Netizens were noisy and discussing, some people doubted and others agreed, and the heated discussions were not lively.

But for the martial artist who saw this picture, it was quiet at the moment. Because, at this moment, almost all of them were shocked, their eyes widened, and they looked at the scene on the screen in disbelief, as if they hadn't recovered from the shock.

"This, this is the true essence condensing body. This, this is a move that only heavenly fighters can master!"

"Could it be that Fade Chen has reached the realm of a heavenly martial artist?"

"A sky-level martial artist in his early twenties, this is unbelievable!"

"No, it shouldn't be a sky-level warrior. Fade Chen is still an earth-level warrior. Although most of the true essence condensate can only be achieved by sky-level warriors, some earth-level warriors can also practice it under special circumstances. Fade Chen is This particular situation."

"This, this is not necessarily!"

"There is no need to argue, whether it is a heaven-level warrior or a special earth-level warrior. Fade Chen's strength is even stronger than what we have seen before. We still underestimated him!"

"He has reached this level at such a young age. Could it be that he is really just an ordinary casual cultivator?"

Mentioning this, many warriors couldn't believe it in their hearts at the moment.

After all, in the world of martial arts, even the sect disciples of the four major heaven-level forces, in their twenties, very few have reached the earth-level realm, let alone the heaven-level realm. seen.

All of a sudden, in the martial arts world, the discussion about Fade Chen's origin suddenly became heated.

However, at this moment, Fade Chen didn't know about the heated discussions about him.

Chasing him out of the martial arts hall, his figure was like lightning, and he pulled out afterimages, chasing in the direction where the poisonous snake was fleeing.

The poisonous snake itself is an earth-level master, definitely a very powerful warrior. Moreover, her own style is flexible and changeable, good at assassination and assassination. Escaping is one of her tricks.

At this moment, in less than thirty seconds, the poisonous snake had already escaped a distance of two blocks.

Looking at the boats arranged by him by the river not far away, the extremely nervous poisonous snake couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and hurried towards the boats by the river.

However, at this moment she came forward with doubts in her heart, frowned and whispered: "Then Fade Chen's last move, could it really be the condensed form of true essence? If that is the case, it would be too terrifying. He has reached such a level at a young age." The realm is truly unbelievable."

"Such an opponent is definitely a serious problem for our blood blade killer organization. After returning this time, we must report the situation here to Boss Song Kan, and we must pay attention to Chen Fei."

While thinking in his heart, the poisonous snake rushed to the boat, and he couldn't help but relax, and immediately issued a signal, saying: "Let's go!"

However, there was no movement from the ship.

The venomous snake was instantly alert, and quickly retreated, wanting to leave the ship.

But at this time, a figure walked out of the cabin, stretched out his hand, volleyed to control the poisonous snake in place, and said coldly: "You can't escape!"

The poisonous snake was startled suddenly, with a look of fear on its face, frantically mobilizing its true essence, trying to escape.

However, the more she struggled, the more she realized that Fade Chen's invisible control method was so terrifying that she couldn't move at all.

For a moment, the poisonous snake felt a sense of despair welling up in his heart.

However, as a killer, it is her creed to seize any chance to survive.

Seeing Fade Chen walking towards him, the tense cheeks of the poisonous snake suddenly relaxed. Looking at Fade Chen, he showed a smile, charming and relaxed, as if he was not facing someone who wanted to kill him, "Mr. Chen, you Do you really have the heart to attack me?"

A charming voice, a seductive expression. For a moment, Chen Fei had an illusion that the woman in front of him turned into the Yao Yu he knew some time ago.

Maybe it was Yao Yu's familiar tone that made Fade Chen relax, or maybe it was because Fade Chen didn't want to kill her yet.

For a while, Fade Chen really didn't do anything. He just looked at the poisonous snake and asked aloud, "I have a few questions for you."

"Mr. Chen, what do you want to ask, I will definitely cooperate. You are my savior!" This woman, who was addicted to acting for a while, seemed to have really transformed into Yao Yu, and said to Fade Chen very charmingly .

The expression on Fade Chen's face was stern and frozen, and he couldn't see any joy, anger, sorrow or joy. He asked aloud, "Tell me about the situation of your Blood Blade Killer organization."

The poisonous snake rolled its eyes, and its thoughts quickly flowed. Immediately, it twisted its delicate body, and said in an extremely charming voice: "Mr. Chen, I am willing to tell you anything you want to know."

"Hierarchy, personnel strength, and the location of the headquarters." Fade Chen said.

"Okay, I'll tell Mr. Chen right away." The viper at the moment was very cooperative, without any hesitation, "Mr. Chen, it's like this. In our Blood Blade Killer Organization, killers are ranked from low to high according to their strength and performance. Bronze Killer, Silver Killer, Gold Killer, and Diamond Killer."

"Among them, most of the bronze medal killers are at the yellow level. Most of the silver medal killers are at the mysterious level. The gold medal killers correspond to the earth level realm. And the diamond killers correspond to the sky level masters."

Hearing this, Fade Chen raised his eyebrows and said, "Heaven-level master? Are you blood blade organization, warriors with a heaven-level realm willing to be killers?"

The poisonous snake said: "Heaven-level masters are naturally very rare, and those who are willing to be killers are even rarer. Among our blood blades, diamond killers are almost legendary. As far as I know, only The boss of our Bloodblade Headquarters and the two retired bosses are diamond killers. There is nothing else."

"Actually, in the past twenty years, our Blood Blade Organization, the Diamond Killer has never made a move. The real top strength is our Gold Medal Killer."

Chen Fei continued to ask: "Then how many blood-bladed gold medal killers are there, and who are they?"

The poisonous snake was very cooperative and said: "Our blood blade is also divided into different regions. I belong to the Asia region, and our headquarters is on an unknown tropical trail in Southeast Asia. In this region, we have a total of nine gold-medal killers. I and Tieshan is one of the two."

"We are all Chinese, so the boss of our Asian division sent us to carry out this mission!"

"The boss in Asia? What's his situation?" Fade Chen asked.

The poisonous snake said: "His name is Song Kan, and he is seventy years old. He is a Muay Thai master and has become famous decades ago. He is the head of our Blood Blade organization, the Asia region. He is my direct boss. "

"Song Kan!" Fade Chen memorized the name and continued to ask, "What about other regions?"

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