Elder Bai was still persuading him earnestly. At this time, Fade Chen asked Bai Zihan and Bai Zixiao next to him, "What's going on?"

The two quickly explained to Fade Chen, "Mr. Chen, this is how it happened. My grandfather..."

After listening to the narration of the two, Fade Chen couldn't help but look gloomy. Looking at Mr. Huang's expression, he was filled with chills.

It turned out that Bai Lao opened his medical clinic in this kind of civilian area in order to serve everyone and treat as many ordinary people and poor people as possible, so that their burden would not be too heavy.

Because of this, Bailao's Wangchuan Pavilion has always been very cheap to see a doctor, and it has always had a good reputation among the poor and ordinary people.

Even sometimes, the fee collected is not enough for the cost of the medicine, and the Wangchuan Pavilion has to pay for it.

Bai Lao's original intention of serving the public is naturally good.

But once the matter spread, it attracted some greedy people.

They heard that Bai Lao's medical treatment is very effective, and the medical expenses are very cheap. So, almost as long as they feel a little uncomfortable, they all squeeze into the Wangchuan Pavilion.

In this way, even if Bai Lao had the best intentions, he would not be able to serve so many people. After all, Bai Lao himself has limited energy. Moreover, if the medical center wants to continue to operate, it cannot always lose money.

Therefore, Bai Lao had no choice but to formulate the rules again. On the one hand, the price of some high-cost herbal medicines will be increased, so that the pharmacy will not lose money as much as possible. On the other hand, the patients who come to see a doctor are selected and identified.

If the patient's family conditions are good and they can afford the hospital's medical expenses, they should stop coming here to compete with the poor for medical resources.

Of course, if the conditions are good and you have to come to Bailao for treatment, you will be charged according to the normal hospital charging standards. It is impossible for Bai Lao to use his own money to subsidize these qualified people. He can only try to help those who are poor and cannot afford it.

Such a rule is naturally a good idea. It's just that when it was implemented, it encountered many difficulties at once.

In terms of increasing the cost of herbal medicine, it is relatively easy to operate. Although in many cases, Bai Lao will take the initiative to lower the price when he encounters poor patients.

But another measure, screening the family conditions of patients, is more difficult to implement. The people nearby, Bai Lao and everyone are more familiar, and it is easier to identify them.

As for people who came from other places, if they were not familiar with the situation, it would be difficult for Bai Lao to identify them. In this case, the kind-hearted Bai Lao naturally treated them as poor patients.

This Mr. Huang came to see a doctor from another place just a month ago.

At that time, he was dressed in shabby and ragged clothes, and he looked very poor indeed. At that time, Bai Lao was kind-hearted, and almost asked for no money to prescribe medicine for him to cure his illness.

As a result, Mr. Huang kept coming over, almost two or three times a week.

Sometimes I am sick, and sometimes I bring sick relatives and friends. For a while, I have a cold and cough, and for a while, I have inflammation and get angry. In short, various diseases emerge in endlessly.

This kind of situation is okay once or twice, but this guy has come seven or eight times in a month, which naturally aroused Bai Lao's suspicion.

So, Bai Lao asked someone to secretly inquire about Mr. Huang's situation.

In the end, the results of the investigation made Boss Bai furious.

This guy didn't come to see a doctor at all. Instead, he used Bai Lao's kindness to make money.

He first used himself or found some other patients, and dressed up as poor to see a doctor in the Wangchuan Pavilion. Bai Lao saw that he was poor, and after prescribing the medicine, he hardly received money, or received very little money.

Afterwards, this Huang Wu left the pharmacy and directly resold the newly prescribed medicine to other patients outside, making a profit from it.

Because almost all the patients he brought were some common diseases, and the medicine prescribed by Wangchuan Pavilion was very effective. He sold the medicine at almost no cost, and the supply was almost in short supply.

In just one month, this guy made tens of thousands of dollars by reselling drugs like this.

Moreover, what makes Bai Lao even more angry is that the result of the investigation is. This Huang Wu is not a poor man at all, but owns his own real estate and shops, and his family property is several million.

As a result, Bai Lao was naturally very angry, and added Huang Wu to the blacklist of the Wangchuan Pavilion. The patients he brought will never be diagnosed again in the future.

After Huang Wu learned that his plot had been seen through, he simply brought the patient he saw in the Wangchuan Pavilion for the last time, who was his wife, to the clinic to blackmail him.

At this moment, Fade Chen, with extremely gloomy eyes, looked at Huang Wu who was quarreling with Bai Lao, stepped forward, slapped him on the face, and said coldly: "Get out!"

Fade Chen would not be polite to this kind of scum.

This kind of person is not cheating money. What's worse is that he is overdrawing the public's kindness. If there are more such people, there will only be fewer and fewer people who do good deeds. In the end, in the whole society, no one wants to be a good person or do good deeds.

The burly Huang Wu was almost knocked down by Chen Fei's slap, his face was hot.

Immediately, his face became angry, and he glared at Fade Chen fiercely, with a fierce look in his eyes, "Boy, what are you, dare to hit me. I want to kill you."

While speaking, Huang Wu showed his thick arms, clenched his fist, and was about to throw it at Fade Chen.

Seeing this, Bai Zihan and Bai Zixiao couldn't help feeling nervous, and rushed forward, trying to block the attack for Fade Chen, "Mr. Chen, be careful!"

Fade Chen turned his head and smiled at them, saying, "Don't worry, I'll be fine. This kind of scum can't even move a hair on me."

While speaking, Fade Chen kicked out, and directly hit back, kicking Huang Wu's stomach fiercely, kicking him into the air, hitting the ground heavily, and a mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth.

"Ah, husband. If you dare to hit my husband, I will fight with you." Seeing that Huang Wu was injured, the obese woman with a sallow complexion stood up from her seat and rushed towards Fade Chen.

Fade Chen was a little surprised by this, he didn't expect this woman to react so strongly. I thought she was a liar invited by Huang Wu, but judging by her posture, she might be Huang Wu's wife.

Of course, from another perspective. This Huang Wu was really ruthless enough to let his wife fall ill on purpose to cheat money and blackmail.

Looking at the fat sallow woman, Fade Chen frowned and was about to make a move. But seeing her sallow cheeks and sweaty forehead, she couldn't help retracting her fist, and sternly shouted: "Stop!"

The obese woman was suddenly frightened by Fade Chen's aura, and stood where she was, not daring to move.

Fade Chen looked at her coldly, and said: "It's a small thing to blackmail and cheat money, but if you really make yourself seriously ill, then the gain will outweigh the loss."

"You, what do you mean by that?" The fat woman's expression became tense.

Fade Chen said coldly: "You will know when you go to the hospital for an examination."

"I, I—" The woman hesitated for a while, doubting the authenticity of Fade Chen's words.

But at this time, Huang Wu outside said: "Honey, don't listen to his nonsense, he is lying to you. Quickly help me up."

The obese woman's eyes changed, she rushed out quickly, helped Huang Wu up, and walked away.

It's just that when he was leaving, Huang Wu pointed viciously at the medical center and said: "You wait for me, I will come back."

Facing these threats, Fade Chen didn't take them seriously at all, but felt a little sad for his wife, "Looking at the symptoms, the condition is not serious. What happens next is up to them."

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