holding bone forks swam over.

Mo Li hurried forward and exchanged ideas.

After a lot of effort, the two were finally persuaded and nodded.

Then, the two led the way, and Mo Li led the others, and continued to move forward, circling and circling among the coral bushes, and finally came to a huge boulder.

The two each injected a bit of vitality into a specific position of the boulder, and the vitality immediately changed, drawing a huge and complicated magic circle.

The magic circle flickered, the boulder trembled, and separated from the center, revealing a circular entrance with a size of two meters.

Mo Li took the lead and led everyone into the cave.

After walking in the dark cave for about a stick of incense, everyone's eyes suddenly lit up, and it suddenly became clear that a sunken valley appeared, like a basin in a mountain on the ground.

But the difference is that at this moment, above the bottom of the valley, there is a huge bubble covering the entire valley.

Looking through the transparent water bubbles, you can see that in the valley, there are many high and low houses, large and small, and there are different terrains such as fields, soil slopes, and pools.

However, the material is different from the ground, and is composed of shells, corals, aquatic plants, etc. in the sea.

During the period, there were quite a few mermaids who were busy shuttling inside.

At a glance, the world in the bubble is completely a special small city.

Fade Chen and the others were stunned by such a scene, with surprise and shock on their faces.

Mo Li led the crowd through the bubble, entered inside, then turned his head and said, "In the bubble city, you can breathe freely."

Hearing this, everyone let go of their breath-holding, took a deep breath, and were immediately surprised.

"There's really air here!"

"Great, it's still so comfortable!"


"Our family can breathe in water, and we can also live on land. In the beginning, there was no such bubble city. Later, more people practiced and went to the ground more often. So we searched for cities on the ground and built such a city. , Let some of the clansmen you like live in."

Molly explained.

While talking, several people came over.

These people are different from the guards at the door just now. They don't have scales on their bodies, and they walk on two legs, almost the same as humans.

"Sister Mo Li, it's great that you're back safely!" A little girl who looked like she was only in her teens threw herself into Mo Li's arms with a crying voice.

"Qiu Qiu, I'm fine!" Mo Li comforted the little girl, "It won't look good to cry any more."

"Junior Sister Mo Li, are these the human guests you mentioned?" A burly and handsome young man sized up Chen Fei and the others and asked aloud.

Mo Li nodded, and took the initiative to introduce: "Brother Yuan Chi, this is Mr. Chen Fei, this is Mr. Chen Huo, this..."

Before the introduction could be finished, this Senior Brother Yuan Chi interrupted coldly: "Don't be in a hurry to introduce, whether you are a VIP or not, you have to go through the inspection."

"Let's go, come with me for inspection!" Yuan Chi turned and left.

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