On the way home, Fade Chen naturally took on the heavy responsibility of driving.

At the beginning, Fade Chen chatted with Quin Lin for a few words. But afterward, Quin Lin hardly spoke. Chen Fei also knew that his wife was not in a good mood, so he quietly turned on the soothing music, and then let out a little inner energy.

Lin Qiuhan was exhausted physically and mentally during this time. Under Fade Chen's small movements, he leaned on the seat and fell asleep immediately.

Seeing this, Fade Chen couldn't help feeling distressed, stopped the car, and carefully put on his wife's clothes. Then slow down the speed of the car and drive as smoothly as possible.

In this way, three hours later, in the evening, the car finally entered the territory of Long'an City.

The surroundings became noisy, and the sleeping Lin Qiuhan gradually woke up.

She rubbed her eyes, looked out dimly, and muttered, "Are you there?"

Fade Chen looked at his wife's bleary-eyed appearance, and couldn't help but feel that his wife was cuter than usual at the moment, and the corners of his mouth raised up, and he smiled and said: "I have entered the territory of Long'an City, and I can reach the city in about half an hour. Let's wait a little longer!"

Lin Qiuhan shook his head lightly, fiddled with the hair beside his ear, and saw the smile on Chen Fei's mouth from the side of his face, and couldn't help asking: "What are you laughing at? Is there something on my face?"

Chen Fei rolled his eyes, shook his head, and said, "My wife, there is nothing on your face—"

"Then what are you laughing at?" Lin Qiuhan pouted in confusion.

Chen Fei deliberately said: "However, I didn't expect that when you are sleeping, my wife, you still drool like a child!"

"Ah! What, it's impossible!" Lin Qiuhan was shocked when he heard this, and quickly covered his cheeks, looking extremely surprised.

Even though Lin Qiuhan usually looks like a strong woman on the iceberg, she is a young girl after all, and she pays great attention to her image. When I heard that I was drooling in my sleep, I immediately became alert.

"Honey, didn't you know all this time? Look, there are still traces of saliva on the corner of your mouth?" Fade Chen pointed to the corner of Lin Qiuhan's mouth.

"No, it's impossible!" Quin Lin shook her head firmly with a nervous look on her face. However, he still took a look in the rearview mirror.

As a result, looking at himself in the mirror without any abnormality, Lin Qiuhan couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, then glared at Fade Chen, and said, "Obviously there isn't, you're still talking nonsense!"

Seeing his wife's angry appearance, Fade Chen couldn't help being amused, stretched out his hand, pinched Lin Qiuhan's cheek lightly, and said with a smile, "Wife, I'm joking with you, you take it seriously."

"My wife is so beautiful, how can she drool in her sleep?" Fade Chen laughed.

"Are you kidding?" Lin Qiuhan glared at Fade Chen angrily when he heard it, his eyes were like two dark grapes, staring at Fade Chen fiercely.

Then, she held Fade Chen's hand directly, opened her mouth and took a bite on Fade Chen's hand.

Fade Chen suddenly yelled, "Honey, why are you biting?"

"Let you lie to me!" Lin Qiuhan gave Fade Chen a hard look, then put his hands down, folded his arms in front of his chest, and looked angry.

Seeing this, Fade Chen could only keep apologizing, "Good wife, good wife, I was wrong, I shouldn't joke about this kind of thing, please, forgive me!"

"No forgiveness!" Lin Qiuhan shook his head and looked out of the car window with an angry look.

Fade continued to plead: "Honey, if you are still angry, then bite me! You can bite me as hard as you want."

While speaking, Fade Chen stretched out his right hand with a tooth mark on it to Quin Lin, with a firm look on his teeth.

Lin Qiuhan couldn't help laughing when he saw this, he slapped Chen Fei's hand away, and said angrily: "Your hand is so hard, it hit my teeth, so I won't bite it!"

Fade Chen retracted his right hand with a smile, and said, "I knew that my wife still loves me."

Lin Qiuhan couldn't help but blushed when she heard this, and immediately lied back, "Who loves you, I love my teeth."

"Stop messing around, drive hard, it will be too late if you don't let me go back." Lin Qiuhan said.

"Of order, wife!" Fade Chen laughed, then held the steering wheel with both hands and accelerated the speed.

But just when Fade Chen was accelerating, suddenly, the roar of a motorcycle came from behind Fade Chen's car.

Then, the sound of "咻咻咻" sounded, and more than a dozen police motorcycles roared past Fade Chen's car and rushed to the front.

"What's going on? There are so many traffic police?" Fade Chen couldn't help being puzzled when he saw this situation.

And at this moment, after these police motorcycles drove out, they stopped not far in front of Fade Chen, and lined up in a row, blocking all the wide four lanes.

The car driving in front of Fade Chen had to stop.

Fade Chen couldn't help showing doubts, "The road is closed, what's going on, what happened?"

Just when Fade Chen was puzzled, a black Harley motorcycle roared and rushed over, stabbed out diagonally, rushed to Fade Chen's car, and slammed on the brakes.

When Fade Chen saw this, he couldn't help being startled, and hurriedly slowed down and braked.

Fortunately, his speed was just accelerating, not too fast, and finally stopped when he was more than one meter away from the Harley motorcycle.

However, such a sudden brake still caught Lin Qiuhan off guard, and he fell forward suddenly. Fortunately, Lin Qiuhan was wearing a seat belt and did not hit the front window. However, the feeling of being strangled by the seat belt is still uncomfortable.

Seeing this, Fade Chen couldn't help feeling angry, and his expression turned cold.

He unbuckled his seat belt, prepared to open the door to get out of the car, and confronted the owner of the Harley motorcycle.

But before he got out of the car, the owner of the Harley had already got down, took off his helmet, and revealed a messy chicken coop. He was a young man about twenty-five or six years old.

Jiwotou walked aggressively to the side of Fade Chen's car, slapped the car window several times, and shouted: "I didn't see the traffic police just now, I didn't know how to slow down, and almost hit me!"

Hearing this, Fade Chen became even more angry. He opened the car door and walked down, looked at the chicken nest head, and said, "Of course I saw the traffic police, and I also started to slow down."

"But you rushed over so suddenly, don't you know it's dangerous?" Fade Chen questioned.

When Jiwotou heard this, he became even angrier immediately, and yelled: "You boy, you almost bumped into me, but now you are still questioning me? Are you looking for death!"

Fade Chen remained unmoved, with firm eyes, and said, "Even if I hit you, it's because you drove illegally."

"Damn it, how dare you speak hard!" Ji Wotou was furious, and he was about to strike at Fade Chen with his fists.

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