The continuous bidding surprised everyone at the scene, and they couldn't help but look at Fade Chen and the old man, with doubts on their faces.

After all, in their opinion, this herb is really not worth mentioning. The so-called nourishing function, these bigwigs can buy all kinds of nourishing products to replace it, and they don't need it at all.

But when they saw the two bidders, they couldn't help but change their expressions.

Needless to say, Fade Chen, they were not familiar with it at all. But the white-haired old man was more familiar to the bosses present.

My old man's name is Bai Wangchuan, a well-known old Chinese doctor in Xiangjiang, and he was well-known in Xiangjiang in the first ten or twenty years. It's just that in recent years, as he got older and the prevalence of western medicine made the old man gradually out of everyone's sight.

Bai Wangchuan Bailao bid for this herbal medicine, which surprised all the bosses, and he thought to himself, "Could it be that this herbal medicine is really effective, otherwise, how could an old Chinese doctor like Bailao rush to bid!"

Thinking about it this way, many bigwigs became interested, and they also raised their cards at this moment.

"One and a half million!"

"1.6 million!"

"1.62 million!"


"1.7 million!"

In the end, after some bidding, the price was set above 1.7 million from a building material dealer. Compared with the 1.5 million just now, it has increased by 200,000.

However, no matter how high the price is, it will not continue. After all, everyone just came to bid because of Bai Lao's bidding and guessing in their hearts. How effective this herbal medicine is, everyone still has no idea. Therefore, naturally no higher price will be charged.

Fade Chen, who had been bidding with Bai Lao just now, couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw this situation.

He didn't expect that such an accident as Bai Lao's would suddenly raise the bidding price. After being taken aback for a moment, Fade Chen didn't care. He raised his placard again and directly quoted: "Two million!"

The real value of this dragon fibrous root is at least twenty million or more. Not to mention two million, even if it really cost twenty million to buy it, Fade Chen didn't hesitate.

So, at this moment, Fade Chen didn't care anymore, and started bidding directly.

The price was raised to two million in such a sudden, which surprised everyone.

Bai Lao's complexion sank even more, and he hesitated for a while. He gritted his teeth, and finally his arms trembled a little. He raised his sign and said, "Two million and two hundred thousand."

Bai Lao suddenly added another 200,000, which really surprised many people.

After all, everyone knows that although Bai Lao is quite famous, the business of the "Wangchuan Pavilion" he opened was also very booming. However, Wangchuan Pavilion has been following the strategy of low-cost operation for many years, and Bailao often treats the poor for free. Therefore, over the years, Bai Lao has not saved much money at all. His old man's net worth is probably less than one-thousandth or one-ten-thousandth compared with these bigwigs present.

Such a Bai Lao actually gritted his teeth and quoted a high price of 2.2 million, which made everyone really murmur in their hearts, wondering whether the dragon root is really very precious.

At this moment, Fade Chen also turned his head to look at Bailao, cupped his hands to him, and said, "Bailao, I'm sorry, I must get this herbal medicine."

After finishing speaking, Fade Chen directly quoted the price of "three million".

This time, Bai Lao showed a look of despair on his face, shook his head, and sat down.

Obviously, he was unable to continue bidding.

At this time, many alert businessmen at the scene turned their minds quickly. Someone had already approached Bai Lao and started asking.

"Old Bai, is this dragon root really precious? Can you please estimate how much that thing is worth?"

"Bai Lao, tell me the value of that dragon root. I can lend you money to bid for it."


Mr. Bai couldn't see what these businessmen were thinking, he shook his head and said, "I can't break the rules!"

Immediately, Bai Lao closed his eyes and kept silent.

Now, everyone had no choice but to look at Longgen and Fade Chen with doubts on their faces, hesitating in their hearts, as if they were considering whether to participate in this auction or not.

At this moment, Fade Chen reminded the auctioneer to continue.

The auctioneer asked for a while, and many people had ideas in their hearts, but they didn't raise their placards. After all, everyone can't say for sure whether this dragon root is worth money or not. You can't just throw away millions of dollars just for a guess.

Under such circumstances, the auctioneer picked up the gavel and was about to announce the auction result, "Three million, the third time, and finally—"

However, just as the auctioneer's gavel dropped the value, Jiang Chuan, who was sitting behind Fade Chen, suddenly raised a sign, "Three and a half million."

As soon as the price came out, everyone was shocked, and everyone's eyes couldn't help but look over.

Fade Chen also turned his head to look over, and found out that Jiang Chuan was bidding, so he couldn't help showing surprise.

With such an expression, Jiang Chuan couldn't help feeling refreshed. Looking at Fade Chen, he said in a low voice, "Don't you want this dragon root? Then I won't let you do so in a few days."

Fade Chen couldn't help frowning when he heard that. Immediately, Fade Chen paused, looked at Jiang Chuan, and said, "Really? Then continue."

After finishing speaking, Fade Chen raised his sign, "Four million!"

The price was increased by 500,000 again, and everyone was shocked again.

Jiang Chuan also frowned, looked at Fade Chen with a serious expression, holding the number plate in his hand, with a hesitant expression.

Seeing this, Fade Chen sneered and said, "What's the matter, Young Master Jiang? Didn't you say that you want me to fail to fulfill my wish? Why, just bid once and stop playing? I haven't enjoyed myself yet?"

These words immediately made Jiang Chuan frown and furious, almost instinctively raising a placard to bid.

But at the last moment when the number plate was raised, Jiang Chuan was shocked when he saw the smile flickering across Fade Chen's mouth, and pushed down the number plate.

At the same time, he looked at Fade Chen, and his mind turned quickly.

"On the surface, Fade Chen looks like he is going to win the dragon root, and he looks like he wants to bid with me to the end. I originally wanted to deliberately raise the price to make him spend more money."

"However, he just said directly that he is bound to win the dragon roots here. If he is really the one who is bound to win, how can he say such things publicly? Isn't this telling others his bottom line and letting others Keep bidding and raise the final bidding price. Such a result will only do harm to those who are truly bound to win."

"So, Fade Chen is not sure about getting this dragon root. Moreover, he deliberately irritated me just now and asked me to continue to bid. This further proves what I just thought. He is simply pretending to be powerful." It must be won. Instead, he wanted to take the opportunity to provoke me and ask me to bid a high price, and then he deliberately stopped the auction, and finally asked me to buy a piece of garbage at a high price."

"This Fade Chen is too insidious. I almost fell for him."

Thinking of this, Jiang Chuan couldn't help but suddenly realized. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said to Fade Chen: "I have seen through your tricks. It is not so easy to cheat me."

"Since you want this dragon root, it's yours." Jiang Chuan waved to Fade Chen, then completely put down the number plate, looked at Erlang's legs, and looked mocking at the show, "Mr. Chen is really proud, It costs four million to buy a tree root. I can't compare it! Haha!"

Jiang Chuan's gesture made other people who had some ideas completely give up the idea of ​​bidding at this moment, and all looked at Fade Chen.

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