The word "Zai" in Qiu Hai's mouth made many wealthy businessmen on the scene tremble, and the muscles on their faces twitched violently.

Doesn't this word mean that it's not the first time for Qiu Hai to sell fake products, but he is a repeat offender. Among the rich merchants present, many of them rushed to buy Qiu Hai's things.

For a moment, everyone's faces turned blue.

At this time, Qiu Hai couldn't care less, and continued: "This time, I went back to the Jiutian Pavilion to get some of my master's things, and sell them with mixed authenticity. But in the end, my master was on guard, and I Nothing of value was found."

"And just at this time, people from the Li family came to my master to ask for the Nine Heavens Mountain and Sea Talisman to keep old man Li Fuhua alive. But my master refused them, saying that he was too old to refine the Nine Heavens Mountain and Sea Talisman."

"Hearing this, my heart moved and I thought of counterfeiting the Nine Heavens Mountain and Sea Talisman."

"But I know that with my own strength, I can't imitate the fake Nine Heavens Mountain and Sea Talisman. Therefore, I had an idea and used another 'Five Fang Ziling Talisman' drawn by my master as a basis to imitate it."

"The five-direction nourishing talisman itself has the effect of nourishing and nourishing, and the quality is also good. Moreover, it has some similar effects to the nine-day mountain and sea talisman. So, I asked my master for a few five-direction nourishing talismans, and then I did it myself. Add drawing to form the style of Jiutian Mountain and Sea Talisman."

"Because there are very few Nine Heavens Mountain and Sea Talismans, everyone is not familiar with them. In addition, my drawing did not destroy the original structure of the Wufang Ziling Talisman, so this talisman seems to be completely effective, and it is difficult for ordinary people to distinguish."

"After finishing it, I will auction this fake Nine Heavens Mountain and Sea Talisman to make money."

Qiu Hai told the whole process of his fabrication and fabrication in one breath.

After hearing this, Fade Chen couldn't help sighing, this guy doesn't have to focus on the right way at all. Instead, they tried every means to use them in these crooked ways.

Anita couldn't help feeling worried at the moment. Fortunately, she was reminded by Fade Chen that she didn't participate in the auction. Otherwise, wouldn't it be a big loss to buy fake products.

As for Jiang Chuan, he was completely dumbfounded at the moment.

He took out the talisman that he had carefully put away just now, rubbed it in his hand, and couldn't tell what expression he had on his face, "This, this talisman——"

The other businessmen around, especially those who had participated in the auction, were feeling both fear and joy at the moment.

Fortunately, I didn't take a picture, otherwise, I would really be at a loss.

But Jiang Chuan was on the verge of crying right now. I spent a sky-high price of 200 million yuan to take this Nine Heavens Mountain and Sea Talisman, but it turned out to be a fake. Even if his Jiang family is rich, even if Jiang Chuan is the youngest of the Jiang family, he can't waste money like this!

For a moment, Jiang Chuan looked depressed and almost cried.

Fade Chen was not in the mood to look at Jiang Chuan's mournful face, turned around, and left directly with Anita and Wei Ling.

Qiu Hai hurriedly called someone to come over, helped him up from the ground, his face was extremely gloomy, and he staggered to leave.

At this time, Jiang Chuan held the talisman, with a bitter face, leaned in front of Qiu Hai, and said, "Young Master Qiu, this talisman, you—"

This meant that he wanted Qiu Hai to return the money.

However, how could Qiu Hai spit out the meat he bit into his mouth, snorted coldly, and said, "I've decided to leave it, what do you mean? Want to return it?"

With a bitter face, Jiang Chuan said, "Young Master Qiu, this, this talisman does not match, I—"

Qiu Hai's right arm was twisted like a twist, already in extreme pain, he had no intention of entangled with Jiang Chuan at all, and said coldly, "I've said everything that doesn't match, if you decide to leave, then you agree to leave. Don't tease me, otherwise, I will regard this as your Jiang family's declaration of war against my Jiutian Pavilion."

Against Jiutian Pavilion, Jiang Chuan would not dare to do such a thing. Quickly stepped back a few steps, waved his hands and said, "Young Master Qiu, I absolutely didn't mean that, I just—"

"Go away if you don't, I want to go back to heal!" After finishing speaking, Qiu Hai directly pushed Jiang Chuan away and strode away.

Jiang Chuan watched Qiu Hai's leaving back, and could only swallow the bitterness in his heart.

Immediately, his eyes darkened, looking at the direction Fade Chen was leaving, he gritted his teeth and said, "The one surnamed Chen is all your fault. You are to blame for the whole thing, and I will definitely not let you go."

This guy doesn't dare to offend Qiu Hai or Jiutian Pavilion. So he simply blamed Fade himself for being deceived. This can be regarded as finding a soft persimmon target for myself. In my heart, I should deceive myself.

However, what he didn't know was how powerful his self-righteous persimmon was.

After the turmoil of this auction, the entire cruise dinner has become a little chaotic, and everyone has no intention of continuing to have fun.

So, Boss Xie simply announced the end of the dinner ahead of schedule, and ordered the cruise ship to turn around and start the return journey.

After twelve o'clock at night, the cruise ship returned to the pier.

This group of top wealthy businessmen and dignitaries in Xiangjiang got off the boat in a hurry, and hurried back home.

Fade Chen also returned to the hotel with Anita and Wei Ling.

Although this cruise trip did not achieve the previously imagined commercial cooperation. However, for Chen Fei, it can be regarded as a benefit.

After all, with a low price of 4 million, I directly obtained the prefecture-level herbal dragon fibrous root. That would be even more beneficial to his wife Qiu Han's condition.

Moreover, on the other hand, Li Yuanfei of the Li family still owed him a bet of 100 million yuan. If he has time, Fade Chen doesn't mind taking a trip to get the debt back.

Coming to Qiu Han's room, Fade Chen quietly checked the pulse of Qiu Han who was already asleep, and said in a low voice: "Honey, I will definitely find a way to cure your condition, for sure!"

Immediately, Fade packed a quilt for Lin Qiuhan, then quietly walked out of the room, washed up, and went back to his room to rest.

And just after he left, Lin Qiuhan, who was asleep, opened his eyes, tilted his head, looked at the quilt that Fade Chen had made up, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, then closed his eyes, and fell asleep sweetly up.

Although he didn't sleep until early in the morning last night, Fade Chen still woke up early the next day.

After taking care of his wife's breakfast and medicine, Fade Chen answered the phone and went out immediately.

This time, the person who called him was none other than Bai Wangchuan, an old Chinese medicine doctor from Xiangjiang whom Fade met on the cruise ship yesterday.

After getting Fade Chen's prescription last night, Mr. Bai rushed back to try it on his son. As a result, the effect of the prescription was better than Bai Lao expected. The old man called Chen Fei early in the morning to express his thanks, and said that he would bring his son to visit him to thank him.

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