After all, the recent toxic seafood incident has almost made the whole Xiangjiang people panic.

Although the vast majority of Xiangjiang people were not poisoned, many people were frightened. In recent days, the outpatient departments of major hospitals are full, and many Xiangjiang citizens have come to ask for examination.

Even if there is no problem with the results, some people still suspect that there is not much toxin in their bodies, so it has not appeared yet. So, I want to take all kinds of drugs to fight against the poisonous seafood.

And Chen Fei is looking at this group of middle-aged women, a burst of frown.

All of a sudden, these people began to shout, which immediately changed the faces of the other guests around them and made them feel a little worried. The customer who was going to buy the antidote stopped his action at the moment.


"Is it antidote or poison that you sell? Give us an explanation?"

"My mother is so old that she drank your medicine yesterday and went directly to the hospital."

"My son, too, has diarrhea after drinking your medicine."

Behind her, the group of middle-aged women also fell their handbags on the ground, whistling.

"Speak well! Hum, what's the asshole antidote sold in your shop? After my husband bought it and drank it, he vomited all night. Give me an explanation. " The fat woman exclaimed.

Chen Fei's face suddenly sank and his expression became cold. He said, "this guest, if you have something to do, you can talk to us well."

However, this group of people completely ignored Chen Fei's words. On the contrary, a fat woman with a weight of about 1670 kg stood up in a huff, threw her handbag on the counter and said angrily, "line up, what line? I want your pharmacy to give me an explanation. "

This situation made Chen Fei frown. He looked at the middle-aged women in a cold voice and said, "ladies and gentlemen, if you want to buy medicine or see a doctor, please line up outside."

At the door, they greet the shop assistants with a smile. As a result, the middle-aged women just push them away and rush into the shop. Even some other guests in the shop were crowded out, causing a small amount of confusion for a while.

Almost all of them were middle-aged women in their 40s. They carried their bags and came to the store in indignation.

Suddenly, a group of about ten people appeared in front of the store.

Just as Chen Fei was going to have a rest and give the rest of the patients to his assistant.

Even so, Chen Fei is also very busy sweating, until 4 p.m., this will be in line at the door of the long team diagnosis almost.

In this way, the order of the scene is much better. After all, although Chen Fei's medical skill is very powerful, among the ordinary people in Xiangjiang, not many people know it. It will take some time for word-of-mouth to spread.

At the same time, Chen Fei also made a change. If it's just to buy antidotes, Chen Fei directly sends the clerks out to sell them, so that they don't have to wait in line. The rest of the people who want to see a doctor are waiting to continue to line up.

Moreover, because there are too many people, there has been a long line at the door. Chen Fei had to let the employees in the store go out to maintain order.

The next day, the business of the drugstore was even more prosperous. Half a day's turnover has already exceeded yesterday's one day's turnover.

But after the final settlement, we found that the revenue from selling antidotes on the first day was twice the cost. If it goes on like this, the investment of the branch store should be able to recover the cost in a month.

As a result, the first day's business of chengyaoguan was more prosperous than Chen Fei and Wei Ling expected. Although they have deliberately lowered the price of the disinfectant, they are even ready to lose money for a year and a half.

Some of the people who just saw the sick went back and brought their relatives, friends and neighbors.

Coupled with the considerate service of Yaoyao pharmacy, and the superb medical skills that Chen Fei shows from time to time, the business of the store is becoming more and more popular.

The price of antidotes is not high, almost half of the price of the same kind of drugs in Xiangjiang, which is far lower than those so-called health antidotes that have flooded the market recently.

Trust Chen Fei, let Chen Fei prescribe medicine directly in the pharmacy. For those who don't trust, Chen Fei doesn't say much, just let them go back and verify.

Sometimes, Chen Fei even takes the initiative to diagnose some customers and point out their other physical problems.

Chen Fei received these guests in person in the pharmacy with a smile on his face and sold them the antidote. At the same time, he explained some information about the seafood toxin to help us enhance our understanding.

In this way, when the Xiangjiang branch of chengyaoguan opened, a group of people gathered at the door.

Moreover, Chen Fei also used the relationship between the director of the TV station Huang to make an advertisement on TV.

Preventive medicine was also produced quickly by Chen Feifei. It was mainly made of some detoxification herbs mixed and milled. It was very convenient to produce.Chen Fei is not bad money, directly rented a floor in the downtown area, as the branch of chengyaoguan in Xiangjiang.

Rather than let these illegal businessmen make money and harm others at the same time, let Chen Fei sell the medicine that can really prevent and detoxify "poisonous seafood" to everyone. On the one hand, it can really prevent and detoxify the effect, and on the other hand, it can promote the development of chengyaoguan and traditional Chinese medicine in Xiangjiang.

And these products are all invalid health care products. After eating, it is impossible to prevent "poisonous seafood", or even cause physical discomfort.

Now Xiangjiang, vaguely already appeared this kind of symptom. In response to this panic, some private doctors and small health products companies quickly began to sell their products under the banner of prevention and treatment of "poisonous seafood".

Some of them even take the opportunity to speculate and seek profits.

For example, after the earthquake and nuclear leakage in the island countries in those years, it led to the salt grabbing incident in China. We all know it's ridiculous, but there are still so many people robbing salt.

This kind of panic psychology, even if there is time to know that there is no reason, but most people will follow the crowd to do these things.

If one or two guests have diarrhea, it may be due to their special constitution. Then it is absolutely impossible for so many people to have diarrhea collectively.

In this case, there is something wrong with your own medicine. Or they're lying. And for his own medicine, Chen Fei has full confidence, his medicine is no problem.

So, there's only one conclusion. These people are lying. They came together on purpose to find fault.

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