While the two were chatting, suddenly, there was a sound of glass breaking from the back room, accompanied by the sound of falling to the ground.

Hearing the sound, Anita's complexion changed instantly, and she rushed into the back room, "Mom!"

Fade Chen also quickly put down the egg waffles, got up quickly, and rushed in.

As soon as he entered the back room, Fade Chen immediately saw the middle-aged woman lying on the ground clutching her heart in pain, with beads of sweat dripping down her forehead. Beside her, there is a broken teacup and tea spilled on the ground.

"Mom, what's wrong with you, you're sick again?" Anita was shocked, and rushed to support her mother.

Enduring the pain, the middle-aged woman shook her head and said, "Xiao An, I'm fine. Go and get me some medicine. I'll take it and I'll be fine in a while."

"Mom, I'd better take you to the hospital. I'll call someone over right away." While speaking, Anita took out her mobile phone and quickly made a call, "Mary, this is Anita, I have something urgent, please call Ambulance, contact the best hospital. I'm at No. xx Violet Avenue."

The middle-aged woman on the ground waved her hand and said to Anita, "Xiao An, don't bother to go to the hospital. This is an old problem, and there is no way to cure it. Just take it easy."

"Mom, how can I do that?" Anita shook her head and said, "Mom, you must treat your illness well this time. If Xiangjiang can't do it, I'll take you to England for treatment, or if it doesn't work, go to America for treatment. I will definitely Find a way to heal you."

The middle-aged woman shook her head and said, "Xiao An, no need, I—"

While speaking, the middle-aged woman's complexion suddenly tightened, and a more painful look appeared on her face, she clutched her heart, and her cheeks wrinkled into a ball.

Such a situation made Anita even more worried, and she was so anxious that she wanted to call again.

At this moment, Fade Chen came over and calmly said, "Xiao An, let me take a look."

"A Fei, you—" Anita looked at Fade Chen in surprise.

Fade Chen held the middle-aged woman's wrist and checked her pulse. At the same time, he explained to Anita: "I am a Chinese medicine doctor. I will show my aunt first."

"Uh, I'll trouble you, Ah Fei." Anita said to Fade Chen.

Fade Chen nodded, and then began to check carefully.

After some inspections, Fade Chen let go of his hands, and took out a pair of silver needles, ready to give acupuncture to middle-aged women.

Seeing that Fade Chen was about to give the needle, Anita's complexion changed slightly, and she was a little nervous.

Fade Chen understood her concerns, so he didn't give the needle rashly, but looked at Anita sincerely, and said, "Xiao An, I can cure Auntie's illness. Do you believe me?"

"I—" Anita was taken aback, hesitated for a few seconds, then nodded, looked at Fade Chen, and said seriously, "I believe in you."

"I won't let you down." Fade Chen nodded, then waved his hands, and quickly started to inject needles.

In just a few minutes, the middle-aged woman's neck, forehead, and wrists were covered with silver needles.

Seeing this situation, Anita clasped her hands nervously in front of her chest, her face full of worry.

However, immediately, she discovered something unusual.

Following Fade Chen's injection, the pained expression on the mother's face improved obviously, and the bead-sized beads of sweat on her forehead also slowly dissipated.

"This—" Anita looked at Fade Chen in surprise.

Fade Chen quickly tapped the middle-aged woman a few times, injected a breath of real energy, then took out the silver needle, and said to Anita: "Xiao An, Auntie's condition has stabilized. Next, I will open it for you." A prescription, you follow the prescription and give auntie the medicine for a month, and the condition will be cured."

"Healed up!" Anita looked surprised and looked at Fade Chen in disbelief.

Fade Chen wrote a prescription, and then explained: "Auntie's cause is in the heart and lungs. According to traditional Chinese medicine, it is the poor meridians caused by the deficiency and cold of the heart and lungs. I have opened up her meridians with acupuncture and breath. Next, I will only It needs to be warmed with nourishing medicine for a period of time before it can be completely cured."

"That's great, thank you so much, Ah Fei." Anita was full of surprise.

At this moment, there was a sound of car brakes outside, and then a sound of footsteps rushing in quickly.

Fade Chen got up and looked over, only to see several medical staff in white coats walking over quickly.

In front of the medical staff, there was a stylishly dressed woman in her thirties who rushed to Anita's side anxiously and said, "Anita, how can you run around at such a critical moment. You are an international star, if you run around like this, what should you do if something goes wrong, you—”

Anita quickly stopped the fashionable woman's words, and said, "Mary, it's not about talking about these things now. Let's check on my mother's illness first. I'll talk about the rest when I go back."

When mentioning this, Mary didn't say any more, she just stood tightly against Anita, as if she was worried that she would run away.

At this moment, Fade Chen looked at Mary's fashionable dress, and thought about what she said just now. There was a thump in my mind, and I finally remembered something.

Immediately, he looked at Anita with a look of surprise, "Xiao An, you, are you that, the internationally renowned singer mentioned on the radio——Anita?"

Anita said to Chen Fei with some embarrassment: "A Fei, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lie to you."

"It's nothing!" Fade Chen waved his hands, and then he was a little curious, and asked, "You are an international star, how could you—"

"I actually—" Anita was about to explain.

Manager Mary looked at Fade Chen warily, interrupted Anita at the right time, and said, "Anita, it's better to send auntie to the hospital first, and have a good checkup."

"A Fei just said that my mother got sick and was cured, this—" Anita said.

"Ah Fei?" Mary narrowed her eyes, looked at Fade Chen, and said, "Anita, for Auntie's condition, it's better to go to a regular big hospital for a checkup, which is more trustworthy."

"But, Ah Fei—" Anita hesitated.

Chen Fei could understand Mary's thoughts and didn't want to embarrass Anita, so he smiled and said, "Xiao An, it's more reassuring to go to the hospital for an examination. If you don't mind, I will go to the hospital with my aunt."

"Then I will trouble you, Ah Fei." Anita thanked her.

Immediately, a group of people went out, ready to get in the car.

But at this moment, Fade Chen's cell phone rang. When Fade Chen looked at the caller ID, it was Xie Yuan calling. His face darkened, and he immediately connected the call, "Old Xie, what's the matter?"

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