After Anita heard it, she looked at Li Han strangely, and said, "Does it have anything to do with you if I believe A Fei's words or not?"

"Uh——" Li Han was speechless for a moment, froze for a moment, and then opened his mouth to defend himself.

But at this time, Anita waved her hand and said, "Besides, I will definitely believe in A Fei's words more than yours."

Now, Li Han was speechless.

The surrounding reporters keenly captured the key points, and immediately asked Anita a series of questions.

"Miss Anita, may I ask, are you familiar with this gentleman?"

"You call him A Fei, and the address is so intimate, may I ask if you have an intimate relationship different from ordinary people?"

"Miss Anita, what do you think of Mr. Ah Fei's products?"


Facing everyone's questions, Anita did not evade, and said directly and generously: "This Ah Fei, named Chen Fei, is my friend and benefactor, and has helped me a lot. Let me greet my friends, it's nothing question."

As soon as these words came out, everyone couldn't help being shocked.

Especially Li Han and Lin Bai, they were still sneering at Fade Chen just now, but they didn't expect that others would have such an international star friend as Anita.

When Fade Chen was thrown out by Anita, he immediately became the focus of the reporters' attention, and was almost surrounded by the reporters.

Fade Chen was not good at dealing with reporters, so he hurriedly got away and asked Sister Ling to help him deal with it.

Anita looked at Chen Fei who was running away in a panic, and couldn't help feeling amused, "A Fei, I didn't expect that such a powerful doctor and expert like you would be afraid of reporters!"

"I'm not your big star, I'm used to being chased and intercepted by reporters." Fade Chen smiled, and then asked, "Xiao An, which product did you endorse for when you came to the exhibition?"

Anita shook her head and said, "I don't know much about cosmetics, so I didn't endorse any product. It's just that the Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce invited me over and asked me to promote it at the booth of this exhibition."

"So that's the case!" Fade Chen nodded.

Anita smiled and said, "I didn't expect, A Fei, you are in the cosmetics business, I thought you were a doctor!"

"Do you want me to endorse your company's products?" Anita laughed.

Fade Chen said with a smile: "Our company can't afford a big star like you."

Anita smiled and said: "A Fei, you saved my mother, how could I accept your money, otherwise, I will give you a free endorsement."

Fade Chen waved his hand and said, "I can't take advantage of you, Xiao An. Here, for a star like you, Xiao An, to endorse an unknown product, it might affect your image."

Anita curled her lips and said, "I don't care what outsiders say about my image. I'm a singer, and my music works are my image."

"A Fei, you really don't want me to endorse your product?" Anita blinked her eyes.

If Anita could speak for her, Fade Chen would be really excited. However, Fade Chen didn't want her to speak for her in this way.

After hesitating for a while, Fade Chen said: "Well, let's not talk about the endorsement. Xiao An, try our company's products and see how you feel."

Anita nodded, then took a bottle of moisturizing cream that Fade Chen handed over, opened it, and applied a little on the back of her hand.

At the beginning, Anita just nodded slightly, and whispered in her mouth: "The fragrance is very good, light and light, very comfortable. And it doesn't feel greasy, and the touch is very delicate——"

Talking, talking. Seeing the change in the skin on the back of her hand, Anita suddenly exclaimed, "Ah! This, this is too amazing!"

Immediately, Anita stroked the skin on the back of her hand, looked at Fade Chen in disbelief, and said, "Ah Fei, is this true? I just put on a little bit, and the skin became whiter, tenderer and more delicate. That's great."

Fade Chen nodded with a smile, and said, "I developed the formula for this product myself."

Having said that, Anita nodded immediately, and said with a smile: "So it was developed by you, A Fei, so I believe it even more."

"A Fei, now your product, even if you don't want me to endorse it, I will rush to endorse it. It's okay to pay for it." Anita looked at Fade Chen excitedly.

Fade Chen was a little surprised by Anita's attitude, and couldn't help asking curiously: "Xiao An, are you kidding me?"

Anita said seriously: "I'm not kidding, Ah Fei, to be honest, even if I was asked to endorse this product with 5 million or 10 million, I would be willing."

"This, this—why?" Fade Chen really didn't expect such a thing to happen. In his heart, he still thought that Anita wanted to repay him, so he said that on purpose.

However, at this moment, Anita looked very serious, and said solemnly: "A Fei, you still don't know how good your product is. Products with this effect are unique in the world. I believe , your product will definitely be popular all over the world, defeating those European and American cosmetic giants."

"Now, I endorse your product, and when it becomes popular all over the world, it will bring me greater influence. I'm also using you!"

Although Anita said so, Fade Chen still felt warm in his heart, and smiled at Anita: "Xiao An, then please endorse me. Of course, you don't need to post back, we will pay you. We will discuss the contract matter later. discuss."

"Well, it's settled." Anita said excitedly, then directly picked up a bottle of cosmetics, walked up to the reporters and fans, and began to promote, "Everyone, this is the latest product of Afei Company. Just now, I used Tried it and the results are amazing, the product..."

It's a little surprising that Anita actually advertises a company's products in public, and it's a company that didn't enter the exhibition list.

Li Han's complexion changed even more, he knew that if there was Anita's publicity. Then, the result of his own Meizi Cosmetics Company finally pushing the Qiu Group out of the exhibition is useless.

Immediately, Li Han's face darkened, and his eyes rolled quickly.

Afterwards, his eyes lit up, and he questioned: "Miss Anita, as the spokesperson of this exhibition, I am afraid that it is inappropriate for you to recommend such a product that has not entered the exhibition."

Li Han's doubts are also doubts in many people's minds.

For a while, many camera lenses were all aimed at Anita.

But at this moment, Anita, facing doubts, said to Li Han unceremoniously: "I don't think there is anything inappropriate! This product works very well. I have used it before, so I just recommend it to everyone."

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