As soon as he landed on the island, Fade Chen heard a lot of news, most of which were about the Gu family.

Because of the previous incident, the Gu family was severely investigated, and all important members of the family were taken away under control. Those who wanted to escape or fight back were killed on the spot.

The property under the Gu family's name was also directly closed and taken over.

The other families on the island linked to the Gu family, as well as the Purple Shark family, were all implicated, and Palace Master Han ordered a strict investigation.

In this way, the situation on Baiyue Island can be said to change drastically. A Yun family who has a good relationship with Han Xian rises up on the island, and they will faintly replace the Gu family and become the new first family on Baiyue Island.

Of course, in addition to these exact news, various gossip and secret news are also flying all over the sky.

Some people said that this incident of the Gu family was fundamentally a bureau set up by the chief of the Han family, in order to lure the Gu family, a big family with deep roots in the Daxing mansion, to the front, and then wipe them all out.

Because the status of the Han family in Daxing Mansion is not as good as that of the Wu family, Song Jia, Qin family, and Wu family in their respective mansions.

The positions of the palace masters of those families were all passed down from their ancestors through hundreds of thousands of years. They are deeply rooted and the family strength is huge, so their position as the palace masters is very stable.

The Han Family of Daxing Mansion is different. The current head of the mansion, Han Jingchuan, came from the small world of Daxing Realm under Daxing Mansion tens of thousands of years ago. Sitting on the seat of the palace lord.

There were even rumors that the previous Palace Master wanted to pass it on to others, but Han Jingchuan used shady means to obtain the Palace Master's position.

Due to the above reasons, Han Jingchuan's position as the Mansion Master of Daxing Mansion was not as strong as Fade Chen imagined.

There are still many opposing forces in private, especially those big families that have been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years, and many of them are eyeing Han Jingchuan's position.

The Gu family of Baiyue Island is one of them.

Of course, the Gu family can only be considered marginal among those big families. The real big families with profound background basically still gather on the side of Daxing Island in the prefecture city.

Therefore, some people said that Han Jingchuan's actions against the Gu family this time were also a shock to other big families.

Fade Chen ignored these rumors, found Han Ju, the envoy left behind by Han Jingchuan, and prepared to go to the capital of Daxing Prefecture.

As soon as he entered the room, a chubby figure rushed over, grabbed Fade Chen's hand, and shouted: "Mr. Chen, Brother Chen, I messed with you this time."

Fade Chen took a closer look and recognized the chubby figure in front of him as the little prince Han Xian. He couldn't help being taken aback: "Why are you here?"

Han Xian shook his head and said, "I don't know, I was ready to go home. In the end, Uncle Han told me that the Palace Master wants me to stay and go to Fucheng with Brother Chen."

On the side, Han Ju explained: "Young Master Chen, this is a temporary arrangement by the Palace Master. He said that the little prince is your friend, so he was put on the Tianxing Academy registration list."

Now, Fade Chen finally understood, nodded and said: "Understood, let's go then!"

The little fat man hurried over, "Brother Chen, I'll be with you."

The three of them boarded the boat and headed towards Fucheng.

Of course, the boats provided by the Palace Master are not comparable to ordinary boats. After a special design, there is also a special array engraved in the seal, which uses spirit stones as raw materials, and the speed of the ship is almost seven or eight times that of ordinary ships.

According to this speed, it will only take a day to reach Fucheng.

The boat is also very luxuriously decorated, with all kinds of equipment, accompanied by beautiful women, it can be described as happy.

However, Fade Chen was not in the mood to enjoy these things. Instead, he meditated and practiced, consolidating the success of his practice in the Holy Land during this period.

Chen Fei's Soul and Shenhai have been greatly strengthened. Compared with these two, Chen Fei is even stronger than some famous masters who control the realm, but there is still a gap in the realm.

Meditating and practicing, one day passed quickly, and the boat arrived at Fucheng.

Fade Chen got off the boat, and looking around, what appeared in front of him was a huge and prosperous island.

According to Han Ju, the entire island is a city, which is Daxing Island.

The overall topography of the island is high in the middle and low around. In the center of the island stands a round tower.

The bottom of the round tower is big and the top is small, stacked up layer by layer. The highest ninth floor almost pierces into the clouds. Looking up, one can't help feeling shocked and awed.

Han Ju continued to introduce: "The round pagoda is the residence of the mansion master. It is called Daxing Pagoda. It is the core of our city and even the entire Daxing Mansion."

"Many of the palace lord and relatives, as well as the masters gathered in the palace, live in the Daxing Pagoda. Ordinary people have no right to enter the Daxing Pagoda."

"This time, the Palace Master deliberately made an exception and opened the sixth floor of Daxing Pagoda to welcome you, Mr. Chen."

When he said this, Han Ju couldn't help raising his head, and his tone became agitated.

Fade Chen nodded slightly, but he didn't feel too deeply.

Han Xian on the side showed a look of surprise, and said to Fade Chen in a low voice: "Brother Chen, you are too powerful. The Palace Master treats you very well."

"The sixth floor, is it very powerful?" Fade Chen was puzzled.

Han Xian nodded again and again, explaining with both hands and mouth: "The higher up the Palace Master's Daxing Pagoda, the more noble it is. It is only on the seventh floor to receive the Palace Masters of other big mansions. Occasionally one or two special guests, such as King Daling Those who are planted, the Palace Master will receive them on the eighth floor."

"Generally, the deputy palace masters, elders and other big figures will be received on the fifth or sixth floor."

"Brother Chen, you are still nominally the Young Palace Master and have no official status. But Palace Master Han received you on the sixth floor, which means that in his heart, Brother Chen, you are more important than ordinary deputy palace masters, first elders, etc. The status is even higher."

"Besides, I heard that some time ago, the Palace Master received a Deputy Palace Master of the Great Song Mansion, and he was only on the fifth floor. So, this is enough to show that the Palace Master attaches great importance to you."

After listening to it, Fade Chen understood it, but he still didn't have much reaction.

Then he asked casually: "Isn't there still a ninth floor? What level of VIP would that be used?"

Han Xian shook his head and said, "The ninth floor is not used, it is the private place of the palace master, and will not receive guests publicly, with no status."

"Only those who are close to the Palace Master, or who are trusted by the Palace Master, will be invited to the ninth floor. However, since Palace Master Han entered the Daxing Pagoda, until now, no one has ever entered Daxing Tower. The ninth floor of the tower."

"I see!" Fade Chen nodded again.

Afterwards, the three of them got into the car that picked them up at the pier and drove straight to Daxing Pagoda.

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