Wei Ling's gaze involuntarily glanced at Fade Chen, and her heart surged like a river and a sea.

If Chen Fei really wants that, me, should I agree!

Although I seem to have some feelings for him, he is married after all, and his wife is Lin Qiuhan. There is absolutely no result between me and him.

Yes, I can't do that, absolutely not.

However, if he takes the initiative at that time, can I really block it? You know, he is a martial arts master, I, I can't be her opponent.

If it is true, will it be very painful! I've heard it hurts the first time. Moreover, there is a possibility of pregnancy, I don't know if he has brought a small raincoat.

However, if it was that, it would be fine to find a hotel directly. Why did they run out of the city on this big night!

Could it be, could it be that Chen Fei has a wild temper and wants to play some wild things. For example, the sky sits on the ground, facing each other with sincerity, and the fusion of wilderness!

This, in this case, I...

Before she knew it, Wei Ling didn't know where her thoughts had gone.

A bump in the car woke her up. Wei Ling thought of her wild thoughts just now, and couldn't help thinking about those things. Suddenly her cheeks became hot, she quickly shook her head, and whispered to herself: "Don't think about it !"

Seeing this, Fade Chen looked over curiously, "Sister Ling, what are you doing, shaking your head for fun."

"I, I didn't do anything!" Wei Ling blushed, stopped shaking her head, and looked into the distance.

Fade Chen looked unbelievable, thought for a while, then suddenly realized, and said: "Haha, sister Ling, I know what you were doing just now?"

When Wei Ling heard this, her heart skipped a beat, and she almost screamed out. Looking at Fade Chen nervously, he exclaimed in his heart, could it be that Fade Chen saw my thoughts. In that case, it would be too embarrassing, to even take the initiative to think of those things, it is simply——

Just when Wei Ling was nervous and worried, Fade Chen approached mysteriously and said, "Sister Ling, I didn't expect you to—"

Wei Ling's heart was pounding, her eyes became flustered, "I, I didn't, I just—"

"Sister Ling, don't hide it. That kind of thing is very normal, there's no need to be shy!" Fade Chen said.

"He saw it, he knew it. It's over, it's over, I've been seen through, it's too embarrassing, I'm too embarrassing." Wei Ling screamed wildly in her heart, almost wishing she could open the car door and jump out of the car.

At this moment, Fade Chen blew warm air into Wei Ling's ear and said, "Sister Ling, I never thought that you, who are so calm, like rock music."

"Ah--rock music, what!" Wei Ling, who had a shy and ruddy face, was stunned for a moment, with a look of confusion.

Fade Chen looked at Wei Ling, shook his head, and said, "Am I guessing wrong? Sister Ling, the way you shook your head just now is like a rock star!"

When Wei Ling heard this, she realized that Fade Chen didn't see through her own mind at all, she just guessed randomly, and said with a smile, "No, no, your guess is quite right. I really like rock and roll."

"Really! Sister Ling, I can't tell at all! If we have a chance in the future, how about we go to a rock star's concert together?" Fade Chen chatted.

"Yes, there is a chance!" Wei Ling responded. I was relieved because the misunderstanding was resolved, but at the same time, I felt a sense of loss inexplicably, "It turns out that he wasn't talking about that kind of thing!"

Just when Wei Ling was thinking wildly, the car drove onto a county road, then continued on, and drove directly to an inaccessible rural area.

Seeing the dark night around, the sporadic lights, and the constant chirping of birds and insects in the night, Wei Ling felt a little chilly all over her body, and couldn't help hugging her arms.

Seeing this, Fade Chen held the steering wheel with one hand, took off his coat, put it on Wei Ling, and said, "Sister Ling, we will be there soon, please be patient."

"What kind of gift are you preparing? You want to come to this kind of place!" Wei Ling was puzzled.

Fade Chen smiled mysteriously, did not speak, and the car continued on its way. After driving for about 20 minutes, the surrounding area is completely wilderness, and even the outline of mountains can be seen vaguely. As for the lights of the city, they have been left far behind.

With a squeak, Fade Chen drove the car to a grassy field at the foot of the mountain, and then stopped the car.

"Sister Ling, we're here, you can get out of the car!"

Curious and puzzled, Wei Ling got out of the car and looked around the desolate surroundings. She didn't seem to find any sign of the gift, so she couldn't help asking curiously, "Where is the gift? You can't be lying to me, are you?"

Fade Chen smiled and said, "How could it be? Sister Ling, come here."

Seeing the mysterious Cheng, Wei Ling walked over, bypassed a protruding rock, and turned to the back direction. Wei Ling suddenly felt a bright light in her eyes.

On the grass in front of him, small torches made of sticks were burning. In the center of the torch, burning torches form the words happy birthday.

Seeing this, Wei Ling couldn't help laughing, and a warm feeling surged in her heart. Looking at Fade Chen, after all, this man really prepared a birthday present for himself with all his heart.

"Sister Ling, how about my present?" Fade Chen asked with a smile.

Seeing Fade Chen's expression like a kid asking for credit, Wei Ling couldn't help laughing, then pointed to the torch on the ground, and said, "Fade Chen, you brought me here from a long distance, wouldn't it be just to let me see this kind of college student's confession?" It’s a little trick! If that’s the case, I’ll be too disappointed.”

While speaking, Wei Ling shook her head in disappointment. But there was an involuntary smile on the corner of his mouth.

Fade Chen heard the words, and said seriously: "How could it be? Sister Ling, this is just the beginning. Don't worry, I have other gifts. Sister Ling, wait a moment."

While talking, Fade Chen ran away.

Wei Ling walked near the torch, looked at the burning round torch, and felt a warm feeling in her heart. At the same time, there was some slight regret, and he whispered to himself: "Why is it not a heart shape, but a circle!"

Just when Wei Ling sighed softly, a breath of hot air blew into Wei Ling's ear, "Sister Ling, here comes the gift!"

Wei Ling was taken aback, turned around abruptly, and then saw Fade Chen standing behind her with a grinning grin, holding a taupe cake.

"He didn't hear what you just said!" Wei Ling's heart tightened, and then she looked at the cake, "Eat the cake again, I'm going to get fat if I eat it again."

"Sister Ling, you won't get fat no matter how much you eat. Besides, sister Ling, you are too thin. It's better to be fatter and feel better." Fade Chen smiled, and then handed over a piece of cake, "Besides, I'm not an ordinary cake. cake."

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