Fade Chen suddenly laughed twice, and said: "Momo, I, I really didn't see much!"

"I didn't see much, but I still saw some!" Momo Su said, "Brother-in-law, tell me, what did you see?"

"This, this—" Fade Chen didn't know how to answer.

Su Momo narrowed her eyes with a smile and said, "Brother-in-law, you don't have to hide it. It's not like you haven't seen my body before, so don't make such a fuss."

Hearing this, Fade Chen couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "Yeah, Momo, it's nothing, it's just a misunderstanding. Besides, I didn't look at it for long, just a glance or two, and I didn't see it clearly."

"Hmph, okay, brother-in-law, you've all seen me. Then you said just now that you didn't see anything. I want to tell my sister that you peeked at me again." Su Momo angrily touched out cell phone.

Fade Chen hurriedly reached out and pressed Su Momo's cell phone, and said: "Good Momo, I was wrong, I admit, I saw it. But, I swear, I really didn't mean it, I was just waking you up .”

"Really?" Su Momo looked at Fade Chen and said.

Fade Chen said with simple eyes: "Really! You said, you called me so early in the morning to wake me up, I hurried over here, thinking there was something urgent. But, I saw that you were sleeping late, so, so I was a little excited."

Momo Su pondered for a while, then nodded and said, "There is some truth to your explanation."

Fade Chen said with a smile: "Well, brother-in-law is not that kind of person, I must have a reason."

As a result, Momo Su changed the subject and said suddenly: "Brother-in-law, tell me. Just now you said that you saw one sleeping naked and one without pants. What's going on? Who did you see without pants?" Ah, it can’t be Qiuyue, can it?”

"No, no, I'm just talking casually, just talking casually!" Fade Chen quickly waved his hand to deny, "Momo, don't think wildly, it's nothing."

"Really?" Su Momo stared at Fade Chen with a look of pondering, "Forget it, I'd better tell my sister and let her judge for me!"

"No, no need!" Fade Chen quickly stopped, "Your sister is quite busy, so don't bother her!"

"Really? Is my sister busy, or is your brother-in-law guilty?" Momo Su stared at Fade Chen.

Fade Chen straightened his chest, and said, "How can I be guilty, I always do things upright, why should I be guilty. Don't be joking, Momo."

"By the way, I haven't asked yet, Momo, what's the matter with you calling me out today?" Fade Chen hurriedly changed the subject.

Su Momo seemed to be distracted, and said: "Speaking of which, brother-in-law, I do have something to help me today."

Seeing that the topic just now had been diverted, Fade Chen couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and at the same time secretly thought that this little girl, Momo, is simply a goblin, and she wanted to play herself to death.

However, at this moment, Fade Chen said with a straight face: "If you want me to help you, Momo, just ask, brother-in-law, I will do my best."

Momo Su said: "Okay, brother-in-law, you can go shopping with me!"

"Shopping? You called me here early in the morning just to go shopping with you?" Fade Chen was a little speechless.

Momo Su said: "Brother-in-law, don't you want to? Then I'll call my sister and ask her to accompany me!"

Su Momo pretended to call again, Fade Chen was caught in his weakness, and said quickly: "No, no, I am willing to go shopping with you, Momo, for as long as you want."

"Well, that's what you said. You can go back on your word!" Su Momo said.

Chen Fei wanted to cry but had no tears, so he could only nod his head and said, "I won't go back on my word."

"Okay, brother-in-law, wait for me, I'll wash up, and then I'll leave right away." Momo Su then went into the bathroom.

Next, Fade Chen understood how long the "one moment" in the girl's mouth had been. After a full hour, Momo Su took care of everything, stood in front of Fade Chen pretty, and took the initiative to hold Fade Chen Arm, said: "Brother-in-law, I've done it, let's go!"

Although he had waited for a long time, Fade Chen had to admit that the well-dressed Su Momo was indeed amazing.

The delicate face is like a person walking out of a painting, and the slightly curly yellow hair makes her a bit more fashionable and lively as a modern woman. Coupled with her good figure, she adds a bit of sexy temptation . Fade Chen couldn't help but think of the graceful body under the quilt just now.

The two bid farewell to Zhang Qiuyue, and then went out together.

Going downstairs to the car, Fade Chen said: "Momo, where do you go shopping? The commercial street in the city center, or a newly opened shopping mall?"

Su Momo shook her head when she heard the words, and said, "You don't need to go so far, just go shopping in our school's commercial street!"

"Walking around the school's commercial street?" Fade Chen was a little surprised and puzzled, "Momo, you put so much effort just to go shopping at school? You've been at school for so long, haven't you done enough shopping?"

Su Momo pouted, and said, "I just want to go shopping here. Brother-in-law, you promised me, you can't go back on your word."

Hearing that, what else could Fade Chen say, he could only nod his head and said, "Okay, I'll accompany you to school shopping, to school."

"Brother-in-law, you are the best!" The little girl immediately smiled when she heard this, and kissed Fade Chen on the cheek with a "click".

With the sweet kiss from the little beauty, the last complaint in Fade Chen's heart disappeared. Then he started the car and brought Su Momo to the campus of Long'an University.

Since it was the weekend, many students went home or went out, so there were not many people on the commercial street in the university.

Fade Chen stopped in the commercial street in his luxury car, and got out of the car arm in arm with Momo Su. Such a situation suddenly caused many students around to show surprise and start discussing in low voices.

Some even took out their mobile phones and took pictures of the two of them.

Seeing this, Fade Chen frowned and said, "Momo, I'll ask them to delete the things they took."

Hearing this, Momo Su grabbed Fade Chen and said, "Brother-in-law, let them take pictures, it's not a big deal, it doesn't matter."

Now that Momo Su said so, Fade Chen didn't do anything, just pretended he didn't see it.

"Brother-in-law, I haven't had breakfast yet, so neither have you. Let's go to that store, the rice noodles there are delicious, let's try it." Su Momo pulled Fade Chen and bounced past.

After the two finished eating rice noodles, Momo Su took Fade Chen to try a lot of school snacks.

Afterwards, the two walked to a small jewelry store. With a smile on her face, Su Momo stepped forward and chose a pair of couple bracelets. She wore one on her wrist, and gave the other to Fade Chen. up.

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