Chen Fei's words made everyone at the scene quiet, and all their eyes were cast over.

Palace Master Jiaolin frowned, with a strange look in his eyes, and looked at Fade Chen.

The palace lord's guard on the side glared even more, staring at Fade Chen dissatisfied and said, "It's nothing to do with anyone, don't speak casually."

However, just as the guard finished speaking, Han Xian took the initiative to look over and asked, "Mr. Chen, what did you mean just now?"

Seeing this, the Lord Jiaolin glared at the guard, waved him back, and then looked at Fade Chen.

Fade Chen looked at Jiaolin and asked aloud, "Palace Master Jiaolin, where is your disciple Yuan Chi now, do you know?"

"Ah? He should be practicing in the practice room. He has always practiced hard." Jiao Lin said.

"The Palace Master had better send someone to take a look." Fade Chen reminded.

"This—" Jiao Lin was a little puzzled, but still called someone over and gave some instructions.

Han Xian noticed something, and hurriedly said: "Mr. Chen, is there something wrong with Yuan Chi?"

Fade Chen said: "I don't know if there is any problem. But I accidentally saw last night that Yuan Chi went out and sent a letter."

"What, it's impossible?" Before Han Xian could speak, Palace Master Jiaolin retorted first.

After all, in his opinion, even though Yuan Chi advised him to do something to Han Xian last night, it was just a suggestion. As the Palace Master himself, he has not made a decision. As a disciple, it is impossible for him to presume to make the decision for himself.

What's more, Yuan Chi is very talented in the whole Hanshui Palace, he is the number one among his disciples.

He was even regarded by Jiao Lin as his successor. Therefore, when Jiaolin heard Fade Chen say that his disciple might secretly betray him, his first reaction was naturally not to believe it.

Fade Chen looked at the excited Jiao Lin, but didn't speak, just waited quietly.

After a while, the disciples sent by Jiao Lin came back.

Jiao Lin hurriedly asked: "How is it? Is Yuan Chi in the practice room?"

The disciple said: "Palace Master, Senior Brother is not in the practice room."

"What?" Jiao Lin was startled, and continued to ask, "Is that somewhere else? Have you visited it?"

The disciple said: "Palace Master, I went to the place where Senior Brother Yuan Chi often goes and asked about it, but they were not there. Everyone said that after last night, I haven't seen Senior Brother Yuan Chi."

"This—" Jiaolin's expression changed drastically, but he still didn't want to believe his first disciple's betrayal, so he ordered, "Order the entire Hanshui Palace, no, the entire Supao City, to let Yuan Chi come to see me immediately."

"Yes!" The disciple took the order and left.

Although whether Yuan Chi betrayed or not, it is still unclear at the moment.

But Han Xian and the others, at this time, had believed eighty-nine percent of what Fade Chen said, and couldn't help asking: "Mr. Chen, if someone really tipped off the news, what should we do?"

Mentioning this, Jiao Lin couldn't help becoming nervous, "If the Gu family comes after them, I'm afraid I, Hanshui Palace, will be hard to resist."

For a moment, everyone present almost became nervous.

There were only Chen Fei and Chen Huo, with expressions of indifference.

Chen Huo said carelessly: "With my boss here, there is no need to worry about anything. If the Gu family dares to come over, our boss will let them go and never return."

"Ah, this—"

Chen Huo's words made both Han Xian and Jiao Lin feel surprised and unbelievable, and they couldn't help looking at Fade Chen.

Fade Chen understood their suspicion, but he didn't explain it. He just said indifferently: "Don't worry about chasing and killing, I will solve it."

Although it was personally admitted by Fade Chen, the two sides obviously still don't believe it.

After all, in their perception, Fade Chen was also a deserter who was chased and killed by the Gu family, so he couldn't be the opponent of the Gu family. Otherwise, he would not have been hunted down to this point.

Fade Chen didn't explain much, he just waved his hands and said, "It's all right, everyone, let's have a good rest."

After finishing speaking, Chen Fei got up and left, and Chen Huo quickly followed.

Xuanyuan Jiangshan and Palace Master Qingmu also wanted to follow, but Han Xian stopped them, "You two, what do you think of what Mr. Chen said just now?"

Xuanyuan Jiangshan and Master Qingmu looked at each other, and then said: "Although we haven't seen Fade Chen for decades, we know that he is not a big talker. Since he confirmed it himself, there must be a solution .”

"However, they are the pursuers of the Gu family, with Gu Zhou, a top expert at the seventh level of the Yuantai Realm. And there are almost purple sharks to help. How can he block it by himself. Could it be that he is a master of the control realm? "Palace Master Jiaolin obviously couldn't believe it.

Xuanyuan Jiangshan and Palace Master Qingmu couldn't explain it either, so they could only firmly say: "We believe in Fade Chen."

"You——" Palace Master Jiaolin felt a little absurd, and even regretted a little, should he really listen to Yuan Chi.

But at this moment, he had already chosen to confess, so he couldn't regret it.

Therefore, Jiao Lin could only look at Han Xian and said, "Little prince, can you contact Palace Master Han? As long as the old man sends someone to come, the threat from the Gu family will naturally not be a problem."

Speaking of this, Han Xian was also a little embarrassed, "I believe that I have already sent someone to send it out, but it will take at least two or three days for the palace master to receive the letter and then send someone over, I'm afraid—"

"This, what should I do!" Jiao Lin was so anxious that he almost couldn't help but wanted to turn around and run away.

Seeing this, Han Xian comforted: "Palace Master, you don't have to be too anxious. Maybe Yuan Chi didn't leave at all, or maybe what Mr. Chen said is true?"

"But, but—" Jiao Lin was really anxious.

Han Xian is the little prince, and he has experts to protect him. If he can't beat him at that time, there is a high probability that he will be able to escape.

But my own bubble city, this cold water palace, is here, and there is nowhere to escape.

Moreover, he also knows his own strength. As the patriarch of the mermaid clan, he only has the strength of the fourth level of Yuantai Realm, which can only be regarded as medium in this sea area. It's one level worse than the head of the purple-striped shark clan at the sixth level of the Yuantai Realm. At that time, if the Gu family really attacked with all their strength, the other mermaids might be in danger of being wiped out.

Just when Jiaolin was feeling uneasy, his disciples brought even worse news.

"Early this morning, the guards at the gate of Suipao City saw Yuan Chi leave alone."

Now, Fade Chen's words can almost be confirmed.

Yuan Chi really betrayed.

The Gu family's offensive will probably come soon.

For a moment, the faces of everyone at the scene turned pale and their expressions were tense.

Seeing this, Han Xian comforted Jiao Lin a few words, and then they each left.

On the way back to the room, Master Sun beside him couldn't help but said: "Little prince, why don't we go."

Han Xian frowned and said, "Master Sun, don't you believe Mr. Chen's words?"

Master Sun said: "Little prince, it's not that I don't believe it. It's just that Mr. Chen's words are too unbelievable. He alone blocked the Gu family's offensive. How is this possible?"

"But the two elders have said that they believe in Mr. Chen." Han Xian said.

Master Sun said anxiously: "My lord, they have a very close relationship with that Fade Chen, so they naturally believe it."

"Besides, little prince, you have a different status and cannot be in danger. Let's leave as soon as possible."

Han Xian showed a tangled look on his face, he seemed hesitant, but in the end he shook his head and said, "Mr. Chen is my savior, I can't leave him behind."

"Even if we have to go, we should go together."

Now, Master Sun became anxious: "Little prince, the goal of walking together is too big, then we can't go at all!"

"Needless to say, I've made up my mind." Han Xian waved his hand.

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