"Impossible?" Qin Dong sneered, "As a staff member of Qiu Group, I am your boss. Now, I want you to see a doctor for me, but you say it's impossible. Do you know that your behavior like this means What are you wearing?"

"You are passively sabotaging your work. You will be fined one thousand and will have a public review at the company meeting next week." Qin Dong looked smug.

Fade Chen said with a sullen face, "What qualifications do you have to punish me?"

"What qualifications?" Qin Dong sneered, "I am the secretary of the president's office, and this is my qualification."

"Passive sabotage, you will be fined 1,000 yuan, and now, you will be fined another 1,000 yuan for contradicting your boss and disobeying management. There are 2,000 yuan in total, and you should pay immediately." Qin Dong said proudly.

Fade Chen looked at Qin Dong with a serious face, "Pay the money, it's impossible!"

"Impossible!" Qin Dong snorted coldly and pointed towards the door, "Then get out of the company, you will be fired."

Seeing this, Xu Xiaoting hurriedly got up and persuaded: "Secretary Qin, this is a misunderstanding, there must be some misunderstanding. Everyone can talk about it, Fade Chen—"

"Did I let you talk? If you talk nonsense, you will be fired together." Qin Dong glared at Xu Xiaoting.

"Pay the money, or get out!" Qin Dong looked at Fade Chen triumphantly.

Fade Chen squinted his eyes, then took off his overalls, threw it on the table, and said coldly: "Just leave, it's not a big deal."

"Fade Chen, don't be impulsive—" Seeing this, Xu Xiaoting hurriedly shouted.

Fade Chen glanced at her, nodded slightly, and then walked outside.

Qin Dong squinted at this scene, his eyes sparkled, as if he was thinking about something.

When Fade Chen walked to the door, a gloomy look suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Stop!"

"What else do you want to do?" Fade Chen turned around and looked at Qin Dong coldly.

Qin Dong looked Fade Chen up and down, raised the corner of his mouth, and said, "If you want to leave like this, I'm afraid it's not that simple. I want to check it out, lest some rubbish steal the company's things out."

"What did you say?" Fade Chen looked down at Qin Dong.

Qin Dong sneered: "I said, you stole things from the company."

While speaking, he waved his hand, called a group of security guards, and surrounded Fade Chen. Then he ordered: "He is suspected of stealing the company's property, search it for me."

A group of security guards surrounded him immediately, Fade Chen looked gloomy, clenched his fists, and was about to strike.

But at this moment, a security guard secretly took out a small plastic bag from his pocket, held it up and shouted, "Secretary Qin, I found it."

Secretary Qin took the plastic bag, opened it, flipped through it, and found red pills inside.

Then, he looked at Xu Xiaoting and asked, "You should know what this is, right?"

Xu Xiaoting looked at the pill, and was also surprised, "This, this is the medicine that the company just imported, and it's for fatigue."

"What's the price of this medicine?" Qin Dong continued to ask.

Xu Xiaoting said: "Probably, about one hundred yuan."

"A piece of one hundred yuan, there are at least a hundred pieces in this plastic bag, so that's ten thousand yuan." Qin Dongdao, then looked at Fade Chen, squinted his eyes and smiled, "The 10,000 yuan theft case is also worth ten thousand yuan." Not a small amount."

"Now, the evidence is solid. You are suspected of stealing the company's property. Is there anything else you want to say?" The corners of Qin Dong's mouth raised, with a smug smile.

Fade Chen's face was as heavy as water, looked at Qin Dong, and said coldly: "I didn't steal the medicine. As for what happened to the medicine, you know it in your own mind?"

"Hehe, the evidence is solid, and I still want to deny it." Qin Dong sneered, and then ordered, "Call the police and arrest people."

Seeing this, Xu Xiaoting became a little anxious, and quickly said: "Secretary Qin, there must be something wrong here. Fade Chen won't steal things, he—"

"You don't have to speak for him. This kind of garbage with parents but no mother will take advantage of him when caught." Qin Dong sneered and dismissed.

But at this moment, upon hearing this, Fade Chen's expression sank, he glared at Qin Dong, and shouted angrily, "What did you say!"

Qin Dong was taken aback by Fade Chen's fierce eyes, but then he came back to his senses, frowned and said displeasedly: "I said you are a thief, an uneducated bastard,"


With a loud roar, Fade Chen instantly became angry. He may not care about these insults, but for him who was an orphan since he was a child, he must not insult his parents. Qin Dong touched his Ni Lin, at this moment he didn't think about the consequences, he just wanted to beat the guy in front of him severely.

With a step forward, Chen Fei rushed to Qin Dong with a vigorous step, and then punched him.

Qin Dong didn't expect that Chen Fei was so fierce that he couldn't dodge at all. He was hit in the face abruptly, his face was covered with blood, and he fell to the ground.

Chen Fei didn't stop, and immediately followed up. He rushed up and punched and kicked Qin Dong, making the guy howl and howl.

Qin Dong screamed in pain after being beaten, and hurriedly shouted: "Security, security, what are you still doing, come and help! Beat this lunatic away quickly. Hurry——"

Suddenly, the security guards came back to their senses, and hurried forward to rescue Qin Dong.

It's just that they didn't expect Fade Chen to be so fierce with his hands, and several security guards couldn't keep tight.

Seeing that Qin Dong was beaten up and screaming, blood flowed down his face.

At this moment, a cold female voice suddenly came, "Stop, what are you doing?"

Following the sound, everyone was startled, and immediately bowed their heads and said softly, "Boss Lin!"

Fade Chen, who was furious, saw Lin Qiuhan approaching, and gradually calmed down, and finally stopped beating people in his hands.

And Qin Dong covered his red and swollen cheeks, and shouted frantically: "Come on, come on, kill him, kill him for me."

"Shut up and come to my office." Lin Qiuhan shouted coldly, then turned and left.

Qin Dong glared at Fade Chen resentfully, and then followed. Fade Chen glanced back at him, with a blank expression on his face, and was about to step up to follow.

Just about to start, Xu Xiaoting came over and persuaded in a low voice: "Fade Chen, Mr. Lin doesn't like the person who talks back the most. In front of her, speak well and don't go impulsively."

"I see, thank you, Xiaoting!" Fade Chen smiled at Xu Xiaoting, waved his hand and followed.

On the top floor, in the president's office.

Lin Qiuhan glanced across Qin Dong's body, seeing his bruised nose and swollen face, couldn't help but feel moved, and said, "Secretary Qin, go and treat the wound first."

Qin Dong heard the words, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he planned to get up and leave, but when he thought of Chen Fei being alone with Lin Qiuhan, he might tell the situation at that time.

So, Qin Dong didn't leave, but with a dignified look, he said: "Mr. Lin, the company's affairs are important, so we should settle the matter in front of us first. My injury is nothing."

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