"Miss! Really invite him back? Young master, I'm waiting to see your joke. If there's something wrong with the doctor here, isn't it easy to say? " Li Li stood up with his waist covered and said with a sad face.

Thinking of her brother waiting to see her jokes at home, Li Yueyao's face was even paler.

"Father, we have no way back." Li Yueyao takes a deep breath.

Li Yueli would like to have a sneak look at her Let's go and get some experts from the city? At least better than this barefoot doctor? "

"I think Lin Xiao should have some skills."

Lin Xiao looked at them muttering and said with a smile, "have you considered it clearly? The old man of your family has a cycle of 30 days. In the second cycle, his hematopoietic function will be affected. Once he enters the cycle, it will be difficult for immortals to cure. "

After hesitating for a moment, Li Yueyao clenched her teeth and said firmly, "good! I promise!! As long as you save my father, I'll let you work in the Li family! "

"Deal!" Lin Xiao snapped his fingers and laughed brightly.

Chongshan group is the great enjoyment of Longteng real estate industry. Its manor alone covers an area of several hundred mu, which is magnificent.

In the past month, Li Chongshan, chairman of the group, was critically ill, which attracted many people's speculation. Inside the Li family, people were in constant panic, and all kinds of rumors poured in.

For all this, Li Yueming, the eldest son of the Li family, doesn't seem to care at all. He is still as calm as ever.

At the moment, he was sitting on the large leather sofa in the living room on the first floor of the villa, leaning lazily. Holding a nail clipper in his hand, he gently polished it as if nothing had happened, and occasionally blew the crumbs on his hand.

Around, there were six black bodyguards with big arms and round waists, wearing sunglasses and holding hands, with very serious expressions.

Opposite Li Yueming, a middle-aged man in a white shirt was standing with a bow.

Li Zhong, the housekeeper.

"My good sister, she hasn't come back yet?" Li Yueming lowered his eyes and asked faintly.

"Go back to the master, miss, and ask for some miracle doctor. He should be back soon."


"Doctor!" Li Yueming disdained to curl his mouth, "the old man's disease is so serious, how many doctors are invited to see it, a small broken village, what kind of doctor can there be?"

"Well The young master said yes


Li Yueming threw the nail clipper on the table, leaned on all fours, frowned and said, "the cardio cerebrovascular expert from Europe will be here soon. It's much better than any cure doctor. Later, you go outside and wait. Please come in politely. Do you understand?"

"Good young master!" Li Zhong nodded quickly.

"Well!" Li Yueming stood up slowly and stretched, "I'll go up and have a look at the old man. Is it time to feed him?"

"How can I trouble you, young master? I'll go!" Not far away, sister Wang, who was cleaning, hurriedly came over and nodded and asked with a smile.

"Come on, you're busy!" Li Yueming waved his hand impatiently and stepped up the stairs.

When Li Yueming left, everyone on the scene was relieved and his face softened a lot.

I don't know why, when Li Yueming is here, everyone can feel a cold breath, and the mood will be inexplicably nervous.

"You guys, follow me to meet the experts!" After taking a breath, Li Zhongshu immediately raised his face and said to several bodyguards.

It didn't take long for the cardio cerebrovascular experts from Europe to arrive. A long Bentley, slowly into the manor, under the guidance of Li Zhong, into the villa outside the parking lot.

Then, a middle-aged man with half white hair and tall figure came out of the car, followed by a bag carrying assistant.

He was a master of traditional Chinese medicine, and he was very responsible for central cerebral vascular research. He was a young man.

Li Yueguang spent a lot of money on his return first.

"Professor Du, the young master has ordered you to have a rest first."

"No! I'm very busy. Let's go and see the old man first. " Du Zhongtian's eyes are very bright, his beard is neatly trimmed, and he speaks slowly. He is a typical European gentleman.

"All right!" Li Zhongshan smiles and quickly points his finger to the road.

"The young master has made a lot of efforts for his illness. If he can invite Professor Du, he will be saved."

"Well!" Du Zhongtian snorted faintly, with a proud face.

"This way, please!" Li Zhong carefully guided the way.

Just after they got in, Li Yueyao's car came back and stopped beside Bentley. Li Li got off and helped Li Yueyao open the door.

With a melancholy face, Li Yueyao sighed in her heart, hoping that the miracle doctor would really work and save her father's life.

At the moment, Du Zhongtian's face is calm in the bedroom on the third floor. He has just finished some necessary checks for Li Chongshan, but the situation seems not very good."How's it going?" Li Yueming, Li Zhong and others came together and asked nervously.

"Not so good!" Du Zhongtian shook his head slightly and locked his brows tightly.

After so many years as a doctor, Du Zhongtian saw such a strange disease for the first time.

Preliminary diagnosis, such as foreign body compression of heart valve, resulting in insufficient blood supply to brain, causing systemic functional atrophy.

However, with the further diagnosis, it was found that Li Chongshan's respiratory system was also damaged. If it was more serious, it was likely to have respiratory failure and life-threatening.

"My dad, he What's going on? Is there any help? " Li Yueming raised his eyebrows and cried to Du Zhongtian.

I spent millions to ask you to come back, just to hear you sigh here? It's business to cure me.

All the uncles in the family are watching. Whoever can cure Li Chongshan's disease will have a greater chance of becoming the successor.

"I can only say Have a try Du Zhongtian gave a bitter smile.

It can be seen that Du Zhongtian is not sure.

Housekeeper Li Zhong is a little nervous. If even Du Zhongtian can't cure the master's disease, who else in the world can cure it?

"Bring me the bag!" Du Zhongtian frowned and held out his hand.

The assistant quickly handed over a heavy cloth bag.

Put the bag on the head of the bed, take out a piece of oilcloth and open it carefully, revealing hundreds of silver needles, big and small, shining.

"Turn the patient over." Du Zhongtian said as he pulled out a few silver needles the size of his little fingers and twirled them gently.

The assistant hurried to one side and, together with the housekeeper Li Zhong, was about to turn Li Chongshan over.

Suddenly, a voice of banter came in from the door.

"If you move like this, you will kill the patient!"

Lin Xiao stepped on his slippers, put his hand in his pocket, and walked in indifferently.

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