After listening to Zhu Qing's introduction, Fade Chen was sure that the Zhan Qi he taught was a member of the Hannan City Zhan family.

Foreign warriors entered Hannan City and challenged local warriors everywhere; then Zhanjia held this kind of warrior conference at this moment, and forced everyone to participate; it was also mixed with various actions from the military and police. Reminiscing about the background of the Zhan family, Chen Fei and the others had to guess that the firebird organization's march into China seemed to have something to do with the Zhan family.

Standing beside his father, Zhu Jie said with a worried look on his face: "Dad, what should we do now? The martial arts gym itself is very difficult now. If the Zhan family puts more pressure on it, I'm afraid my martial arts gym will have to open." I can't go down."

Zhu Qing's face was suffocated, and his expression was a little ugly. Finally nodded and said: "This time, I have to go."

"But, Dad. If the Zhan family and the others have evil intentions, you will be in danger soon." Zhu Jie worried.

Zhu Qing shook his head and said: "This is an invitation from the Zhan family. If I don't go now, Yongqing Martial Arts will undoubtedly die. But if I go now, maybe we still have a chance. So, this time, I have to go."

Zhu Jie knew that what her father said was reasonable, but she still couldn't help worrying for a while.

At this time, Fade Chen said: "Let's go with Master Zhu!"

Zhu Qing was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Fade Chen in great surprise, with an expression of disbelief, and said: "Mr. Chen, this--the matter of the martial arts hall has just troubled you, and this--"

Fade Chen waved his hand and said, "Master Zhu is polite, I'll go this time. It's not entirely because of Yongqing Martial Arts, I also have my own plans."

Zhu Qing still bowed to Fade Chen and thanked him.

Wei Jinlong also stood up when he heard the words, and said, "If that's the case, I'll come too!"

"Brother Wei, this—" Zhu Qing looked at Wei Jinlong.

Wei Jinlong laughed, and said: "Brother Zhu, there is no need to persuade me. I am traveling outside, and I just want to learn more, deal with warriors more, and learn from each other. Since this is a warrior conference, the warriors who come here must not How could I miss this kind of opportunity."

Hearing this, Zhu Qing felt a burst of warmth in his heart.

Although Wei Jinlong made so many excuses, the most important reason was definitely to help Zhu Qing and Yongqing Martial Arts.

So, Zhu Qing bowed again to thank him.

The matter of the Zhanjia Martial Arts Conference is temporarily over. Next, continue to interrogate Thompson. This guy is also a guy who is greedy for life and afraid of death. He uttered all the internal structure of the Firebird organization, related personnel arrangements, and secret signs and symbols.

However, Firebird really didn't know why the Firebird organization entered Hannan City.

There was no more useful information, so Zhu Qing directly locked Thompson in a place in the martial arts gym. Then Bi Fei and Master Bi were driven away, and finally prepared for the martial arts conference.

In the evening, arrange for Chen Fei and Wei Jinlong to settle down in the guest room.

Only then did Zhu Qing return to the room, and his daughter Zhu Jie came over with tea, and said with some distress: "Dad, I see that you are tired. Let me give you a shoulder massage!"

Zhu Qing chuckled, sat down to enjoy his daughter's service, and immediately showed a smile on his face, "My daughter still loves Dad! It's comfortable."

Zhu Jie smiled, and at the same time was a little puzzled, and asked Zhu Qing: "Dad, I know you have been under a lot of pressure recently. Thanks to Uncle Wei's help, but you seem to be too kind to that Fade Chen. You are better than Uncle Wei." Be respectful, even flattering. Why is that?"

When Fade Chen was mentioned, Zhu Qing's expression suddenly became serious, and he hurriedly said the shh gesture to his daughter, and said nervously: "Xiaojie, please speak softly. If Mr. Chen hears us talking about him behind his back, it is very likely would piss him off."

Seeing his father's nervous appearance, Zhu Jie was even more puzzled, and said, "Dad, is there a need to be so nervous? I know Fade Chen is amazing, and he even defeated the bald foreigner in the middle of the Xuan level. But, but You don't have to be so humble, after all, our Zhu family, but the martial arts family, still needs to have its own strength of character."

Zhu Qing shook his head and said, "I'm not servile, but I respect Mr. Chen very much."

"Respect?" Zhu Jie was puzzled, "He is only so old, even if he is very skilled, but using the word "respect" is still a bit too much, isn't it?"

"However, not at all." Zhu Qing waved his hands quickly, then sighed, and said with emotion, "Xiaojie, the reason why you say that is because you don't know Mr. Chen, and you don't know Mr. Chen's true identity. If you know , can definitely understand my approach."

"Mr. Chen's real identity?" Zhu Jie frowned with a puzzled expression, "Could it be that Fade Chen is a son of a powerful person, or a descendant of a famous family?"

Zhu Qing said with emotion: "Mr. Chen's identity was achieved by relying on his own strength, not by relying on other things."

"Did it come out? Could it be that Fade Chen is a famous martial arts master?" Zhu Jie guessed, "However, I don't seem to have heard of such a martial arts master in Hannan City!"

Zhu Qingdao: "You didn't hear it in Hannan City, of course. Because of Mr. Chen's reputation, he is a well-known presence in the entire provincial capital."

"What, the entire provincial capital? Dad, you're exaggerating!" Zhu Jie was a little disbelieving.

Zhu Qing looked at his daughter and said, "Don't believe me. Let me tell you, Mr. Chen Fei, Mr. Chen, is the current number one expert in the provincial capital."

"What, the number one expert in the provincial capital is Fade Chen? How old is he, how is this possible? Dad, you made a mistake." Zhu Jie was extremely surprised.

Zhu Qing made a booing gesture to his daughter and said, "Keep your voice down. I can assure you that I was absolutely right."

"Before Mr. Chen became famous in the provincial capital, he was in Long'an City. At that time, he had a nickname called Madman Chen. You know that?" Zhu Qing asked.

Zhu Jie nodded quickly, and said, "I've survived the title of Crazy Chen. Not only in Long'an City, but also in the surrounding Hanjiang City, it's quite famous."

Zhu Qingdao: "That's right. Your Uncle Wei is from Long'an City, and he is one of Fade Chen's subordinates."

"What, Uncle Wei is just one of Fade's subordinates?" Zhu Jie couldn't believe it.

Zhu Qingdao: "You don't know, how many people want to be Chen Fei's subordinates now, but they have no chance. You, Uncle Wei, are proud of this status now!"

"Besides, what happened in the martial arts hall this time. If you, Uncle Wei, didn't make the bridge, how could you think that an expert like Fade Chen would come back to help a stranger like me!"

Listening to her father's words, Zhu Jie was shocked and unbelievable.

She thought of Fade Chen's strength and status. But he didn't expect his skill strength to be so good.

Thinking back to the scene on the train where she thought it was a strike-up and rejected him, Zhu Jie couldn't tell what it felt like at all.

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