Xie Yuan quickly said: "Mr. Chen, it's Miss Lin's business."

"Qiu Han, why did she—" Chen Fei's heart tightened, thinking of the car problem that Lin Qiuhan told him just now, "What happened?"

Xie Yuan said: "Mr. Chen, we were secretly protecting Ms. Lin just now. As a result, Ms. Lin's car broke down on the road. After we waited for Ms. Lin to take a taxi and leave, I checked the car and found that the damage was man-made."

"What!" Fade Chen was startled, and his expression became serious, "Someone is going to attack Qiu Han? Qiu Han, she now—"

"Mr. Chen, I have been following Miss Lin. Her safety is fine. I will be arriving at the villa soon." Xie Yuan said.

Hearing this, Fade Chen quickly walked out of the villa compound, and sure enough, he saw a car driving in. Behind the car, in the darkness, Fade Chen saw a faint shadow, it was Xie Yuan.

Stepping forward quickly, Fade Chen quickly took Lin Qiuhan out, and said with great concern: "Honey, are you okay!"

Lin Qiuhan looked at Fade Chen strangely, and said, "I just turned off the car halfway, it's okay. Why are you so nervous?"

Fade Chen didn't want his wife to think about it, so he smiled and said, "It's nothing, I just haven't seen you for a while, and I miss you a lot, so I'm nervous."

Hearing this, Lin Qiuhan couldn't help but blushed, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but twitched. Not to mention, he glared at Fade Chen, walked into the villa steppingly, "Slick tongue."

"Wife, I am sincere!" Fade Chen said with a smile and brought his wife to the villa, chatted with her for a while, and watched her go to take a bath.

Fade Chen's complexion sank, he walked to the courtyard of the villa, and said in a deep voice, "What's going on?"

Xie Yuan came out from the shadow of the courtyard, and reported: "My people checked Miss Lin's vehicle just now, and found that the fuel tank of the car was tampered with. It caused the car to leak oil and eventually shut down."

"Hand and foot!" Fade Chen's eyes turned cold, and anger radiated from his body.

Xie Yuan said: "According to our speculation, the other party probably didn't want to assassinate Miss Lin. Otherwise, they could have installed a bomb directly on the fuel tank, or moved key parts such as the engine, and caused a car accident to harm Miss Lin."

"But they didn't do that. I guess the other party wanted to capture Miss Lin alive. Or there was some other purpose."

Fade Chen thought for a while after hearing the words, and asked, "Did anyone find anything suspicious at the scene?"

Xie Yuan shook his head and said, "I followed all the way here. I didn't find anyone suspicious."

"Either, the opponent didn't really want to make a move this time. Or, the opponent discovered me, so he didn't make a move. If it's the latter, the strength of the opponent may be a bit scary!" Xie Yuan said seriously.

Fade Chen also nodded with frowned eyebrows, a stern look appeared in his eyes. Indeed, Xie Yuan is now a master at the late Xuan level, and he is secretly protecting him. As a result, the other party was able to discover Xie Yuan in advance, and Xie Yuan was not alarmed. Then the opponent's strength is probably at least at the peak level of Xuan level, and may even reach the level of prefecture level.

If a person of this strength wants to attack Lin Qiuhan, Fade Chen has to be a little worried.

After asking some more questions, Xie Yuan didn't have many clues. Fade Chen asked him to send someone to investigate as soon as possible, while he returned to the villa.

Fade Chen leaned over to Lin Qiuhan who had just finished taking a bath, and said with a smile, "Honey, I'll go to work with you tomorrow!"

"Uh, why do you want to go to work all of a sudden? Normally, seven days a week, it's not bad for you to be in the company for two days. What's the matter, have you changed your gender?" Quin Lin looked at Fade Chen with a look of astonishment.

Fade Chen suddenly felt a black line in his head, and explained with a smile: "I miss you, my wife? I don't want to be separated from you for a moment. So, from now on, I will commute with you every day."

"As you wish!" Lin Qiuhan said casually, with an attitude that didn't seem to care much. But there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

In the next few days, Fade Chen completely became Quin Lin's personal bodyguard, escorting her to and from get off work all the way, and even in the company, he wanted to stick to Quin Lin's side all the time.

If Quin Lin hadn't forced him out of the CEO's office, Fade Chen would even have to work with Quin Lin.

After being under close protection for a few days, Fade Chen didn't find any abnormal situation once, which made him feel a little strange.

The person who wants to do something to Lin Qiuhan this time, no matter how advanced they are, it is impossible for them to remain silent. Could it be that Xie Yuan's guess was wrong before, and the car broke down was just an accident?

Just when Fade Chen was thinking, Wei Tian called, his tone seemed a little anxious, "Brother Fei, help me, please help!"

"What's wrong?" Fade Chen was startled, and hurriedly said.

Wei Tiandao: "Brother Fei, someone came to my martial arts gym to kick the gym. Now, all the people in the martial arts gym have been defeated. Zhang Mang and I were also injured. The other party is clamoring to expel my Wei Tian martial arts gym from Longjiang City."

"Both you and Zhang Mang lost?" Fade Chen was startled, Wei Tian and Zhang Mang both had the strength of the early Xuan level.

This level of strength is definitely considered a very good master for ordinary warriors. But they were all defeated, which shows that the people who kicked the gym are definitely masters.

Thinking of this, Chen Fei's heart moved, and he was about to go over to help.

But when Fade Chen was about to leave, he thought of his wife Lin Qiuhan, and couldn't help but feel a stir in his heart. He thought to himself, "Could it be that this is a trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain? The other party used kicks to lure me away, and then attacked Lin Qiuhan."

This possibility cannot be ruled out, and Fade Chen couldn't help feeling worried.

The wife's safety can't be ignored, but Wei Tian is also his good brother, so he can't sit idly by.

When he was in a hurry, Fade Chen thought of Sun Fengqin, and called her just now to ask her to protect Lin Qiuhan's safety.

Then, Fade Chen came to Wei Tian Wuguan.

At this moment, a group of people surrounded the entrance of the martial arts hall, and there was even a group of reporters on the outside.

Chen Fei squeezed through the crowd and went directly into the martial arts hall. Wei Tian hurriedly stepped forward to greet him, "Brother Fei, you are finally here."

"What's going on?" Fade Chen asked.

Wei Tian took Chen Fei into the competition market of the martial arts hall, and while introducing the situation, said: "Brother Fei, this morning, a strong man suddenly came, and he brought a few apprentices, saying that he was going to compete with us .”

"We just thought it was a competition and trial, so we agreed to the other party. But we didn't expect that the other party attacked fiercely. As soon as he made a move, one of our team members was abolished. We were so angry that we asked them to reason. But they The attitude is very bad, and people who say that they are weak deserve to die.”

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