Fade Chen and Xu Xiaoting went shopping around the mall, bought what Fade Chen wanted to buy, and then ate hot pot together in the mall, and then they were ready to go home.

But when the two walked to the entrance of the mall, there was a sudden noise, and someone was calling for help.

As soon as the expressions of the two changed, they immediately walked over quickly, and immediately saw a white-haired old man in his sixties or seventies lying on the ground, his cheeks were flushed, his brows were tightly knit, and his breathing seemed quite rapid. Must be ill.

Beside the old man, a young man in his early twenties looked anxious and seemed at a loss. I could only keep shouting, "Grandpa, what's wrong with you. Grandpa, wake up."

Passers-by watching on the side reminded: "Call 120 quickly."

The young man hurriedly took out his mobile phone and called the emergency number.

After finishing the phone call, the old man on the ground became more and more short of breath, and even started to roll his eyes. This look, it seems that it is not good. The people around were extremely anxious, but they were helpless.

At this moment, Xu Xiaoting rushed out and said, "Get out of the way, I'm a doctor."

Upon hearing this, everyone quickly moved away. The young man also looked at Xu Xiaoting, and shouted: "Hurry up, save my grandpa. You must save him."

Xu Xiaoting didn't say much, and leaned over to the old man, rolled the old man's eyelids, and then hurriedly performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the old man.

On the side, Fade Chen also squatted aside, and quietly checked the old man's pulse.

Xu Xiaoting gave first aid, but the old man's condition didn't seem to improve much. Instead, his condition continued to deteriorate, and his breathing gradually slowed down from the shortness of breath just now. The old man's face also began to pale a little bit.

Seeing this, the young man became anxious, grabbed Xu Xiaoting, glared at him fiercely, and shouted: "What did you do, why is my grandfather failing?"

"The old man's condition is critical. I, I tried my best, but—" Xu Xiaoting tried hard to explain.

But the young man seemed quite excited, "What do you mean by doing your best? I think you are a quack doctor, you don't understand anything. You killed my grandfather, and I want you to pay for my grandfather's life."

"I—" Xu Xiaoting was anxious and angry, wanting to explain.

But the young man didn't listen to Xu Xiaoting's explanation at all, instead he yelled at her.

At this moment, with a crisp "slap", a slap landed on the young man's face, knocking him into a daze.

Dazed for a moment, the young man looked at the man who was waving and beating him, his face changed drastically, and he said angrily: "You dare to hit me. You are in the same group. You are not here to save my grandpa, but to harm him. I'm going to call the police, and I'm going to arrest you all."

Shouting, the young man stretched out his hand, trying to catch Fade Chen.

But Fade Chen slapped the man's face again, and shouted angrily, "Your grandfather is not dead yet."

"However, if you delay my treatment any longer, your grandfather will die."

"You, you—" the young man covered his cheeks and looked at Fade Chen.

Fade Chen glared at him fiercely, then bent down, moved closer to the old man, took out the silver needle that he carried with him, and began to diagnose the old man with acupuncture and moxibustion.

Seeing this, the onlookers couldn't help discussing.

"This young man is a Chinese medicine doctor?"

"Is such a young Chinese medicine doctor reliable?"

"I don't think it looks like it. Aren't all Chinese medicine practitioners old?"

"Is it going to work? Don't worry if the ambulance didn't arrive, the old man was tossed away by these two young men."


The young man at the side was terrified when he heard it, and had doubts about Fade Chen. But at this moment, he didn't dare to stop Fade Chen, so he could only watch quietly.

A few minutes later, when the siren of an ambulance sounded outside the mall, Fade Chen pulled out the silver needle from the old man's body. The old man, who was almost unconscious and held his breath, exhaled and coughed, then sat up suddenly from the ground, opened his eyes immediately, and was actually revived.

The young man was extremely excited, and immediately came over, "Grandpa, you're fine, Grandpa, you—"

At this moment, the old man glared at the young man, then looked at Fade Chen and Xu Xiaoting, with expressions of gratitude on his face, "You two, thank you for saving your life. If it weren't for you, my old bones would be gone today. "

"Grandpa, how do you know?" Before Fade Chen and Xu Xiaoting could speak, the young man became puzzled.

The old man glared at him, and said: "I was still conscious at the time, but I just couldn't open my mouth. He was my savior. What were you doing at that time, you still have to call the police and arrest him. You still haven't apologized to the two benefactors and admitted your mistake."

"Yes, Grandpa, I'll apologize right away." The young man nodded, then bowed and apologized to Fade Chen and Xu Xiaoting.

The two waved their hands, indicating that it was nothing.

At this time, the personnel in the ambulance came in with a stretcher.

Although the old man said that he was fine, the young man still insisted that the old man follow the ambulance to the hospital for an examination.

When he was about to get into the ambulance, the old man suddenly thought of something, and gave Chen Fei a business card, "Young man, this is my contact information. If you need any help, you can call me."

After waving goodbye to the old man, Fade Chen looked at the business card in his hand.

Business cards are simple, just name and phone number, nothing fancy.

"Xu Houfeng!" Fade Chen chewed on the name, and then put away the business card.

Afterwards, the two left, and Fade Chen sent Xu Xiaoting to the bus, and then went home by himself.

Back home, Wang Ma and Lin Qiuhan were eating. Seeing Chen Fei coming back, Wang Ma hurriedly got up and said, "Master, you are back. Come and sit down, I will serve you a meal."

"Wang Ma, don't bother, I've already eaten outside." Fade Chen said.

"Ah, I've eaten." Wang Ma said in surprise.

Quin Lin wasn't very surprised. She glanced at Fade Chen, and said casually, "Did you eat with Xu Xiaoting?"

"Well, yes. We bought something in the mall, and then we ate together." Fade Chen replied casually, and then asked, "How do you know?"

Inexplicably, Lin Qiuhan felt a sense of resentment and unhappiness welling up in his heart. Suddenly, she lost her appetite, slapped the chopsticks on the table, turned and went upstairs, "I'm full."

"Here, what's wrong with her?" Lin Qiuhan's inexplicable emotional change made Fade Chen stunned.

Wang Ma glanced at Fade Chen, sighed, and said, "Uncle, between you and Miss, what is—"

She originally wanted to ask what was going on with their relationship, but then she thought of Lin Qiuhan's character, waved her hand and said, "Young master, act like I didn't say anything."

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