Hearing Yao Yu's cry, Dong Hao's anger was completely blown away at this moment, and he immediately asked with concern: "Xiaoyu, what's wrong with you? Why are you crying, what happened?"

Yao Yu sobbed and said: "Dong Hao, I, I know I'm sorry for you. But, this matter, I didn't intend it, I was forced to, I... can you give me another chance? I think Have a good talk with you."

Without any hesitation, Dong Hao immediately nodded and said, "Okay, Xiaoyu, where are you, I'll go there right away."

"I, I'm still in the private room." Yao Yu cried.

"I'll be right back!" Dong Hao said quickly, then hung up the phone, turned and returned to the hotel.

At this moment, Fade Chen had already walked out of the hotel, so he didn't know what happened to them.

Fade Chen came to the parking lot on the side of the hotel, ready to drive back.

But just when Fade Chen was about to walk into the parking lot, Fade Chen accidentally caught a glimpse of the entrance of a bar opposite the hotel. A group of men, leading several women, walked into the bar jokingly.

Originally, this kind of scene was very common at the entrance of the bar. Even if Fade Chen saw it, he would not care about it.

But the situation at this moment was different, because among the women surrounded by the group of men, there was Huo Dongwei, whom Fade Chen was very familiar with.

Seeing Huo Dongwei enter the bar, Fade Chen couldn't help but frowned, then took out his mobile phone and called Huo Dongwei. However, after a beeping sound, no one answered the phone.

In such a situation, Fade Chen couldn't help frowning even deeper, and then he took a step towards the opposite bar.

At the same time, Fade Chen called Huang Wei again.

"Brother Fei, you finally remembered to call me. It's been so long since we've been back to Long'an City, we haven't had a good get together yet, why not go out and have a drink." Fatty Huang said enthusiastically.

Fade Chen said with a serious tone, "Fatty Huang, I have something to ask you."

"What's the matter, Brother Fei?" Huang Wei became serious when he heard Fade Chen's serious tone.

Fade Chen said: "Do you know where Huo Dongwei is now?"

"Huo Dongwei! She just finished filming an advertisement today, and she seems to be having a celebration party with the advertiser." Huang Wei said, "Brother Fei, what's the matter? Did something happen to Huo Dongwei?"

Fade Chen said in a deep voice: "I was at Haihao Hotel just now and saw Huo Dongwei and a group of men entering the bar opposite."

"This—" Huang Wei said, "Maybe, they held a celebration banquet in the bar. The advertiser is a brand from Xiangjiang, maybe they like the culture of the bar."

Fade Chen said again: "But I called Huo Dongwei, but she didn't answer. I'm worried that something might go wrong, so I want to go and have a look."

Huang Wei immediately said, "Brother Fei, then I'll come over right away."

"En!" Fade Chen nodded and hung up the phone. At this moment, he has already walked across the road and arrived at the door of the bar.

The bar is huge and luxuriously decorated. There were two slender women standing at the door, wearing simple clothes that could barely cover key parts, and smiling at the passing guests at the door.

Seeing Fade Chen approaching, a long-haired beauty came over with a smile on her face, took the initiative to hold Fade Chen's arm, and said affectionately: "Handsome guy, what do you want to play?"

Fade Chen turned slightly to one side, avoiding the intimacy of the long-haired beauty, and said calmly, "Go in and take a look."

Hearing this, the woman suddenly became a little unhappy. She looked like she didn't want to pay attention to Fade Chen, pointed inside and said, "Then please come in."

Fade Chen didn't care about the woman's attitude, and walked into the bar.

The lights in the bar were dimmed, and the music was blaring loudly. On the dance floor, men and women who are singing and dancing vigorously are rubbing each other closely, which is very hot.

In front of the bar, sat many men and women with their own concerns.

There are people who are in a bad mood, with a decadent face, and drinkers who drink heavily.

There are also eyes wandering around, paying attention to every beauty hunter of the opposite sex who enters the venue.


Fade Chen was dressed in ordinary clothes, and he looked very inconspicuous when he walked in. Everyone's eyes swept over him, and then they drifted away.

Fade Chen looked at the environment on the first floor, but did not find Huo Dongwei inside.

So, he walked towards the second floor.

However, just as he was about to step up, he was stopped by a waiter at the top of the stairs.

The other party looked at Fade Chen and glanced at him. Although his tone tried to conceal his emotions, he still couldn't stop the contempt. "I'm sorry, sir. You need a VIP card to enter the deck upstairs."

"VIP card?" Fade Chen frowned and asked, "How can I get a VIP card?"

The waiter gave Fade Chen a look of disdain, and said, "If you want to apply for a VIP card, you need to pre-deposit 100,000 yuan in our bar."

"One hundred thousand yuan!" Fade Chen frowned when he heard that. It's not that he doesn't have the money, it's just that he doesn't want to bother.

When the waiter saw Fade Chen frowning, his expression became even more disdainful, "Sir, you don't need to spend so much money to play on the first floor."

Fade Chen was about to speak, but at this moment, a woman's exclamation came from upstairs.

When Fade Chen heard that familiar voice, he immediately recognized that it was Huo Dongwei's voice. In an instant, Fade Chen's heart was full of blood, his eyes turned cold, and he stepped forward.

Seeing that Fade Chen was about to go upstairs, the waiter immediately stepped forward to stop him, "Sir, you can't go up without a VIP card."

Fade Chen said: "I have something urgent, tell your boss, my name is Fade Chen."

The waiter still refused to give way, and said, "I'm sorry, I don't know what Fade Chen is. If you want to go upstairs, you must apply for a VIP card."

At this time, Huo Dongwei upstairs screamed again.

Fade Chen was really in a hurry, without revealing a wrinkle, he pushed the waiter away and went upstairs with a few steps.

The waiter staggered a few times and almost fell. Take the walkie-talkie quickly and call the security guard over.

At this time, Fade Chen had already reached the second floor.

The second floor is a deck, and the dance floor in the middle is empty. Surrounded by a circle, you can just see the stage and dance floor downstairs, and it's not as crowded as the one below, so the location is very good.

At this time, in the booth on the second floor opposite the stage.

Fade Chen saw that the men just now were pouring alcohol on Huo Dongwei.

One of them was a man of twenty-six or seventeen years old with red hair and a lewd look on his face. While drinking wine, he stretched out his salty pig's hand to Huo Dongwei restlessly, "Miss Huo, have another drink." .”

The people next to him also booed and raised their glasses.

"Miss Huo, have another drink to celebrate the success of our cooperation."

"Young Master Li toasts, Miss Huo has no choice but to save face!"

"Come on, everyone cheers."


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